User Reviews (4)

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  • Cal (Simon Phillips) and Terry (Doug Phillips) are British brothers and hopeless con-men in Las Vegas. They owe $30k to a mob boss. Their last con is a ridiculous scam and the cops are after them. Terry has another drunk idea. Steal Charlie Chaplin's corpse.

    This real life premise is ridiculous enough to turn into a fun fictional screwball crime comedy. This is a low budget indie. These guys may even be brothers. I don't know. They are mildly funny. The accent probably kept me from really getting them. They could be fun side characters. This is mostly a borderline indie production. Some parts are better than others.
  • Omerta75218 November 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Interesting concept, fun movie to watch. I loved it!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    " . . . reviewers" have written? Before answering that question, why not ask yourself about how many flicks you've previously enjoyed that involving digging up dead presidents (TOMB RAIDER), serial killers (SILENCE OF THE LAMBS) or prophets (RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK). I'm sure that if French film makers had as much imagination as those in the USA, they'd be able to come up with a rip-snorting movie about digging up Joan of Arc. However, America's Tinsel Town thinks that its self-proclaimed "stars" are somehow sacrosanct, and therefore entitled to be immune from common grave robbers. Nevertheless, with such American folk heroes as Abe Lincoln, John Dillinger and Jimmy Hoffa all having been at the center of American Diggers plots over the years, it is more than hypocritical to disparage STEALING CHAPLIN for championing the American Way.
  • johnsoncarson-519317 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoyed it except the strange impossible chance meeting at the very, very, end.