User Reviews (13)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    My folks found it a refreshing diversion from the predominately violent network reruns. But, to me, it was more like a spaghetti Western version of a Hallmark TV-movie. By that, I mean all the "Afghanistan" scenes had actually been filmed in Spain (probably Almeria). While the "Camden, Georgia" scenes were actually filmed in Italy (the region of Apulia)!

    Then, there was the geological inaccuracy concerning diamonds. The only known naturally-occurring source in the United States is much further west. In the state of Arkansas.

    Thank God for undisabled fast-forward.

    In summary, then: watch this with your wife and kids if you have some. Otherwise, watch an old monster movie from TCM On Demand. Bachelors will enjoy the latter a lot more!
  • Thought there was a reasonable story lurking somewhere in here. A less wooden cast and better production values could've made for a good film. But sadly it was very much B territory. Tim Rozon, so good in Wynonna Earp, was disappointing. Abbie Cornish has done better work, Lola Sultan did well. The dog was definitely the star!
  • This movie is one step up from the Room or Samurai Cop. Don't watch it with the expectation that you're watching something serious. The writing is intentionally terrible or was created using Artificial intelligence. It's dramatic & illogical storyline makes this film hilarious and one you cannot pass up. One of the best parts begins with William Baldwin philosophizing about cats being soldiers on the battlefield. The movie starts and ends in two entirely different places and most of it has nothing to do with a Belgian Malinois. The movie may even be considered a psychological thriller to those who partake. Have fun.
  • This is a poor film, having watched 'Dog' and 'Ruby' recently I thought this would be in the ball park. Wrong. Predictable, weak characters, poor story, and sickly sweet. The dog was good though, that's why it got three instead of two. I like dogs so I'm not going to say the dog was rubbish. Watch Ruby instead, far better film.
  • olorin-5712326 May 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    My kids in elementary school would write a better movie and have more depth in character.

    Anyway you see it its a 0 movie. You mix all the idiotic american stereotypical cliches , the american hero, the stupid mean hillbilly cop, the kid missing a father, who was a war hero, and a volunteer fireman who had a super dog that was smarter than the whole family put together, but just 2 dumb guys with a net "cornered" her in the woods and the family got worried and prayed that the soldier dog will return home etc .. MY GOD the stupidity.
  • There really is very little redeeming that can be said about the movie other than the dog is a beautiful specimen of a Belgian Melanos. The script is rubbish, the acting is subpar, the plot is ridiculous... a complete waste of time.

    Filled with cliches, a stupid plot, bad acting, bad dialogue... high school drama students could do 100c better than this and still fail with an F because this deserves a zero rating or less. Thankfully it was free but even then, I felt gipped out of time I will bever get back and anyone that watches it probably feels dumber for the effort they put in.

    This thing is worse that a straight to video release, it is straight to the dumpster or landfill.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film start with a daughter walking out from her house, and she picking up the eggs scene! As turnout, this film is about a single mom "Kate" need to protect her daughter "Alex" from the threat of a sheriff "Danforth", who want to possess the diamond buried beneath Kate's land! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the walking scene, overuse of the searching scene, overuse of the arguing scene, overuse of the calling names scene, overuse of the staring scene, overuse of the spying scene, overuse of the flashbacks scene, overuse of the riding bicycle scene, overuse of the car driving on the road scene, overuse of the changing camera angle scene, overuse of the long angle scenery scene, overuse of the talking on the phone scene, overuse of the digging scene, overuse of the barking scene, and overuse of the pasting missing notice scene! Make the film unwatchable! At the end, Danforth been take down! Alex hanging out with her dog "Dakota" at the very end! That's it! Wasting time to watch!
  • The reason I am rating this so high is because it was a true family film like I grew up on in the 90s. Films appropriate for the whole family are nearly impossible to find anymore. If it weren't for appreciating the family aspect so much, I'd agree with some other reviews. So much doesn't add up in this film and really requires the viewer to suspend belief. It is clearly low budget, with a small cast but that isn't its biggest flaw. The mom is instantly starry eyed over her new visitor while the daughter is still completely wrecked over the loss of her dad. The family is about to lose the farm despite Grandpa (who can afford to play golf) having given it to them as a wedding gift. What was the gift, a hefty mortgage? Why are they going to lose it? The caring grandpa isn't going to help? The town is depicted to be a very small town of maybe 400, yet they have a mall. The mom goes into the daughter's room one night to look for her and stands with her back to the bed for a bit, very slowly turns to the empty bed, and finally slowly turns to the wide open window that was obvious upon arrival. While her daughter is still missing, she goes on with other business. The brilliant dog gets captured by some nitwits on the other side of a bush and can't be heard barking by the family. There are constant moments like this in the film that are outrageously unbelievable...just wait until the final scene 😳.

    However, where this film deserves the high rating from me is on the basis of family friendliness. No controversial morals, no language, no intimacy, some slightly suspenseful scenes if you have a sensitive/very young viewer but nothing very intense. I did actually tear up at this movie a few times despite the issues with it. All in all, it was an enjoyable way to spend a bit of time with my 7 year old. If a cinema masterpiece is what you're after, this isn't it. If a whole family movie is what you're after, give it a watch!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything was rubbish. The acting, the plot... i didnt even understand what the plot was and the acting was bad. At first glance, it seems like a low-budget film which was poorly directed and poorly produced.

    The film also has this stereotypical plot, the dog "saves the day"??? Its a bad movie. Its the worst movie ive ever seen.

    During the movie, i noticed that there was a lot of talk about the father of the film even though he didn't make a single appearance. This shows that the film-makers have ran out of original ideas, making the movie seem even more cheap and lousy. I watched it with my little sister and she thought that the movie was "stupid" but she wanted to "see how it ends" because there was no point made at the start of the film anyway, so it confused us all.

    Not worth watching.
  • rrraz1 October 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I see some 9 and 10 's on here. What movie were they watching? This is one really bad movie. Bad acting , silly plot , please don't insult man's best friend by putting them in such a terrible movie.

    One minute the girl doesn't want anything to do with Dakota, next minute they're best friends .Sheriff tries to capture dog in junkyard and brings his totally inept helpers for a cringe worthy scene. This is not a B movie more like an F movie. Anyone involved with this fiasco of a movie should think twice about putting on their list of credits. Truly a BAD flick

    Find something else to watch. You will be happy you did.
  • An all ages type film. I have 8, 12 and 15 year old kids. Classic family film with strong performances that we don't get very often anymore. I am already a huge Abbie Cornish fan. Tim Rozon and Patrick Muldoon are particularly good. Loved the lead young girl as well.
  • Thought I was watching a kids dog film from the art work. So much more than that. Abbie Cornish can usually be counted on to give memorable performances and she is really terrific in the film. Reminded me of the old family films I grew up on. You laugh, you cry. PTSD aspect of the dog could have been delved into further. Patrick Muldoon as the sheriff is a scene chomper. A film most families will enjoy. Wouldn't say it is for super young kids.
  • I really don't understand why this lovely film got so many bad reviews. I haven't seen such a beautiful family movie in ages. I'm sick and tired of boring dystopian movies, brutal thrillers and road movies. There's just too much of that lately.

    So this was like a fresh breeze to me.

    Please make more such dog movies.

    Except of William Baldwin I didn't recognize any of the other actors, but was impressed with Abbie Cornish and Tim Rozan.

    The young actress who played Alex was great, too.

    But the dog was the best in the cast.

    I was wondering if the dog got trained by Teresa Ann Miller, but her name did not show up in the end credits.