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  • cdjones720 June 2010
    Office comedies are usually fun. This is one of the worst movies I ever watched. Tyler Labine must wish he never did it, even though it is his brother's movie. If Tyler as the humorless straight guy isn't weird enough, this movie is so repulsive, I kept watching it anyway. Beginning to end, they went way out of their way to break new gross-out barriers. Not in the typical slapstick college humor kind of a way, but in plain-old bad taste. The three stars I gave it were out of respect for Tyler Labine, and because I don't like to be unkind. If you can get through the whole movie and keep from hurling, you've earned the other seven stars. I usually like the indi style of Canadian movies. They don't necessarily follow the usual Hollywood formulas. They're not afraid to be different, and for that alone, I generally find them interesting. Cameron Labine should have clung to some kind of convention (or decency) here. This was interesting, but more like watching a car wreck. This one doesn't even get points for being "so bad it's good". Just... "delete". You won't want to reboot this movie.
  • thesar-217 April 2011
    (UH…this is an adult review of an adult film that's technically not a porno. So…despite the lack of videos or pictures – Oh, God, I wish…with Tyler Labine starring – expect language. Turn back now, if you're offended with anything that the ABC Family Movie of the Week would frown upon…)

    Ah, yeah. I'm a Tyler Labine fan. But, what a poor, poor soul. First Reaper gets axed, followed by Sons of Tucson. Soon, if not already, Mad Love is about to be cancelled.

    Okay, so his TV career, no matter the talent and hilarity he brings to the table, isn't meeting America's standards, although a select few, such as myself, will follow him anywhere. Even into the silver screen.

    Here's one I've been searching for a long time after I saw a Tyler Labine interview online with "crazy" subject matter: Control Alt Delete. I'll get to the fetish the movie explores, but suffice to say, Tyler's brother, writer and director Cameron Labine, really wanted to see his brother f&ck a computer. Maybe it's a brother rival thing or a bet they had. Either way, you'll see a more adult version of Man vs. Machine than even The Terminator ever addressed.

    Poor Lewis (Labine.) He's faced with troubles at work: solving the Y2k "problem" – oh, did I mention, this is set a month and a half prior to January 1, 2000 and leading up to that New Year's Day? And he's becoming distant in the bedroom with his girlfriend. His difficulties in performance or more precisely, staying hard, leads him to, well, hardware. His computer.

    Lewis likes porn. But he takes it a step further by "liking" his computer more. Okay, I'm beating around the bush…he shows his appreciation for the computer by drilling holes in it to…do I need to spell it out further?

    Well, the girlfriend that, quite frankly, probably wouldn't be around in the first place in real life, leaves and when comp-sex addict Lewis tries out his "fun" at work, things go downhill for the newly appointed manager appointed to SAVE Y2K.

    Believe it: the movie's supposed to be a comedy, with an offbeat boss, Angela (a hilarious Alisen Down) and his antics with the computer. Honestly, I didn't find it all that funny. I didn't find it bad, but I wasn't laughing out loud, especially with the toned down Tyler Labine. I did, however, find it interesting with its no holds barred approach to sexual tendencies, ones I'll never partake in, but exist nonetheless.

    It's as independent as they (forgive me) come, but it's worth a viewing if…You like Tyler Labine – you'll see him shirtless sometimes, nude from the back and implied masturbation, let alone, again, humping a computer. Talk about an original, albeit funky idea for a film. I mean, these brothers – star and writer/director – must have actually sat down together to discuss the sex-with-computer-fetish that I, personally, never heard of. Maybe it exists, maybe it doesn't. Either way, it's not porn I wanna see.

    OH! I forgot, there's a story behind it that's sometimes humorous, especially with the help of cube-partner Keith Dallas and that hilarious and unfortunately true-to-life boss, Angela. And there's his descending and spiraling romance with the short-legged Jane (Sonja Bennett) that's interesting – to a degree.

    I'd recommend, but it's not for everyone. I would be most interested in hearing from Tech/I.T. people, such as my own personal ex, on the technical aspects of the film. Yeah, I know its set 11 years ago, but it looks like, in my uneducated eye, at least 2 decades, in regards to computers. Either way, it's worth a viewing. But know this, it's a VERY MATURE film; it's not for the squeamish or prude.
  • Many movies that are ostensibly set in the world of computer technology don't really explore that world, they just use it, often badly, as a mere backdrop for their "story" (boy meets girl, woman in jeopardy, trying to get home, etc.). As bizarre as it may be, this movie, I think, has more true things to say about that world than most of the others.

    I watched it once, with difficulty, and I would not watch it again, but I'm glad that I did. I will not forget it. If you're in any way involved in this business (and who isn't these days), I think that you might want to take a look for yourself. It's just a suggestion.
  • omsdiver27 October 2010
    I did not have hopes to see something really good and entertaining but at lest I expected to spend two hours in relaxed atmosphere. Unfortunately it did not happen. There is really nothing I can say about this movie because first of all I do not have a clue what was it about. Sexual problems? Y2K threat? I do not know. You could watch that movie in scene random order and it would not make a difference. You could switch actors - no difference. You could watch it without sound - also no difference. It is like tasteless chewing gum at 10th hour of chewing. I can't say it is the worst movie I have ever seen because I watch it from the beginning to the end. Why? Well I do not know but sometimes when you chew a gum long enough you continues to do it just because you used to and switch of the brain. Control Alt Delete is like that it makes your brain to switch off because of its (movie) lack of any taste any sense and any value.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The plot to Control Alt Delete was interesting, but I generally didn't like the actual movie. While the actors did a mediocre job of portraying their roles, sometimes the movie seemed a bit forced. However, I did like the addition of the countdown. I didn't understand a few parts, but in the end it all seemed to come together.

    I only watched this movie because I saw that Jonathon Young was in it, so I expected it to be up to par. However, Young's role as Sanderson leaves me confused. Throughout the movie, Sanderson loses the ability to feel certain parts of his body. He seeks Lewis's help, but at the end of the movie he doesn't seem to recall Lewis's existence at all even though Lewis had helped him. The scene may have been meant to be profound or deep, but I'm just confused.

    In general, even though I expected this movie to be about a 6/10 or 7/10, it turned out to be quite bad due to its overly sexual manner and mediocre acting. There were too many side stories and forced character development, and then there's the whole Sanderson debacle.

    I would only recommend seeing this movie if you're really bored and it's free. Don't pay to see it; it's not worth your money.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm reminded of the Clerks 2 cringeworthy bit with the guy have sex with a donkey.

    Lets be clear. This is not a good movie. It's not porn, it's in part about guys who watch porn and it's not fetishy because the clips just flash across the screen with no order or focus. People with fetishes tend to have specific interests. This film is more like a catalog of every possible fetish, which kind of diminishes any focus on true fetish urge.

    It fails in that sense, but it captures a guy in an underdog situation, both at work, and with his girlfriend, who he's unable to please, and it's set on the backdrop of Y2K and a company where the jobs are going away once the year 2000 hits, but the work is stressful before then. And having sex with computers - yup, drilling holes in computer cases and . . . you get the picture.

    Watch it like a train wreck if you like. Don't expect much. There are some likable and quirky characters and maybe you won't hate it. I didn't hate it.

    I don't think this movie has the charm or quirkiness it needs to ever become a cult classic, so it will probably be forgotten and that might be for the best, but it has some elements that cult classic films have.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie certainly deserves more attention, but then again, the more people will watch it, the more likely it will be rated badly. Why? Because people usually are not very honest with themselves, and if faced with their own dark side of their soul, they turn against the mirror, instead of the beast in themselves.

    This movie does exactly that, it depicts a code-monkey, who has to face the "beast" inside of him, just to realize that this is not a beast, but the normal state of mind, which most just do not admit - or they enjoy those freakish things which are more tolerated by society.

    This movie is about perspective, honesty and taking responsibility.

    Like a modern version of the Marquis de Sade, this movie is not shy of exploring the weirder fantasies that most of us repress, but all have.

    While underlined with the aforementioned honesty, that forces an occasional smirk onto the viewers face, it is not so much about laughing, but more about understanding the human melodrama we are all part of. But there are some "Oh Snap!"-Moments, predictable ones, but still enjoyable.

    This is not the movie I would watch several times, but it does deserves a higher rating and a somewhat more open-minded audience.
  • I watched this movie in the Istanbul Film Festival years ago, and remembered it recently. When I clicked on this page, I saw that it was underrated. Of course, I'm not reviewing it just for the sake of saying this.

    The movie deserves to be considered "different". It approaches the subjects like fetishes, obsessions and sexual identity in a totally different way. If you get a DVD of it, the first thing that will hit you is that it is "surprising". The reason it was rated around 4/10 might be because it doesn't apply to the standard audience. I must say the cinematography or "budget" is not top-notch, but the story will get it going for a cine-file.