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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a good series, but here is an episode where the writing got lazy and sloppy. So far the show has been pretty good about solid plotting without resorting to "mechanisms" - a writing term that means the writer has placed at least one artificial obstacle in the way of the plot just to fill out the minute/page quota.

    Bryce could have explained himself at any point in this episode but instead choose to ask Chuck about the Intersect in his head, or kiss Sarah, or aiming his gun at people he has no intention of shooting (like Chuck or Sarah) until interrupted by one thing or another, effectively but not believably putting off his explanation until the clock has ticked by far enough to satisfy the writers.

    Also, this episode conveniently forgets that, while Bryce may have had noble reasons for framing Chuck for cheating and getting him kicked out of Stanford (Chuck vs. The Alma Mater) he also stole Chuck's girl, Jill. Chuck comes to admire Bryce's skills as a spy without ever once confronting him about this. A convenient oversight, I suspect, to leave an excuse for Chuck to continue to moon over his past and maybe an excuse to bring Bryce back, or perhaps Jill.

    Other problems with this episode include: The brevity of Bryce's debriefing after he turns himself in (at the Buy More, no less) after which he emerges wearing spy uniform A: a tuxedo. Sarah's continued infuriating silence on the topic of her attraction to either partner, Bryce or Chuck.

    While I'm at it I find Casey's staunch asexuality problematic. Tough guy like him would be a cold, selfish, even rough lover, but he'd have no lack of women willing to give him a ride. He stills seems like a cutout, two dimensional, no real complexity or depth. He could do with some serious fleshing out.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode takes place on Thanksgiving and Black Friday the next day so I'll just mention some tidbits here: With Bryce now revealed to be alive, Chuck gets in the interrogation room with him and has to prove he's the real one to Bryce by talking in Klingon which he's rusty at. At Ellie's Thanksgiving dinner, Anna shows jealousy at seeing Morgan's looks at Ellie as well as the way he's REALLY enjoying her food. Chuck also is envious watching secretly Sarah and Bryce (who's unbeknownst to everyone else) kissing in his bedroom, so much so he's tells Casey in encoded form about it. Chuck says "pineapple" to warn his fellow employees of an emergency as he's being held up by some enemy agents threatening to kill everyone in sight. Morgan awkwardly seeing Bryce and saying how he reminds him of Chuck's old roommate who he thinks is a "douche". And then seeing Jeff hit on the head a couple of times after revealing how he liked being hit by a pineapple by his dad during his childhood. The episode ends with Sarah having to choose between two calls: One from Bryce on a classic antique phone made for mansions or on her ipod phone from Chuck. What to pick?...Most hilarious and action-packed of "Chuck" yet! With all my favorite characters and thousands of soccer mom shoppers contributing to the fun! Very glad to know NBC gave this one a full-season pickup. Hope the writers' strike ends before the episodes run out.