User Reviews (10)

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  • amrlion26 June 2019
    The scenario lacks the coherency but good action for Egyptian cinema
  • zekomedo-1029013 February 2021
    An average film, unfortunately, less than a war of Karmouz, a lot, frankly, the story is almost non-existent or weak, and the representative performance in it is average amir Karara, the same of the amir of Karara in Kalbash and harb Karmouz, but Amr Abdel Jalil is frankly a flavor of the film and without it the film would have been really shrewd and eyad Nassar returned a wonderful role and scenes The beating is medium, this is in addition to the amount of shabhana in the film, but in the last it is a medium and entertaining movie, but it will not live and less than the first film of Amir Karara, Harb Karmouz, frankly
  • samadeeb18 April 2020
    An Indian movie in an Egyptian flavor! The story is incoherent and meaningless.. I don't know why they are doing movies like this! Bad action scenes and worst chase scenes! Simply don't watch this .. you will waste your time for nothing!
  • ziyadabouchair20 April 2020
    A really good movie considering the difference there is compared to older movies. A lot of technical qualities in terms of production. The action is really well made and filmed and good casting.
  • passomagh5 September 2020
    Great acting but very bad story explanation we were lost since beggining, it was really hard to keep up with the story and names until we were bord eventually . Really bad because i love the actors:(
  • soheb123433 March 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    It's a good movie for Egyptian action

    great cast good story
  • iassad11 July 2019 of the worst movies i've ever story ..the action is awful ..and the movie is too short
  • I watched it for Halit Ergenç, I was curious about his role!.

    I hoped it will be a good movie to go out Egypt, that's why they turned to him! .. but it wouldn't worth it ! .. feeble story, Was there a scenario?! I don't like Amir Karara's acting , he is the same in all of his roles.

    It could be better..
  • Hey there! So, I totally get where you're coming from with this one. It can be super frustrating when you're all geared up to watch a movie with some stellar actors, only to find yourself drowning in a sea of confusion right from the get-go. It's like, you're there all pumped to see your favorites do their thing, but then the story just leaves you scratching your head, right?

    I mean, it's a bummer when you're trying to follow along, but the plot is just all over the place, and you're left feeling like you missed the memo on what's actually happening. And don't even get me started on trying to remember all those names and keep track of who's who! It's like a mental workout trying to piece it all together, and let's be real, that's not exactly the kind of exercise we signed up for when we hit play.

    And let's not forget about the action and chase scenes. I mean, those are supposed to be the heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat moments that get your adrenaline pumping, but if they're falling flat and leaving you yawning instead, then what's the point? It's like, if you're gonna do action, do it right, you know?

    So, yeah, it's a real shame when you're all set to enjoy a movie, especially when you're a fan of the actors involved, only to end up feeling like you wasted your time. It's like a missed opportunity to showcase their talents in a way that really shines. But hey, not every movie can be a winner, right? Just gotta chalk this one up to experience and maybe steer clear of this flick in the future. Life's too short to spend it on movies that leave you feeling meh.
  • Warning: Spoilers