User Reviews (5)

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  • Compelling an heartbreaking. Great performances by especially Pierre Bokma and Monic Hendrickx.

    This series shows us the actual problems and dilemmas we see and hear everyday all around the world, but have no control of. Dante's Hell of which they speak is very imaginable, especially through the eyes of the lead characters. Even though all this happened more than 84 years ago, even today the pain, desperation and powerlessness can be felt. We absolutely must never forget this dark episode in world's history. Being forced to do something that goes completely against your own heart is never a good thing.

    A must see for our and future generations and a Dutch masterpiece.
  • Firstly, I must say that Pierre Bokma's portrayal of David Cohen and Claire Bender's performance were outstanding. They played the roles of Jewish council members with such complexity that it was hard not to be moved by the moral dilemmas they faced.

    However, Monic Hendrickx and Malou Gorter's performances fall short of expectations. Despite being praised as great actresses, they seem to consistently fall back on familiar character types, resulting in predictable character arcs that lack surprise or depth.

    Despite this the show is beautifully made, its cinematography and score create a compelling atmosphere transporting viewers to the wartime struggles of Amsterdam's Jewish community. These technical elements contribute significantly to the overall impact of the show, elevating it beyond its flaws.
  • There are many good and excellent series and movies about WW2, but this series sets a new standard. It easily matches large productions like the impressive Schindlers List with its great casting, excellent music and gripping storytelling. The story is a true story about the cooperation of the Jewish Council in Amsterdam to, as it says in episode two, minimize the consequences for the Jewish population of the German actions. Not knowing what would happen to the people, they tried their best.... We know better now. In my opinion this is by far the best WW2 series made in the Netherlands and even in Europe. A absolute must see, so that we will never forget!
  • An amazing and heartbreaking story with awesome performances by some of the best Dutch actors.

    This series is arguably the best Dutch production ever made and I think it can easily compete with major hollywood series. Besides the storyline and the actors, I think the music deserves an extra compliment. It creates a similar feeling like John Williams did for Schindler's List, which in my opinion is the best film music ever made.

    The series should be shown to all people around the world to show the danger of power. We must not forget the horror during the second world war and series like this should make us remember not to make the same mistakes again.
  • Such a beautiful and realistic series of the problems, the dilemma's and reality of living in the Netherlands at that time. But there was a big hoofd at the momtt er by in part 3 where thee is a virus over the roof tops of Amsterdam 1941. Pretty sure there was no television at that time, let alone a television antenna on the roof of one of these buildings!? Details like this, so open and obvious should never occur where as the subject of the entire program is meant to be as accurate and treuth full as possible. A big no no for me. An overview which I find unbelievable that nobody saw this, or nobody commented on this.