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  • Go to the show's page on the IMDb website. Look at the Episode Cast.

    All but one of the "contestants" in 2007 have multiple listings as actors. This is so slick. I feel they have crossed a line. I won't watch it anymore.

    The appeal of game shows has always been the idea of the average viewer being able to identify with the contestant and imagining themselves up there vying for the prize, competing in a fair field.

    The show's producers have decided average Joe's don't sell commercials, so they get professionals up there to put on a show within the show.

    Who knows what else is not "real"?
  • Now then, the concept is simple and it's appealing, I have to agree. but there is one problem. This show has professional actors as contestants, is it trying to say that it is a fake just like the 1950's quiz show scandals? In my opinion, yes, it is as fake as Twenty-One back then. Are they trying to make a new scandal for us to remember? Are they celebrating the '50th anniversary of the quiz show scandals'? If they can get contestants that are NON actors and have them win, it would be an accomplishment and I would have given a higher rating, but with this many people whom of which are actors, I say it is just a scripted show. And for the FOX Network, their money hungry pigs who are good only for knee jerk reactions against other networks.
  • On today's episode of Don't Forget The Piloow, our contestants are trying to stay awake during this lame, dull and sleepy reality show.

    The contestants will win some useless junk imported from China and a chance for a 1 Million Dollar jackpot.

    Now our first contestant is from L.A. - like every other good looking stereo-typecast player in our series.

    Say hello to BAMBI.

    Hi, I'm Bambi and I like to paint my nails, wear lipstick, paint my nails, buy clothes, go shopping and paint my nails...oh, I and I also like to paint my nails.

    Thanks Bambi - here's your chance to win some prizes walk away with some money in DON"T FORGET THE PILLOW! Like totally...

    OK...Bambi - are you ready to sing? Remember...Don't Forget The Pillow Yeah...

    OK - here we go...our first set of choices is Britney Spears, Spice Girls, Christina Aguillera, Pussycat Dolls, Rihanna.

    Remember Bambi, that if you forget the words to the song, you will be disqualified.


    OK it's your turn....DON'T FORGET THE PILLOW!!!

    ______________________________________________________________ Wow...what a stupid game-show! Right up there with WIN, LOSE or DRAW...another concept created by overpaid-coked up Hollywood producers.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Wayne Brady was a great choice for this show because of his background in music. When he was on Whose Line Is It Anyway?, he was always their lead singer and had to perform to a variety of music styles. My complaints about the show are it's pacing, the setup for the Million Dollar Song, and a few of the contestants. The pacing starts off very fast and energetic, but then slows down drastically. There is a lot more banter between Wayne and the contestants, they will have them sing some of the songs over, they will go to only revealing a little bit at a time, and as result, fewer songs are sung as each segment passes. I think it is because they are trying to build the drama, and get the audience more involved in the contestant's lives, however I just find it annoying. That brings me to the Million Dollar Song. The producers have set it up to where I don't think anyone will ever even attempt it. I'm okay with it being from one of the previous categories that a contestant has already had, the knowledge that the song is a #1 hit, and that the guarantee bumps up from $25,000 to $100,000. My problem with it is that you don't get to see the songs in advance, once you decide to go for it, you have to take it, and you can't use any backups on it. Under those circumstances, who is going to risk it? Oh, and one last pet peeve, I wish some of these contestants would stop screaming at Wayne to lock in the lyrics, or when they have the white people trying to act like black people when they tell him to lock in the lyrics. It doesn't make you look cool, it just makes you look like an idiot.
  • Take the question/money format from Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader, then change the questions to music & have the contestants sing the song including the answer (the missing lyrics) & you have a great format for an entertaining game show. Theme song is the catchy China Grove by the Dooby Brothers.

    This format allows you to put in great music. Then you can come up with lots of folks who like to sing, & they even get to work with a live band. You also give them some help so they can win more money.

    What puts this over the top is the logical choice of Wayne Brady to host. I am a big fan of Wayne & considering his experience singing on Whose Line is it anyways, he is the absolute best choice to host this show. He often ad-libs some of his brilliant comedy into his hosting job. Brady is one of the best ad-lib people in the business today.

    I love every one I have seen & I hope this has a long run with FOX. I have a message for the network- Don't Forget the ratings this show will get if you keep it running. This is a winner, as it has all the elements it needs from the great host to a great game format.

    This will last longer & better than the 5th Grader because it is more entertaining. 5th Grader is cute but wears out it's welcome. I would advise against me being a contestant on here. My wife has banned me from singing period. She said my voice would kill the ratings if I were to appear. I'd love to meet with Wayne Brady on stage, stay tuned.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    Well, I take it that the Summer's big new idea is to have karaoke shows when you have to remember the lyrics to a song. It sounds like a lame idea, I know, but this and the Singing Bee are quite good. You know, I mainly tuned in at first to watch Wayne Brady because I love him in Whose Line Is It Anyway, but I ended up enjoying the show altogether. It really grows on you in the first couple minutes of it. Sure, I am awful when it comes to remember the lyrics to 80's songs that people have not heard about in fifteen years, but it is still enjoyable in my opinion.

    Here is the basis of this game show. A contestant comes on and is giving nine musical categories. They pick one, and choose one of the two songs to sing. They then must remember a certain sentence of the song. If they get the lyric correctly, they win money. The money prize steadily gets larger until the contestant reaches the top prize of $1,000,000. There are also some back-ups. If the contestant does not know the song lyric, they can get help from a family member or friend, they are allowed to see two blanks, and they can also decide the right song lyric from three different song choices, but if they still do not know the lyric, they can walk away with the money that they have.

    Overall, this is a pretty entertaining new game-show. Sure, it is incredibly similar to the Singing Bee in many ways, and it is not quite as good as the Singing Bee, and some of the songs the contestants sing are terrible, but this still quite fun. Still, I am quite fascinated with the fact that that a lot of the contestants on the show are actors and or comedians. Anyway, aside from that small flaw, Wayne Brady lights up the room in this delightful game-show.


    Recommended Shows: The Singing Bee
  • First off, I must say that this is a fun game show. Also, I haven't sure if I've seen every episode. However, I do know the show very well. Every time I watch it, I have a lot of fun playing along and watch. This made me long to be a contestant. The thing I liked most about it are the questions. Despite the fact that I don't know that many answers, I still have fun playing along. I hope that Fox keeps it on so I can play along and watch again. If that happens, I will be really happy. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say that I'll always remember this show in my memory forever. Now, in conclusion, I hope that you catch it one day before it goes off the air for good.