User Reviews (2)

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  • ...Is this show for real?

    A pokemon clone in the year 2019?

    Unoriginal premise aside, everything about this show feels so...dated, as if this was actually something from the early 2000s (The artstyle, the stiff animation which looks as if it was made in Flash, the "totally radical" writing...)

    This show is like sort of time capsule of some of the worst aspects of 2000s animation.
  • lrob-0677818 September 2022
    5 Stars
    This show is very good, I have no idea why people hate it for no reason.. I would really recommend watching this show. It was very well made and the story is well written its about a boy named ace where he accidentally finds a spot in the house where he wasn't suppost to until a few years where he means a living forever squirrel. Which he then accidentally finds out how to use a watch that creates these scrammers that have special ability's. Watch the full show to find out what happens!

    This show is very underrated and should get the respect it deserves very sad to see it not have a season 2.