User Reviews (16)

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  • I think this movie begs the question, "Should points be given for effort?" The verdict's still out.

    But let's start with the good -- Understanding that this script started as a treatment for a Halloween remake, I'll forgive the similarities and say that the script and dialog is actually pretty well executed. Sure there are a few issues with line delivery in spots, but the script as a separate entity isn't horrible.

    Second, the music was all completely on cue and built the scenes nicely. It wasn't overused and it never detracted from any of the scenes.

    Third, I mean -- talk about indie, talk about zero budget. This is what it looks like, folks. A film like "Ink" (which is certainly a class well above this), was made for $250,000. There's a huge difference between zero and $250,000.

    Where this movie really misses the mark are with issues related to budget but also some missteps by the director.

    Without using any real camera lenses the framing had a lot of issues. This would have been an easy solve for a few hundred bucks by slapping a 35mm adapter on whatever consumer HD cam he used for the project. I'm assuming it was in the realm of an HV20 or some lesser model. Had this been shot on any kind of DSLR or something with an adapter, some of the framing issues would have been solved. I saw attempts by the director to set up interesting shots, but when you're using a jitty camcorder with no lenses, it's nearly impossible unless you're manufacturing a DOF by having objects or talent always in the foreground, which isn't possible throughout an entire film.

    Lighting was another huge issue, and being that lighting can be solved using foam board and halogen work lights, I'm going to have to stick it to the director on this one. There are some basics of lighting that need to be studied before this guy's next feature (or fan) film.

    "Crossing the line" -- that's what it's called when you move your talent from one side of the screen to the other mid-scene. This happened too many times. It's a rookie mistake and it's utterly confusing to the audience when it happens. So, to the director: If your actor is on the right side of the frame in a scene, that actor must stay on the right side of the frame throughout. If you want to move between two mid-range shots but don't want to cut from one mid-range shot to the next, then do a quick wide shot and then come back to your second shot.

    Next is color correction. This, of course, can still be linked to budget. But something as cheap as Magic Bullet Mojo ($99) would have given your scenes a more cohesive blending and would have given your camcorder footage a more filmic appearance.

    Location colors. This is probably the easiest thing to slip by the indie filmmaker. While you're probably going to have to use friends and family's locations to shoot your film, you CANNOT allow white walls to be in your film. Obviously the hospital is a different animal and most of that will have a blue tint when your color correction is done anyway (assuming you go the Blockbuster route), but when you're indoors you have to paint those walls. If it's a friend's house, paint the walls and then re-paint them white again if that's what they need. Go watch Amelie with the sound off. Watch the frames. Aim there.

    Last...I know it sucks and I know the director knows it...but sound was a big issue. Not sure what kind of mic was used. At times it sounded like the mic was on-camera which is just the worst thing I can possible imagine for a narrative piece.

    I can see how much work and effort was put into this film. There was some decent acting, a workable script, good pacing and at times some real effort went into framing certain scenes. But having lackluster audio, an amateurish understanding of talent placement in a scene (as it pertains to audience clarity) and a camcorder with no added glass for DOF, the director left us with a highschool-level product performed and written by adults.

    I want this director to get better because he has passion for all levels of filmmaking. I gave the movie 5 stars for potential.

    So, to the no-budget director of this film: 1) Pick yourself up a DSLR or HFS100 w/ JAG35pro or better (Panny and Sony just came out with 5K cams that are game changers) 2) Get some Sanken COS11D lavs and an NTG3 with an Edirol44 or Fostex FR2LE w/ Y XLR splitter cable 3) Grab a PRO AM 250 crane/jib 4) Magic Bullet Looks (or Mojo) And if you can, try to find someone who wouldn't mind training as your sound guy/girl. You're gonna need one.

    But kudos on your first effort. Your gal was completely solid in the lead role.

    Good luck!
  • Very low budget effort from a director who has made a name for himself in fanfilms. Frankly, this is more of the same, a thinly veiled remake of Halloween. Why, when given the chance to do something original he fell back on the tried and true is a mystery and a bit of a shame as there is considerable talent on display. Even casting a family member as the lead worked out as she is one of the better actors in the film.

    The reviews here are suspiciously high, I have to assume they are from friends and cast members. (Ironically, I found out about this film due to a feud the director is having with another filmmaker who does the same astroturfing!) Knock it off guys! My advice to Mr Notarile would be to do something entirely new. he has shown he can make a good film based on the ideas of others, now take that and do something we haven't seen!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Despite the high praise from reviews which misled me into watching this film I really did not find it a very satisfying watch.

    The story seems to feature familiar elements from at least two other films - the boy killer locked in hospital most of life till he escapes and hunts down his surviving family which really shows it's Halloween influence. I think the script and the performances of the actors are the elements that really failed to connect with me. Lines were fluffed and stumbled over and screaming was used as a substitute for emoting more than once. The whole demonic thing was dropped into the film almost like it had Fallen out of another film. So much of the film was wasted in scenes of little relevance and yet very little time was used to establish that this was a demonic possession. A completely irrelevant lesbian love scene forces it way into the story for no good reason heaves itself to a climax before expiring brutally just as expected.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I thought I should edit my initial review because, while I had and now continue to firmly believe that this film's score is being bumped up by people associated with the cast and crew, I didn't think it was fair to rate it without finishing the film. And now I know, instead of just suspecting, that this film stays just as awful as it starts. As I am forced to leave at least 1 star I will now dedicate this star to the actor playing the police chief, as he was the only one that didn't seem to be headed for a career in porn.

    Why is this film so terrible, well, beyond the aforementioned acting torture (worst of all was the lesbian I would say), this film is unoriginal. It starts off less as an homage to Halloween and more like a rip off. From there it spirals into Fallen, along with ripping off ideas from the Exorcist. Now I know I've seen that exact scene with the fake seizure before, but I can't place which film it was.

    Now I've read the other reviews. So before anyone gets all huffy, I realize that the director was planning on a Halloween remake, although I doubt the timing with Rob Zombie is the only reason he wasn't able to do it. I can't imagine any film student choosing to do a remake of one of the most well respected horror films as their first feature ... especially knowing that they only have the budget for a 10 day shoot.

    To me the film reeked of laziness, both in idea and execution. The lighting was awful. The sound was awful. The dialogue was bland and often poorly delivered. Even in the first half hour it seemed as though there were about 10 minutes that should have been trimmed in editing to help with pacing and also because they didn't do anything for the story. And it didn't seem like the director strayed far from the campus with extras and small parts... a mental hospital that is only for the 20 something set?

    This film is just sloppy and not really original.

    I've seen films in the 48 hour film festival that seemed to have more thought and care put into them than this. Maybe it could have made it as a short, but it doesn't have enough meat for a feature.
  • phojo-127 November 2010
    Warning: Spoilers
    Watching this, movie, one gets the distinct feeling of watching something else other than what was picked from the online menu. The beginning of the movie has the striking resemblance of that idiotic movie, "Cloverfield," as we see a video camera recording a birthday party. The nine-year old boy, Nathan Matthews, is silent as he draws a picture of a "Dollman." As the movie progressed, it became a "fourth wall" movie instead of a dweeb running around with a camera. That was the good point.

    The movie progressed, slowly, to where he murders his parents, goes after his younger sister before being stopped by his older sister. Eventually the story leaps twenty years where the kid is now a man living in a mental ward and handcuffed to a wheelchair. His little sister, and former target, wants to "connect" with him. When she does, a series of plot holes big enough for downtown traffic starts to appear.

    Nathan escapes from the hospital and makes it to his former home (His sibling still live in the same house?). He grabs a sewing machine and makes a Dollman costume (He learned to sew in the mental ward?). Then he steals a set of keys and drives around (He learned to drive in the mental ward?), looking for victims. The cop who originally investigated the case suffers a heart attack on an unrelated case, but learning of Nathan's escape, tells his now-suspended partner to take his gun (he has a gun in the hospital?), and go after Nathan. Later, this same cop has a set of keys around his neck (after suffering a heart attack and going through all that?) If you've seen the first Halloween movie, you've seen this one.

    The only other part in this movie, which was filler, was the lesbian scene. No point, other than to have a sex scene.

    Instead of naming it "Methodic" (What method?), this movie should have been named "Dollman," only it would be another monster-named movie like "Candyman", "Mothman", and other "-man" movies.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am a fan of well made, low budget horror films, this is not one of them. For starters, the acting fluctuates between mediocre and terrible, the camera work is pretty bad as well and there is not really a scary moment in this film. Their are also so many unrealistic things about this film its not funny. For one, this kid of about 10 goes into the mental institution for 20 yrs, when he escapes he breaks into a house and finds a sewing machine in the closet and somehow knows how to make his own costume, then he kills the girl in the house, finds the keys to the car and drives off. I guess he was taught these things subliminally since he was unresponsive for 20 yrs. Many of people in the beginning of the film prior to the 20 yrs are the same people after showing no signs of age, I think the special effects in this film are limited to a couple of tubes of vampire blood that you can get at K-Mart. The highlight of the film was a lesbian sex scene between a decent looking blonde & a Miss Piggy looking brunette, and that wasn't even very good. Do yourself a favor and pass this one by.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Right here we go did not like this film 📼 at all. Was supposed to be in English but was in German so could not get into enjoying the movie. Also there was no comparison to the Halloween franchise and the acting was dire. Cannot see the reasoning for the lesbian scene. So jacey says thee stars
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was really impressed with this film overall. It left you wanting more and eager to see the sequel after viewing it. The acting and story were superb. The film progressively got better and better as it went along. Now before you say it's similar to Halloween, it is. The director, Chris R. Notarile states that Halloween was an inspiration for this film and originally he was hoping to do a remake of it. Which Rob Zombie beat him to. Anyway, Chris R. Notarile's new horror icon, The Dollman is on a whole other level though and nothing like Michael Myers. But, the Dollman will scare you just as much if not more! Also, the movie is totally original in the sense that it's the world's first "Basher" film, ever! Now that's impressive.

    The director really got some talented actors for this film which included: Brandon Slagle, Stephen Muzzonigro, Niki Notarile, Charles Cyphers, Tony Dadika, Dan Werzinger, Thomas Daniel, and Christine Allanach. All of who portrayed their characters really well and helped bring the director's vision to life. The lovely Suzi Lorraine and Damien Colletti also portrayed their characters well in their scenes but had smaller roles. Oh, in case you didn't know, Charles Cyphers was Sheriff Brackett in Halloween 1 & 2 so it was great seeing him in this horror film. Wish he was in it even more.

    I must say though, out of all the actors I was most impressed with newer actor, Stephen Muzzonigro, who played the Nicholas Matthews / Dollman. His looks behind the mask and movement were great. Then when he came out from behind the mask, he was a totally different character! I also thought he could of played detective Colin McDermott really well (based on his performance outside of the mask). Not taking anything away from Brandon Slagle's performance in playing that role.

    This was the director's first full length film. That in itself is very impressive considering how good this film turned out. Looking forward to seeing more of his work or the sequel. Methodic's ending definitely leads it into a great sequel where it will answer more questions about the mysterious Dollman too!
  • I was invited to see a private screening of Methodic the other day and WOW, what a cool idea for a movie. I've read what everyone else has posted and I think they're pretty spot on with how the movie was. It's no joke that it starts out as a slow place, but it totally pays off in the end. Chris Notarile and Brandon Slagle wrote the script which was based on a remake script Chris had made for Halloween. And when you watch the film, at first you're thinking to yourself "okay, where is he going with this?" Then about half way in, you think you might have figured it out and are calling how it will end. Yeah, that's when the film takes a crazy left turn and totally throws you off track. What starts out like a Halloween movie completely becomes something entirely different, and it works. The 3rd act is what makes this movie so fun and original. The Dollman is more than meets the eye as is the story. And it really makes you think. So yes, watch this movie. Its worth it.
  • Let me start by saying, this film is not what you think it is. Despite all of it's thematic references to John Carpenter's Halloween, Methodic is NOT a rip off in any way. Methodic writer and director, Chris R. Notarile takes all the wonderful elements and themes that we've grown to love from Halloween and all other late 70's - early 80's horror movies and has woven them into a brilliant tapestry of suspense, horror and drama.

    Methodic starts slow. If you're looking for a popcorn body count movie with mindless wanton slaughter of moronic horny teenagers, this is not the movie for you. Methodic is instead incredibly story driven. So much so that there are actually moments in the film that if you don't pay attention to, it is very certain you will not understand something later on. I like this. I find it rare these days, especially in independent horror movies where people actually need to pay attention to a movie. Usually the story is simple, intoxicated coeds get taken out by a silent masked maniac.

    Now granted, Methodic does sport the classic silent masked killer stereotype, but fortunately, with very good reason. The Dollman is instantly classic, from the look of his mask right down the (no pun intended) execution of his actions. I would also like to bring up the wonderful gimmick deployed with this film, and by that I am referring to the "basher" term used to distinguish the film. Believe it or not, Methodic actually is the first basher film and that's actually a pretty clever thing to do. In a world where everything is being remade, its always refreshing to see something new come along. I predict we will be seeing more "basher" movies as time goes on. Let's just hope they are on par with this film.

    And now down to the technical "stuff". This is Mr. Notarile's directorial debut, sort of. Apparently he has a large number of short film credits to his name, but I believe Methodic is his first feature. Not a bad way to start a career if you ask me. For a first time feature director with what appeared to be a very large cast, I think things were handled more than admirably. I won't lie, some of the acting in the film was a little on the campy side, but I suspect that is usually the case with most low budget horror films. The shots were great. Most of the film really gave off a larger than life feeling and though it was limited, the action and the killing scenes in this film were very fun and intense.

    As for performances, most of the cast and more importantly, those playing the main characters, were very convincing. I enjoyed the natural flow of the dialog as well as some of more candid moments between characters, specifically the stakeout scene with Dan and Colin and the "chick flick" scene with Lana, Melissa and her husband. Great stuff.

    All in all, Methodic is a wonderful first film and great gateway piece into what looks to be a very promising career from Chris R. Notarile. I wish him well and cannot wait to see where he goes and what he does next.
  • RussMyles1 April 2009
    Warning: Spoilers
    Let me start by saying what a cool movie this was for being made for practically nothing. Chris is such a talented director and to be able to make a film of this kind of caliber for next to nothing is an achievement onto it's own. Methodic is chock full of wonderful homages to John Carpenter's Halloween and even James Cameron's Terminator. Both of which are favorites of mine. The script is very rich in dialog and the humor, though limited is still fun and quirky. I got to see a private screening of Methodic last week and after talking with the director I just really felt it necessary to post something. I'm even more amazed that he got THE sheriff Brackett in his film. I'm talking about Charles Cyphers. It was a real treat seeing him play a hard ass cop. And if there is a sequel I want to see him come back for sure. The Dollman was such a cool villain. Now I don't want to give much away. You really need to see this film for yourself, but when he goes after Lana in that climatic chase I was cheering. Not that I wanted her to die, but just the energy of the killer combined with the rock score got me all excited. And the best part, the Dollman RUNS! I was not expecting that. Usually the killers walks everywhere and pops up randomly, but not this guy. He jumps off roofs, smashes down doors, bursts through closets and RUNS! Oh and his escape from the hospital was great too. It was very..... METHODIC. LOL. All in all I will say this movie was so fun for me and brought back a lot of those classic things I loved about horror. I only hope I can make a movie as cool as this some day.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm serious! I don't understand the jealous hatred some "reviewers" post about this film both here and especially on Amazon. I guess it's true. Those who can't do, BASH! Speaking of "bash", METHODIC has the distinction of being the very first "basher" film! Anyway, sure there's a similarity to HALLOWEEN, but director Chris R. Notarile freely admits his love of that film and that METHODIC was originally intended as a reboot / remake of the John Carpenter classic.

    All that aside, METHODIC starts out on familiar ground with a small boy who kills his parents, but quickly develops into it's own interesting and original story where we learn that the entity known as "The Dollman" is more like a virus than a spirit so anyone can't become The Dollman. This theme is explored more in the short sequel METHODIC 1.5 and that film shows where the storyline is going and it has nothing to do with HALLOWEEN !! As for the acting, Brandon Slagle, Niki Rubin, Tony Dadika and Stephen Muzzonigro completely nail their roles and the supporting cast is equally as good with standouts being Daniel Werzinger, Christine Allanach and Roberto Lombardi (who's storyline features heavily in METHODIC 1.5). Also, having Charles Cyphers in the movie is AMAZING! Visually, METHODIC is stark and disturbing in all the right places and the music really enhances the visuals. Pick this up if you like old school horror with a good story. If you're into body count movies about drunk teens, pass on this!
  • acdcrocks1128 September 2009
    Warning: Spoilers
    Wow. Where do I begin with this? I guess I'll start with the story which I assume is reworked from Chris' Halloween script. It plays out very well. The basher format is a welcome addition to the horror genre. Something new. I enjoyed it, anyway. It certainly isn't for everyone. The implied violence that Chris uses in the story works well as if we had to see everything, this would be completely brutal. Thank you Chris for realizing that some things are better left to imagination. The characters are well written as well. You actually like the Lana character. Some of the others are likable too, the main exception being the Doctor, but we all know what his purpose is, haha. The twists and turns toward the end were unexpected and therefore work well. It is because of those twists that this should seriously NOT be considered a Halloween ripoff.

    Now, as for the look of this film, you can't even tell it's an indie. It looks great. Chris uses some very unique pans and shots which turn out great as well. I love the lighting and locations that were used here. They really capture an eerie atmosphere that suits the film well. And that hospital? Creepy, creepy place. That's the only way to describe it. When camera work comes into play in some scenes, Chris handles the convulsions in an awesome way and I think it was a nice touch to complement the Dollman's rage. There is a nice little scene that Chris uses to his advantage to build tension. Loved it. And some of those kills, man… goodness.

    And then there's that……ending. Awesome.

    Haha. Very well done, Chris.


    I only give you that rating as it could have been longer, but hell….it's nearly perfect the way it is. Unique, new, and unexpected. A pleasant surprise.
  • Ever sense I watched the trailers of this film on YouTube years ago I've been hooked. The film takes the famous John Carpenter classic Halloween, but instead of having bad stereotypes (dumb blonde, the "happen to be there" people, stupid know it all etc.) and gives off a new set of people (with characters who actually have a brain, deaths with blunt objects (although the film only uses its target weapon (a sludge hammer) once \=( , and a killer who will run if he needed). In my opinion its a film that gives low budget filmmakers the idea that they can make more then just a standard YouTube quality video and not have to go to Hollywood to make a film. My only problems with the film are; some over- used F-Bombs (not as bad as Rob Zombie's Halloween)(Yea I know its a non-rated, rated R film but it could be turned down a slight bit) (personal preference) and a specific transition that could be changed in the film. In conclusion the film is a great film to check out and if you can't be Michael Myers this year for Halloween, go as his adopted brother Dollman.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was something I wanted to check out from the moment I learned of its existence. Chris R. Notarile is undeniably one of the most important additions to the new generation of filmmakers and I have been very much impressed by his numerous small budget short films. It was only recently that I heard of Chris' first attempt at a larger budget movie. I looked it up, gave it a watch, and enjoyed what I saw.

    "Methodic" is the story of an average young boy like any other named Nicholas Matthews who is consumed by a malevolent entity known as Dollman. After murdering his parents he is found to be not guilty by reason of insanity and is committed to a sanitarium where he resides for the next twenty years. Shortly after being visited by his sister Lana, he escapes. The evil is unleashed and the body count commences. Does this concept ring any bells?

    It makes perfect sense that John Carpenter is so influential for Chris and any other indie filmmakers, considering how "Halloween" is one of the most successful low budget independent movies ever made. Who would've thought that a William Shatner mask painted white would become so iconic? Every slasher flick owes something to the movie that originated the formula. After Rob Zombie beat Chris in acquiring the rights to remake "Halloween", Chris altered what he had already done: made up his own premise and "Methodic" was born.

    "Methodic" was given poor reception by many viewers. It was released during the time when Chris' filmmaking standards were still modest and not quite on par with his later works. I'm among those who have said that the story and the characters should have had more development and that some of the acting wasn't top-notch. However, I do believe that the pros outweigh the cons. Niki Rubin and Brandon Slagle were great in their roles and I also admired the character Dan Grant as portrayed by Tony Dadika. Even Mack the Dog delivers a fine performance. But of course the character that steals the show is the Dollman, the world's first basher monster who executes his victims by means of hammers, his fists, a baseball bat, a golf club, and even a frying pan. There's a fascinating concept behind Dollman that makes the character a significant icon, but elaborating any further would be a spoiler for newcomers. The soundtrack too is very well done. It gives you chills and makes everything seem all the more intense. Additionally for lovers of trivia, Charles Cyphers who played Sheriff Leigh Brackett in the original "Halloween" was casted as the police chief. An excellent touch! So is Methodic without flaws? No. But what movie is? Haters have to consider the limited budget and resources at Chris' disposal. Accomplishing any kind of movie under those circumstances is anything but a simple matter. For what it is, Chris gave it his utmost effort and I really feel that he should be applauded for getting "Methodic" made at all.

    Much as I would've liked to see what Chris R. Notarile would have done with a Halloween remake, I believe that "Methodic" was the perfect opportunity for him to express his own creative ability. It's a familiar, but fresh horror experience with a unique vision and all the elements that fans of the genre can identify. It's debatable whether it holds up or not. As for me, I was invested all the way through and I am without regrets. Chris R. Notarile has taken cues from past errors and his filmmaking standards have since improved a tremendous deal. It's a practice any artist must adopt. At the rate his success is going, I would love to see more "Methodic". The movie has opened many possibilities that I hope to see executed with the high quality and top-notch techniques that Chris is becoming known for.
  • I found this movie to be pretty good for being a low budget. Methodic to me is basically a halloween "Michael Myers" movie, It felt that way to me. I enjoyed watching the actors work their magic to make this movie deceit but overall I give it a 10 for allowing me to watch the entire movie with turning it off. I especially enjoy Rachel Robbins performance. Director Chris R. Notarile keep up the good work and look forward watching more of your films.