User Reviews (16)

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  • dromasca2 January 2021
    The story of 'Atlantis' (2019) by Ukrainian director Valentyn Vasyanovych (who also wrote the script) takes place in Eastern Ukraine, in 2025, a year after the end of a war between Russia and Ukraine. It doesn't really matter who won the war, because the whole area is completely destroyed. The mines have made any car drive a risky adventure, waters are contaminated, pollution seems to have destroyed any trace of the vegetation that will have been spared by the fighting. Neither the survivors of the conflict nor the dead seem to have found peace. This is the ambiance of this powerful film about the conflict that is still taking place on the forgotten edge of Europe. The story happens in the future, but this is not a science fiction movie but rather political and ecological anticipation. A gloomy, pessimistic and unfortunately realistic film.

    Sergyi (Andriy Rymaruk) is a veteran of the recently ended war, but he cannot escape the trauma of the battles in which he participated and of the violence he saw or perhaps participated in. The war is over but not in people's souls. The friend and comrade-in-arms with whom Sergyi worked in a metallurgical factory commits suicide. The lonely hero of the film cannot get rid of the military way of life, of training with firearms, of travelling in the areas destroyed by war. During one of these trips he meets Katya (Liudmyla Bileka) who is active in an organisation of volunteers who dig up in search of the bodies of soldiers killed in the war, Ukrainians and Russians alike, anonymous soldiers buried in a hurry, to bring them the last respect and the rest they deserve. He decides to join them. In a way, these people are trying to close a cycle. Maybe together with the dead and the survivors and world in which the heroes of the film live will also be able to return to normal. This is an ecologically destroyed world, but worse than this, it is people's lives that seem to be marked forever. A sunken world, like the legendary continent that gives the film its name.

    Director Valentyn Vasyanovych uses interesting cinematographic means. The scene that opens the film and one of the final scenes are filmed with infrared night vision camera and the effect is impressive. The filming of the war-torn environment is remarkable, with a post-apocalyptic twist. The mention of the 'zone' quotes Tarkovsky directly, the difference being that the catastrophic war that caused the destruction is close to our actuality. What seemed to me to work less well is the emphasis on fix camera and the human presence filmed from a distance. The crushing space-character relationship does not allow the heroes to reveal themselves to the spectators and we cannot appreciate the actors' work either. The length of some of the scenes did not seem justified to me either, it is not necessary for an interior scene that shows the loneliness of the hero to last ten minutes when the message has become obvious after two minutes. If these overweight had been eliminated and the actors had been allowed to express themselves, I think the film would have benefit. But even so, because of its theme and cinematography 'Atlantis' is an interesting movie made by a director who deserves to be watched. The ending, paradoxically after all the horrors we witnessed, inspires hope.
  • orange_times7 March 2021
    Probably some will find is a little boring and slow paced, but all the acting is done by real soldiers from conflict. This is a more a zeitgeist film about what is life in conflict zone.
  • Blink and you might miss something. This is a film that develops slowly, is mostly quiet, and can be frustrating. It builds slowly, scene upon scene, to tell the story of a country damaged by war with those left forced to think about their motivations and what comes next. I didn't quite know what I was watching until the end when I was pleasantly surprised that everything added up to a new kind of film that was quite worth my attention. There is nothing sci-fi about this so don't get your hopes up. This film is, however, absolutely beautiful to look at and has a strong directorial point of view, examining environment, machine, space, and our relation to them.
  • alexqueens13 October 2021
    For Ukrainians, Atlantis must come across as an important piece of filmmaking.

    Set in 2025, after an endurance conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the land is toxic and barren, and the only people we see are soldiers cleaning up the mess of a war-torn country and factory workers clinging to a job that's unlikely to last for long.

    It's gloomy joyless stuff.

    But for the casual audience bystander, Atlantis may not amount to much.

    When there's dialogue between two people, it's more or less engaging, despite the lack of story. But when there are 10 minute still shots of nothing of importance materializing (which is often throughout the film), I'm sorry to say that it was like watching paint dry.

    As it stands, Atlantis doesn't concern itself with the merits of a traditional narrative. Instead, it chooses to simply display an oppressive dystopia in a broken country.
  • Two_Journeys12 May 2021
    A gem
    For lovers of the post apocalyptic and dystopia, watch this movie. It is a bunch of stories within a story, with an extreme wealth or true nuggets of cinema. Beautiful filming; no fear of taking long slow and silent shots. Good acting. It was also an anti-war movie, showing that in war there are no winners, except for cynicism.
  • voodoolsmu11 March 2021
    Hard and hyper realistic. It's not an easy-watch movie, it's depressive and full of deep meaning. I love the backing, the unbeliveble atmosphere, the plot, the play. Really worth of watching but find the moment.
  • They say there was a story here. If there was, it could've been told in a 1 page comic strip.

    Yes, the cinematography in this film was outstanding. The choice of colors and the sets made this film an artistic visualization. But 106 minutes of a goes-nowhere story makes you want to fast forward to the end, then replay it on mute with your favorite music blaring over the stereo.

    Critics are raving at writer and director Valentyn Vasyanovych's work, but are naive to the obvious; 90% of this film are simple far and wide still shots on a tripod. Woopty-doo... some real talent needed for that I guess. Anyone can put an iPhone on a tripod and start recording, even a 5 year old. Yes, the use of machinery and sets was well used, but how hard is it to find a steel factory in a war-torn poor part of the world as your setting? Unimpressed. Even the use of heat-signature video at the start and the end is lame, amateur and pointless for a story. CAT (the construction equipment company) has a cell phone that does that. Maybe that phone was used for those shots instead of the iPhone on the tripod. Again, woopty-doo.

    Then we have the 106 minutes of boring, illogical and convoluted story telling with no real beginning or end, as well as long dragged out pointless and unnecessary scenes. How was this film even classified as a sci-fi? Is the year 2025 an upcoming alien era we don't know about? I guess those few that crave poetic art-house cinema may enjoy this, but I was zero entertained and very unimpressed with this one. I've seen and enjoyed many art-house films before, but they had a story, and thus I enjoyed them. I would've rather used that 106 minutes to organize my sock drawer with this sleeper. It's a very generous 3/10, all going to the cinematography - colors and use of the unique sets, and not to the laughably amateur tripod still shots.
  • peter-k-nets11 November 2020
    It's a very good European-style movie, so I can't agree with the ovreall low rating. Watch it and enjoy - you won't find many movies of this quality,
  • This entire movie could be told in a half hour.

    The story is not laid out well. Multiple scenes occur randomly, with no explanation, and then they are finally explained half an hour later into the film for less than a minute.

    The filmography is ok, but the random 10 minute takes with zero context are not.
  • Film is not about some very hypothetical future. Is about present time. No matter that war is still continue, the main think is war can't make sweet future. No matter will it be glorious victory or just disappointment of enemies the main think that war already did her dark work, our Ukraine has deep wound and have to live with this wound
  • While not technically a war film...

    The film centres on the aftermath of the Ukrainian and Russian conflict...

    It deliberately does not try to make it clear if the conflict escalated or whether it is about the now.

    It very much just seems about the present time.

    It is the hideous aftermath shown in unrelenting bleak truth.

    From the effects on industry to what happens to a war zone after...

    It is a beautifully shot grinding depiction of PTSD, and the totality of war.

    Highly recommended.
  • Very impressive and deep, really makes you feel that cold sometimes. Keeps you suspended for a couple of hours after the movie is finished. High quality visuals and actor play. Totally recommend!
  • No one ever mentioned yet but the film predicted that there will be a total war between russia and ukraine in 2019.

    After the latest threats of russian president makes one think and worry if in 2025 we will have exactly the same scenery in eastern ukraine. I hope ukraine will win this bloody war caused by an unjustified russian annexation.

    The film is very cold and dark yet somehow very warm. It's definitely not a western european film about the existencial crises of people who have almost everything in their life, it is about the people from the cold steppes of ukraine which had serious problems and still have.

    Slava Ukraini!
  • The most optimistic of all pessimistic, and the most pessimistic of all optimistic history of war. A story about war, without war, about peace without peace. About the causes and consequences, about the injury and the search.
  • The film is very slow and balanced. This is a great auteur film, but not a mass one. After watching, I was shocked and crushed (this is a plus towards the movie). This film is meditation (whatever it is).

    I recommend not watching the trailer, because it shows too much.
  • I really liked the film, its rhythm and scenery at the height! In the first few scenes it is very noticeable that non-professional actors play, but then it does not become a problem.