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  • A few years ago I saw the documentary about the Indiana pastor this movie is based on. I found his story to be inspiring and moving. This movie on the other hand loses credibility with the miscast of Joey Lawrence and his bad Botox facial expressions. We're expected to believe he's some sort of strung out drug addict but yet he manages to vogue for those camera angles. It's like he's worried about catching the camera angles so that his good side is seen. Not to mention, he's got about as much acting "talent" as a used toothpick. While the true story is an incredible one of redemption and inspiration, this mess lags a leading actor who has the acting chops to capture it. I recommend checking out the documentary this is based on instead. Otherwise try to overcome the bad acting of Joey Lawrence and stomach this one.
  • I wanted to give this five stars as a Christian myself I was hopeful that this movie would be good.

    It is a good message but it is so slow. I mean slow, like 2001 space odyssey slow. So many long periods of nothing happening and mournful piano music. The music is pretty though. Joey Lawrence is usually a good actor but he was so sullen in this movie and as he said in his podcast he hasn't actually experienced what Scott has. So I am figuring that he didn't understand drug addicts all to well. He just should have maybe watched a few addicts and interviewed some actual prisoners maybe. Also there were songs sung throughout the movie and I don't know why Joey couldn't have sung. They didn't utilize his musical talent like they could have. It just could have been a better movie with a better director and editor I am sure. I bet Joey could have even done better with better direction.
  • It feels more like a Saturday Night Live spoof of an over-the-top Christian film. It's just unwatchable. Joey Lawerence doesn't have the acting range to make a believable reformed criminal. There's not any point where you can take Joey Lawrence seriously without laughing at his corny performance.

    There are too many poorly written mass-produced Christian propaganda films. I doubt judges are spouting off an endless barrage of Bible quotes in court.

    It's a far cry from Highway to Heaven or Touch By an Angel. It's missing character development and the film is too peachy to be believable in any way.

    This is just another poor quality mass produced assembly line religious propaganda film with no substance.
  • gamma-7221119 June 2023
    I would recommend this movie. I can't tell you how it touched this Mom's heart and tears streamed as Scott (Joey Lawrence) told his mom goodbye. I have been that mom and grandma on the other end. So many moments I burst into tears because of how the love of God came through the message and I hoped my own daughter and grandson could come to Christ like Scott (Joey Lawrence) did. I felt his acting was pretty darn good. He was all in, angry, sad, depressed, lonely, he feened for the next fix and more. I would recommend watching cause for parents desiring to see their loved ones turn 180° towards Christ and have a new freedom in life this gives hope. Michael W. Smith portrayed the love of Christ I've experienced from pastors very well.