User Reviews (7)

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  • redban023 December 2022
    I saw this movie on Tubi, which offers a lot of low-budget found footage films. A lot of Tubi's movies are horrible; I often find myself turning off a Tubi movie within the first 30-45 minutes. This movie, however, kept me interested for the full duration.

    I admit that the plot isn't so creative, focusing on a demonic / ghostly haunting; and the scares don't offer much that we haven't seen before in other low/budget found footage horror films (eg doors opening and closing by themselves). What gives this movie its value is the lead actress's performance, as she literally carries the film on her back with her charm, acting, and well-delivered monologues.

    The movie does have other major flaws though - firstly: the protagonist records everything, so she has video proof of everything that has been happening to her. Why, then, doesn't she reach out to more people for help? Secondly: around midway (or a little past midway), the film briefly starts focusing on her friend Blythe, which didn't work as well. Thirdly: we could have gotten more insight about the demon / ghost's background and powers, especially to help explain the ending as well as the fate of one of her coworkers.

    More accurately, I would've given this movie a 5.5 / 10. But since I can't give decimals, I will give a 6/10 score. It's one of the better films on Tubi.
  • This was completely unexpected. Much better than it appears on the surface. No new ground is broken, but this movie did exceed my expectations. One hour and 15 minutes long and not a lot of padding.

    The basic story is a video log of supernatural occurrences afflicting the protagonist. The story gets going immediately and gets the viewer at least curious right off. Elizabeth Chamberlain is our lead and she does a solid and convincing job. The film is gently eerie and peppered with some surprisingly chilling moments. The viewer gets used to watching the lead actress speak and attention eventually gets paid to everything that is happening in the room behind her. The tension gets slowly ratcheted up as you find yourself studying the kitchen cabinets and hallways behind her while she speaks.

    The bad news: The film loses a bit of it's impact when additional characters are introduced. The second half of the movie falters a bit. The story is all over the place, aspects are chilling, but there aren't really any rules established or much explained. Our lead character starts making odd decisions that don't quite seem to make sense.

    All in was a good watch. For such a short film, it was packed with interesting moments. Scary? Not really. Creepy? Definitely.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I think some of the "Leave it" part was that while the main actress was funny and she's very pretty, she was just a little bit too happy to be in a haunted apartment. If I was to have an entity in my place, I wouldn't be so excited that I'd want to have a "yes" or "no" knocking conversation with it. The only knocking you'd hear from my place would be a moving company knocking on the door.

    For the most part, it had just a few decent moments...little kids doing goofy things in the apartment. It was pretty sparse but at least it did look like it was going somewhere. When it ended, that was exactly not where I thought it was going.

    It's not a waste of an hour if you are used to just basic types of scares and such.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Micro-budget. Cast that no one has ever heard of. Run of the mill paranormal hijinks. Nothing new to see here, folks. I can deal with all of that.

    What was kind of hard to swallow was the protagonist's indefatigable perkiness. Genesis, played by Elizabeth Chamberlain, seems a bit too giddy for someone who is losing her friends one by one, and who lives in a haunted apartment. She makes contact with the entity, which manages to communicate with Genesis that it is neither a ghost, nor a demon, but it won't give her any clues as to what it may actually be. When she asks if it is there to harm her, ot won't say yes or no. It does indicate that it is there to haunt her, and not the apartment.

    She sees what she assumes to be the ghost of a young boy in her apartment. She hears the sounds of a baby crying, and of a little girl giggling. Objects move on their own. At least one strange man seems to be watching her. None of these things seems to faze her all that much. Despite all of these mysterious goings on, she could give Sally Fields lessons on playing "perky".

    I'm not going to give away any more than I already have, in the event that you might choose to watch the movie. I've seen most of the crappy horror movies on Tubi. A lot of them, I couldn't sit through. This one, I managed to make it through to the end. Take that for what it's worth.
  • I don't understand how this movie could get a 6 out of 10 rating. Unless the actors or employees did positive reviews. The acting was terrible, the lead actress was not believable and very annoying, and this movie looked like it was done for a class project. I can appreciate low budget films IF the storyline is good, there's adequate character development, and enough suspense to keep you engaged. But this didn't have any of that. Nothing happened the entire movie, wasn't scared at all, and I even chuckled at the supposed scary parts. If you like slow burn films then maybe this is for you but watch at your own risk.
  • So I'll admit it: my wife and I love this genre. Low budget, unknown cast and crew, interesting production values.

    The reason? Strip away the effects, egos and aesthetics and there's no distraction from the stage and the actor. And in this case, that works perfectly. The lead is compelling, charismatic and totally believable. The supporting cast are equally real. Yes we've seen the style before, but this feels fresh.

    A chilly creepiness builds slowly throughout - those looking for quick'n'dirty thrills look elsewhere. But the speed makes it even more real.

    Movies like this are never going to win awards, but they win over imaginations and for that they are absolute gold.
  • I originally saw this as a web-series. It was a series of actual youtube blogs posted by this University girl, Genesis, with a new post every day or two as her haunting played out over the course of a couple months.

    Now, all this found-footage has been edited down into a movie, and it'll keep you watching to see what happens next.

    As other reviewers have said, what really keeps you watching this low budget, web cam film, is the lead actress's performances. It's so totally authentically a blog, there are times you're not sure if it's scripted or real or what. She is literally 95% of the film, and her acting is delivered right on the mark, staring face-to-face into the webcam.

    It's a low budget (or even no - budget maybe?) but it's got that found-footage authentic feel, and worth the watch.