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  • This was cute and funny. Following a music critic who learns about love with her inheritance -a Jack Russell Terrier named Binky.

    I've always liked Jeaneane Garofalo's dry, dark, and sarcastic style of humour and she spends a lot of this movie (while on her cross-country trip with her dog) having an ongoing monologue, mostly about stuff she hates. There are some genuinely funny moments here and I got sucked in despite myself.

    Kristen Holden-Reid plays the somewhat jilted boyfriend, waiting back home for her to overcome her fear of commitment and he's always nice on the eyes.

    This takes place in New York and across the Midwest but has an obvious Canadian feel to it and was filmed in and around Ottawa. 01.14.14
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The writing tries too hard to be witty during a time when The Gilmore Girls were compressing a lot of script into a 50 minute show on TV. This could have been much better by rising a few degrees above icy cynicism, which was probably supposed to pass for cute, funny and/or witty at various points along the way. Garafalo's character is simply an unlikeable self-indulgent whiner. The grungy hair and overall look is dated for 2008. As others have pointed out in the forums for this movie, nary a cliché was missed, and the dog is little more than a prop, not a true character as he should have been. We don't need a dog's-eye-view, nor do we need to hear what the dog is thinking (which, thankfully, we don't get in this movie); we just need to see the Garafalo character experienced what it means to care, not just change behavior for no apparent reason.

    There isn't enough of a relationship developed between the Garafalo character and the dog to believe that she'd become a better person. And, it's not entirely certain that she is at the end. There's a suggestion that should have been strengthened, that she has some expertise at reviewing music, with some level of exposure and fan base. More development there, instead of too much time spent in time-filling cross-country driving through the corn belt, would have given viewers a way to know the character, instead of simply be spectators to quirky behavior.

    But, hey, this is a light piece of TV-movie fluff that does the diversionary job on a weekend afternoon. It's enjoyable enough as long as expectations are kept at the level of an intern writing the movie, and another intern directing it for the Lifetime channel. Next time, Muffy, find a way to include something likable about your lead character; solipsistic sarcasm ain't enough. We might have expected better from the director, but,... the material is what it is. Not bad.
  • So yeah, once you've seen the first scenes, you know how this story is going to end. It's the same old love story being told over and over again... Or is it? Somehow I found this movie actually believable, in contradiction with some of the other well-known romantic flicks. Most likely this has a lot to do with the roll Janeane Garofalo is playing. She is the little neurotic music recensent Mary, who has a low self esteem-problem and who goes on a road trip. Without playing the cliché beauty 'that is so beautiful but just can't find the right guy', she puts down a realistic cynical little crazy woman and this is what makes the movie believable. The witty lines and some seemingly meaningless happenings made me often laugh out loud and curious all the time about what was going to happen next. Though I am a guy and Mary is a girl, I could really identify with her and her problems, which I know many guys have.

    This is not a 'girl meets boy' movie, it's a 'girl has boy and doubts' movie mixed up with a road trip movie and a lot of witty humor. Somehow I think this movie is a great one for Gilmore Girl- fans, please correct me if i'm wrong!
  • Mary writes music reviews for ALTunes Magazine in New York City, but lately she has been too critical of bands, and her boss insists that she take a vacation. It's just as well, because her family needs her to come home to Wisconsin and takes some of her mother's stuff to Boston, where she is moving to be with other relatives.

    Mary's boyfriend is Jake, a country music performer (in New York? Seriously?) with the band Vicksburg who is getting frustrated with her inability to commit to him. She has been divorced for three years, and her ex is remarrying. And he invited her to the wedding!

    Mary's family is even more annoying than she is. And they criticize her for just sitting around while she visits when she could be helping out. For example: walk the dog! But Mary hates dogs.

    Aunt Mary seems to have a good relationship with Nephew Gary. She's sorry she won't be able to go to his birthday party (Or will she? A lot of unexpected events take place in this film).

    The time has come for Mary to go home. She gets stuck driving a garish pink car, but things are about to get worse. Among the things she has to carry with her: Binky, the Jack Russell terrier she hated. The dog gets several new names, including Pot Roast and one I will only say was a favorite expression of Red on "That 70s Show". And Mary considers just leaving him somewhere a couple of times, though by the end of the trip losing the dog seems more like a crisis than an opportunity.

    On the way home, Mary and the dog have adventures, if you consider corn fields to be exciting. Mary tries to convince herself and the dog that they are. In Chicago, she meets Ethan, a fan of her work who also has a band which happens to be performing in one of the cities she will pass through. He hopes she will come see them (but should he?)

    Oh, yes, and if she times it right, she might make it to the city where her ex is getting married. So will she go through with it?

    I've always found Janeane Garofalo annoying, but somehow she manages to appeal to me here. She's not really pretty, but that's not necessarily important. Actually, some characters think she's beautiful. She's quite funny when the scene calls for it, and she is quite effective at crying when her character finally gives in and feels vulnerable.

    I don't like dogs any better than Mary, and I didn't grow to care for the dog as you imagine Mary probably did. But Mary and Binky have an interesting relationship.

    I also liked Nicolas Wright as Ethan. Ethan's "music" is another matter entirely. While there was some of what I consider music in this movie, none of it was played by bands Mary reviewed or simply enjoyed.

    I've enjoyed movies more, but this one was okay.
  • gleongelpi20 January 2017
    This story centers around a young woman who has emotional problems. She is neurotic and scattered but at the same time a talented music critic. Because of her pessimistic outlook on life and her impulsiveness, she is on the verge of losing both her job and her boyfriend. However, in the end, she manages to pull through after a series of nerve-racking experiences during a cross-country trip. This is not a comedy; this is not humor. This is a serious story that happens to be funny at times due to the circumstances that are all so very real for a person with a somewhat manic-depressive personality and an unhealthy outlook on life. At the beginning of the story, she has problems at work and with her boyfriend, which she is trying to keep at a distance, not wanting to make a final commitment. She too has problems at work and is about to lose her job for being so negative in her reviews. It was at this point when her boss tells her to take two weeks off that her sister calls her and asks her to drive her mother's car across country. At that point, the last thing she needs is for such a commitment interfere with her own domestic and working predicaments. However, she takes the challenge anyway and managed to pull through at the end, saving the two things that are really important to her: The boyfriend and the job. else in her already chaotic life developing from this point.