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  • Carl Hansen's short film CONNECTIONS is one of those films that sticks with you long after watching! Not only is is funny and clever, it also has a tremendous amount of heart that radiates off the screen! Starring the instantly likeable Jen Eldridge as a daydreaming subway rider who is desperate to start a conversation with one of the many passengers around her, CONNECTIONS takes us on that wonderful journey of "what if" that we've all experienced. WHAT IF I complimented that stranger? WHAT IF I started a conversation with someone I don't know? Director Carl Hansen plays out a variety of these moments in CONNECTIONS that are both lovable and fun!

    However, the story doesn't end there! Even more impressive is that CONNECTIONS was made during a 48 hour film challenge and features an inclusive cast of actors with disabilities who are playing characters that have nothing to do with their disability. As obvious as that might sound, it is extremely difficult for actors with disabilities to 1) find roles and, 2) find roles that don't simply highlight their disability. However, Carl Hansen's short film CONNECTIONS break this cycle and is a wonderful example of how special a film can be when a director thinks outside of the box!

    An incredibly BEAUTIFUL film and an ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH for all!