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  • Tweekums3 March 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    This French crime drama is centred on Yachvili (Yachi) and Constantine, two police officers who were once the best of friends but, following an incident, despise each other. Constantine plays buy the rules but Yachi goes by instinct and they each head a squad and are forced to work together again when they find themselves going after the same criminal. Tensions rise further when a Rookie on Constantine's squad is killed and he blames Yachi. Over the course of the first season we learn more about what happened to spoil their friendship as they close in on their target. Events at the end of season one put one of the pair in prison; once released he is out of the police and soon involved with a criminal gang; the other is soon in the sights of Internal Affairs when they suspect he has turned a blind eye to his former colleagues actions.

    This eight part series was rather fun; the two four episodes seasons following the same characters in different plots. The idea of having two old friends who now hate each other isn't the newest but it is an effective way of adding some extra tension. And there is plenty of tension as it is; after a rookie policewoman is killed early on there is a feeling that no secondary character is really safe. Yann Sundberg and Frédéric Diefenthal do impressive jobs as Constantine and Yachi respectively and the supporting cast are pretty good too. There is a decent amount of action which feels realistic rather than over the top 'action movie' action. The ending does leave things open for a third series although given how long ago it finished I suspect it is a little unlikely. Overall I'd recommend this to fans of Continental crime shows.
  • Two seasons of four episodes each were just perfect here. Any longer and there would have been too much padding. As it was, the two storylines in each season developed well and at a good pace. The programmes were lean but didn't skimp.

    Notwithstanding that, there were some plot unbelievabilities. The squads made far too many mistakes, both legal and in the field. Of course, the villains had to be given a chance to do their thing but it seemed a bit contrived on occasion.

    The personal rivalry between heretofore bromancers Yach and Constantine gave an added frisson to the action. The bumping off of major characters added even more.

    Unsurprisingly, there wasn't a third season having regard to the ending of the second one. I'm not going to introduce spoilers but it was a shame there could have been no way forward. I assume this was a decision by some of the actors not to continue, which happens sometimes.

    I watched this within thirty six hours. I definitely recommend it.