User Reviews (6)

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  • Basically it feels like any other ordinary love stories, it takes about the struggles of each lead, where the movie shows woman will bound to have some sort of work harassment or cheaters in their life! While the man have got (not only women get cheated!) cheated by her fiancée... the movie shows what happened when two individual met at working environment and gradually shares their own personal relationship struggles, then how their bond form and as much as western culture may show their affections straight away, the korean culture will be form by a lot of "water testing" etc.. Must say, it's a chill and relax kind of romance I don't think the word "crazy" matches the movie... isn't a bad one! great time killer and chick flick!
  • If you have ever been afraid to face people at work from drinking too much at the company party, you may relate to this movie. It is a lighthearted romance about superior/worker relationships, drinking too much due to personal problems, office gossiping and rumors about everyone's personal problems, going to far with co-workers ,texting co-workers while drunk and not remembering the next day but seeing what you did on your phone the next morning. Featured is casual sex with blackouts, x-fiance, x-boyfriend wanting to get married and more. It is a light hearted movie that seems to go by too quick. Could make it more interesting into a longer drama by developing characters previous relationships more, side stories more, etc, as it seems like a lot of details were left out due to it being a short movie.
  • This movie isn't terrible by any means. But is very bad in the way of romance. The two lead characters in the romantic duel (Jae-Hoon and Sun-Young) are pretty boring and have little chemistry. There reason for romance and the way it's projected are boring and uninteresting.

    Cast - 3/10

    Story - 3/10

    Romance - 2.5/10

    Overall, the romance in this self titled 'Crazy Romance' is nothing short of disappointing.

    That being said it is a fine movie to watch with no down-right terrible parts. But overall it is a forgettable watch with less that satisfactory romantic tension.

    I believe the only positive is it wasn't terrible. As a movie to watch if bored it's not the worst but if you're looking for romance then look further than this flick.

    Poor Romance - 4/10.
  • I love the movie. I am fan of Hong hyo Jin and Kim Ra won. So watching them together is like eating a cake. Interesting storyline is simple and I wish they make drama out of it. Want to watch them together again.
  • PennyReviews10 February 2020
    " The most ordinary romance " could have been a nice movie, but, alas, it wasn't.

    Could Gong Hyo Jin have picked a bad drama? I guess her character was okay, but the movie didn't help her at all. The biggest part of the plot was them drinking and one of them being drank and not knowing what they were doing. The romance, thus, was messy and never really developed properly. The timeline was messy too. The performances, however, where great, but all the actors are pretty amazing, so that was no surprise.

    So, overall, four out of ten.
  • linhbk12 October 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    The male actor is cute when he's drunk There are situations that make the whole theater laugh like underwear =))))