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  • I'm a drag race super fan. And yah, I echo what a past reviewer said: if you could tolerate the campiness of the Christmas special, this will suit you just fine. I could have done without this spinoff but I'll enjoy it well enough.
  • That was the best episode in years, even amongst drag queens. Here we see three people step their pussy up with a big heart, full of emotion and wit! It was really good! Thank you!
  • Immor-Tali-ty9 May 2020
    I don't write reviews. But I had to, because this brought me so much joy and happiness in this dark time, that I was compelled to. I've watched the first 3 episodes so far and I absolutely love the diversity of the celebrity contestants, from cis women, gender none binary to super straight guys; everyone got to enjoy the miracle that is drag. It's all done with humour and love and money is given to charity. It's just absolutely lovely and fun. People need to understand that this is coming from a place of kindness and not take it so seriously.
  • Loved this! Taking someone who's used to the camera regardless of sexuality and/or gender and having them perform Iconic Drage Race Challenges with a chance to win a Donation to a charity is a amazing twist.
  • sebastianodv25 April 2020
    Very amazing take to the Drag Race and the first episode was worth it. Had me clapping and on the edge of my seat. Highly recommend this series, is a twist to the Race but a good twist.
  • Only knew one of the 'celebs' from their brief spell on Glee. The third episode was the only good one and didn't really enjoy the female episodes as didn't feel there was much of a transformation.

    Episodes are really long and a drag (not the good kind). It's as bad and pointless as the xmas special and as fixed as All Stars.
  • lexi-ricio20 August 2020
    Super entertaining!! I don't understand why people say it's "underwhelming" and then point out that "women" doing drag is just boring because there isn't a "transformation." WRONG. You can totally see the men AND women exploring their selves and trying to break from from the "tradicional norm." If you can't see it then, mostly you just aren't an empathetic person. Regardless, I highly recommend it!! Lots of great moments that you'll be screaming "yaaaassss momma". 😂
  • What's the point of watching a celebrity version of drag race if we can't see who are these celebrities? Who thought would be entertaining to keep their identity secret? To begin with, most of these "celebrities" are unknown for 95% of the viewers, so showing their faces is the only way for us to see and learn who they are...
  • joemichaels-8171417 August 2022
    Another way to open up viewers minds and hearts. Simply amazing in every way possible! I love everything it stands for and wish this could be on a major network. I literally have nothing bad to say about this show. 10's across the board!
  • mark-136356 October 2022
    Really did not like the new formula for season two. I love the simplicity of season one, and the fact that you knew who the celebrities were when they walked through the door this whole thing just reminds me of the masked singer. I watched after that, and then I got bored, so didn't finish the season and won't do. Particularly after they decided halfway through that they were going to reveal the faces of these sad celebrities. Really wish they just kept it to the simplistic way of season one. This is just watering down the Rupaul's brand. Really don't need a season 3 of this. Perhaps on a snatch game only season, give us the things we love!!
  • If you liked the shambles of the Christmas special, maybe this is for you! If you didn't, then give this one a miss.
  • I am flabbergasted at how terrible and unwatchable this is. It is... awful. I am a MEGA fan of the regular series, any and all of them. This is nothing at that level. The fact that they try to hide the identities of the celebrities when it is painfully obvious who each one is from the get go, and also what is the point of all of this? It could have been done so much better. I will stick to the other shows, this one is the worst thing World of Wonder has ever pumped out.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I couldn't even finish season 2 and I've watch every season of every version(countries etc) of Drag race. If they weren't going to reveal who everyone was at the beginning they should have held out reveal til the end. I pretty much knew who one of the contestants was before reveal but they could have at least kept me guessing because it was the only reason I was still watching. There was a reason I never recognized the contestants cuz almost all of them haven't done anything in the public eye for years.

    Hopefully this is either canceled or completely revamped because otherwise I'll be tempted to waste more time watching the next season.