User Reviews (2)

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  • I watched few episodes and all of them seem like a copy-paste.

    In any episode Henryk an Suzanna would disrespect their duties regarding the archive and amuse themselves with unresolved cases. Suzanna would break the procedures all the time (why getting a warrant for searching the house if she was pretty certain she was on the right track). In the show she would always be on correct lead, no mistakes, no false suspect.

    Their boss would be unpleased with archive remained undigitalized and Suzanna violating the procedures. He would also threaten them to fire right away, if only they misconduct again. And imagine what, next time they would go in circles. Characters remain flat and show very little development.

    The bright side of the show is setting, nice Polish landscapes. Somehow interesting characters. Also some cases are quite poetic:)
  • pixelwks10 May 2022
    I love the English detective shows, but the other European countries have great shows as well. The detective show is quite an international art form.

    This one is from Poland and is all kinds of quirky and surprising. I've never been to Poland but it can't be as dark and "Soviet Era" looking as this show. No matter though the characters are "warm" despite the "cold" art direction.

    Absolutely worth a watch.