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  • This show is essentially a tamer creation compared to J.J.'s previous show, King Star King. I got introduced to his work through a recent interview done by animation buff RebelTaxi. I liked the first episode, it's a short and fun retelling of Repunzel with a Gory twist. The writers were essentially limited in contrast from King Star King, Limit the profanities, No religious jokes, No sexual content. And granted, they found their own creative ways around these boundaries. I'll be checking out this show as it evolves through the year!
  • BoxwoodExpress12 May 2020
    The concept is really good, putting a darker twist on fairy tales, but the execution is just meh. This show is so weird that I can't even fit it into my usual review format.

    The art is really nice, and so is the voice acting, but I loathe the way the characters move. Unlike South Park, where it's like that on purpose, here it just seems like a way to cut corners.

    There's also a lot of blood, gore, and gross-out, so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who's squeamish of those things. Then again, I'm pretty sure the creator of this show also worked on the infamous gross-out show King Star King.

    I think this show would work better as a direct adaptation of the fairy tales aired in a primetime slot, making them as dark as they originally were, but with better animation, more believable characters, and less gross-out.

    2018 and 2019 were such good years for adult animation, we got masterpieces like Primal. Final Space, and Tuca & Bertie. What the heck happened in 2020? The Midnight Gospel, Solar Opposites, and this show all were disappointing to me. Duncanville is alright but not the best thing ever. Hopefully Crossing Swords and Central Park are good.
  • I don't know what they were trying to accomplish here with the walking animation, it's very similar to how South Park characters walk but with South Park it works because the characters are meant to look like paper unlike here so it just looks very off. But even with the weird animation, this show will always make sure your eyes are on the screen with every episode as something crazy is always happening. Each story is rather imaginative with an interesting twist on classic fairy tales, I never really knew what to expect. It's certainly not amazingly good or one of the best works from Adult Swim and it does contain some of the stereotypical adult cartoon elements but it's a lot better than I expected.
  • There's so much that offending for offending sake's can take you, specially in this day and age when that is truly meaningless.

    Instead of being genuinely subversive this show just takes the immature route of being gratuitously gross and offensive, there is very little cleverness unless you find characters making wonky random faces with random wonky editing something that creative or endearing. It feels like it tries to be an edgier version of the first season of south park but made by someone that did not understood anything that made a show like south park appealing when it first aired, and of course, this comes more than 20 years later after south park aired, when no one really cares about the "oh no they didn't" type of grade school humor that looks like it came out of the mind of the cartoonist protagonist played by Tom Green in "freddy got fingered" or some highschool flash animator in the early 00s newsgrounds.

    Be assured, I am not rating the show so low because i am morally appalled or because i am queasy but rather because i found it trite and thoroughly unpleasant, not because of the controversial nature but for the lack of any redeemable features or a genuine intention to be creative or funny accompanying it. This show is just a compilation of mean spirited bits thrown against a wall expecting some kind of special gold star for being "so out there"
  • gadfly_mta18 June 2020
    I am all for weird cartoons, hell I even liked Super Jail. But this show is just stupid. The writing is terrible. Instead of writing anything interesting they just rely on vulgar and drug humor. Nothing is wrong with some vulgarity or drug jokes, but they are suppose to further the story not replace it. Seriously thought better of adult swim, no amount of weed can make this show funny
  • ebayaccount-8940218 May 2020
    Love it
    Im 32 and love it. Love stupid things where you don't have to think and its so silly its just enjoyable.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Almost threw up in my mouth(really) it reminds me of family guy level of over the top disgusting stuff
  • The concept of putting a dark twist on Fairy Tales is not a bad concept. What RUINED it was the execution. JJ Villard (yes, the same guy behind King Star King and Trap Universe) just managed to take dark comedy and surrealism WAY too seriously!! The characters never shut the hell up, it's too drugged up, the art turns me off, it's too raunchy, and it's so disgusting!!!

    This, like King Star King and Mr. Pickles, could be the next Superjail! All four are horrible Adult Swim shows that rely way too much on shock humor just to get a cheap laugh. It's hard to believe this was animated by Saerom Animation of all studios!! Yeah, the animation studio behind a really good show like the Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack did the animation for this show!!! I know this was not the first time Saerom worked with Villard (that also happened in Trap Universe, a failed pilot), but to make matters more insane, and I know this has been common in various of other Adult Swim shows, is that unlike Villard's two other works for Adult Swim, this was not done at Titmouse, this was done at Cartoon Network Studios!!! Cartoon Network Studios has been known for producing such great material for Adult Swim, including Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, Samurai Jack, Korgoth of Barbaria (though a failed pilot), Black Dynamite, and Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal. Even Welcome to Eltingville is quite good. I know CN Studios also did the Groovenians, and that sucked too, but still!!

    I also felt like John Kricfalusi also had involvement with this series!! Then again, why would I expect quality from the same guy behind King Star King. There's too much blood and gore, so much gross-out jokes, terrible voice acting, and the way the characters move, all done at Saerom?? It's like if JJ Villard REALLY wanted to copy the animation movement in South Park, and that show actually WAS fun to watch for 16 seasons!! I get wanting to take inspiration from South Park, but this just feels so wrong!! The way Saerom animated this show is so lousy!! They have done better works in animation, like Amphibia and Flapjack, but this has got to be the worst animation Saerom has ever done. I do not reccommend this show!!
  • tkayne-2199618 May 2020
    I mean it's not for the 'mature' but if you will, turn off the logical brain side of you and enjoy the peice of entertainment. I as a 24 year old enjoy.
  • The worst show to hit the air . This show is made for literally no one its not funny theres nothing redeemable about the show at all ,and excluding all emotions u can tell this show is worthless less and should have never been made. The satanic cult of writers deserve to be fired.
  • I recently checked out the premiere of JJ Villards Fairytales and it is a twisted fairytale animated horror show.

    If you enjoy dark humor, surreal animation, horror and fairytales , be sure to check this show out.

    The first episode was crazy. The story is a twisted version of the Rapunzel fairytale which has been adapted many times by such shows as Hallmarks Timeless tales fairytales for all ages animated series, the Disney film Tangled and more. If you have never read or heard of this fairytale before, this episode will introduce you to this fairytale in a very weird way by introducing you to boypunzel and his adventure in JJ's Fairytale World.

    I thought the voice cast did a great job in this episode too. This show casts an ensemble of Horror and other voice actors from Doug Bradley to Robert Englund and more. I don't know who did the voices for episode 1 but they did an amazing job.

    I look forward to checking out more of this show which it's dark gross twisted humor reminded me of the show Ren and Stimpy when they premiere the episodes on the Adult Swim website and see what fairytales will get the horror adaptation next.

    I definitely reccomend this show to Horror fans 18 and over. Great job to the Creator and voice cast thus far!

    I give it 9/10 stars.
  • Love this show it has great old fairytales that are even darker than some of their origin stories. Its gross and violent which makes it a masterpiece
  • allifonteslopez23 August 2020
    Enjoy the creative take on classic fairy tales. Also 10/10 art style and overall theme.
  • So I watched the first episode of JJ Villard's Fairy Tales on Adult Swim and it was pretty good and yet somehow very funny. The animation has some pretty improving segments which involves the way the characters walk is just like the way the characters walk in South Park and sometimes the characters move in traditional animation. Yes, there is some gross out humor, but it didn't gross me out horribly. All I'm saying is that JJ Villard is a very good and yet creative man, I honestly liked his work, I couldn't get enough of his brilliant ideas and I consider JJ Villard's Fairy Tales to be one of my favorite Adult Swim cartoons along with Final Space, Lazor Wulf, Primal, Rick and Morty and other Adult Swim cartoons that I like to watch. I recommend this show and if you don't want to watch it, that's fine by me. I give JJ Villard's Fairy Tales an 8.9/10
  • wstzqk8 March 2022
    JJ Villard presents a frightening twist to your favorite childhood stories. The animation is brilliant and writing style fits Adult Swim quite nicely. 10/10.
  • geromaflats11 September 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    This show is a worthwhile addition to the AS library, catering to those who love the preposterous humor (and walk cycles) of shows like South Park, or the over the top violence of Superjail and Metalocalypse. It is actually difficult to compare this collection of twisted takes on the Brother's Grimm to other series on the network as it's sense of humor and unique aesthetics are in a league of their own.

    Some of the pros of the series are some of the unexpected directions JJ Villard's takes these well known fables. Furthermore each episode often boasts a guest voice actor that surprises, from Corey Feldman to Finn Wolfhard or Jennifer Tilley. The visual humor and side splitting absurdity often against a backdrop of animation that is often as laughable as it is uniquely grotesque will keep viewers at least guessing what takes place next.

    Some cons: Certain episodes are stronger than other, I liked the Goldilocks, Boypunzel and especially the Red Riding Hood episodes. The others especially the season (hopefully not series) finale, Snow White, leaves more to be desired. Some of the weaker spots play on the sheer childishness of certain jokes. If one likes cohesion there is little here, and as far as actual "horror" goes it could be better described as over the top violences and gore. But there are some psychological elements mixed in that make it horrific all the same.
  • Honestly I think adult swim shows get underrated and no one talks about them. Like of course you'll here someone talking about Family Guy or The Simpson's, but what about Futurama or American Dad? Maybe it's because not many people will stay up until 12:15 am to watch a cartoon. And some of these are just oddly sexual and not funny, but not JJ Villard's fairy tales. This series is a very creative, hilarious way of putting fairytales. Like Rapunzel is Boypunzel, and Goldilocks is Goldilocks MASSACRE. This show is just Hysterical. It's creative, and short, and the stories aren't that in depth, so it's easy to understand what's going on. 10 out of 10 would watch this again.
  • We have lost so many good shows because people cant lighten up and enjoy something new and different. This show is very entertaining and feel that such a low rated is ill deserved considering the thought put into making this show the way it is. I hope they come out with many seasons to come and really pull out all the stops. You cant complain about how mature this is because it was meant for adults, and people who like things a little off balanced. This show is my opinion is great, its fantastic and really has me hooked from the first show. I appreciate the time and effort put into making this masterpiece. Its edgy and on point with just being something unique, if you cant appreciate things like this just dont watch it but dont give it a bad review just because you cant have an open mind about things that are outside of the box type of content. This is what Ive been waiting for.. more please! Love it :D
  • cekadah7 June 2020
    WOW !
    I need more!

    Watched the first four cartoons .....LMAO !

    More plez!
  • There's something oddly charming about JJ Villard's Fairy Tales.

    There's the obvious gross body horror for humor that can be crude and tasteless, but at the same time, oddly charming. From the animation, to the music, to the voice acting, this is a twisted dark comedic spin on the classic Grimm's fairy tales, which themselves, weren't too cheery either.

    This show isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea, but for me, there was just enough charm, love and creativity to keep me watching. Boypunzel, especially is a fantastic episode. If you can get over a certain scene, you do find yourself somehow becoming invested in Boypunzel's innocence and happiness. Also quite enjoyed the Goldilocks episode.

    It's not all grim shock value, there is definitely winning charm and heart to these episodes.
  • You HAVE to see this, it is even better than the Emmy-winning King Star King, the animation and stories are fantastic. Please let us have a season 2! Amazing stuff!
  • Twisted, dark humor, not for everyone but if u like adult swim, you'll likely get a kick out of this oddity