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  • YANXI PALACE: Princess Adventures was a pretty good Netflix spinoff series, though not nearly as good as the original Chinese drama from which it was inspired, but it was entertaining all same. I am a huge fan of the original Story of Yanxi Palace. This series was very short, only a few 6 episodes compared to the 70 episodes of the original. I do think, given more time, it could have evolved into a great show too.

    It probably would have been much better if it was as long as the first. In my opinion, the length of these shows allows for so much character growth and time for the viewers to develop meaningful attachments to the characters, thus viewers become really invested in the story. However, this series was pretty well made and kept the overall vibe of the original. There was an interesting premise, cast, music, visuals etc. It was certainly worth the watch.
  • PennyReviews20 January 2020
    " Yanxi Palace : Princess Adventures " was not as good as the parent story, but it was entertaining.

    The start was a bit slow, but after a while, you get back into the Yanxi Palace atmosphere. The love story was actually good, and the ending twist was original and was actually fit for a woman of the Yanxi palace. However, the ghost story part was not well explained, confusing and it needed more time to be well developed and the length of the drama didn't help at all. The performances were really good though and the leading lady was a delight.

    So, seven out of ten.
  • Thankfully it is only 6 episodes as they really should have made more effort instead of trading on the name Yanxi palace. No real character development and a plot that plods with all the actors lacking personality apart from Wu Jinyan who I am sure is regretting agreeing to appearing in this sorry story.
  • Those who have not had enough of the Story of Yanxi Palace would probably be the ones who would appreciate this most. It's fun seeing the Qianlong Emperor, Imperial Noble Consort Ling and their attendants like Li Yu, as well as revisiting the Forbidden City, again. There's even a twist in the story arc of Fu Kang An that I like. But being a continuation of a classic is a double-edged sword as those who expected this to be as good would probably be the most disappointed.

    I never let expectations ruin how I feel about a show. I try to enjoy it on its own merits. And this show does have them - it's heartwarming to see the loving relationship between the Emperor and Noble Consort Ling, Ling's unique parenting style and the way the emperor dotes on their daughter, Princess Zhao Hua (Rain Wang). The schemes and intrigues in a palace court are presented well enough for a 6-episode series. The story is okay, though I don't warm up to spoiled, mean princesses that well, even if the princess reforms in the end. The characters are younger, so the schemes and intrigues are not as elaborate as in season 1, but they're interesting enough.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Spoilers! The show was only given 6 episodes, each episode barely 40 minutes long (minus the opening and ending credits). They had a lot of plot-heavy drama that had no time to be hinted at, shown in flashbacks, drawn out creatively/purposefully/skillfully, or simply written into the show well. I really would have liked the show better if the ponytail bodyguard's revenge plot was drawn out over a span of 15+ episodes, instead of 3-4. In this show, you know right off the bat that he's not a good guy, so I literally check out in every scene that he's pretending to love the main character. And then I'm supposed to buy that it's actually genuine towards the end? Yeah, no.

    I also wish we got to know Lindir more. I forget the guy's name (so I call him Lindir, who was an elf in Rivendell in the LOTR films who really reminds me of this consort guy), but he's the Mongol dude that is betrothed to the annoying princess character. He's a perfect guy, but a bit too perfect. They literally don't give him much of a backtory, a reason as to why he loves the princess, and he has no flaws whatsoever. He's too perfect of a human being, and he doesn't get the screentime he deserves in order to be a fleshed out and interesting character. Oh, and also he didn't grab a horse and chase after ponytail guy after kidnapping the princess? There goes the knight in shining armor moment we could have gotten....

    The adopted princess VS the main character's feud could have been a more interesting and tragic dynamic if a portion of the show was dedicated to flashbacks of the two girls growing up together. I want to see and feel the adopted princess' feeling of rejection and loneliness when the seventh princess got all the love and attention from mommy.

    And the mother character (I haven't seen the original show that this spin-off came from, so I'm guessing she's in the other show) is made to seem like a really deep character, having come from nothing but has such a position of influence and power. But the show isn't about her, so why can't this spin-off give depth to other characters instead of focusing on a character who already has a ton of depth? And why can't we get to see flashbacks of characters who have passed on that keep getting referred to by the main characters every five seconds? Like the Empress Dowager and all the siblings of the Seventh me, the names mean nothing because I'm not given a face to go with the names.

    This show really suffered from the lack of episodes. Six 40-minute episodes? Really? Many Korean and Chinese shows have 30-60 episodes, and this show could barely make it to 10. If you can't get Netflix to give you more than 10 episodes, you might as well not try to make a show. There's no way you can do justice to a story like this if you have no runtime to develop any of the ideas and characters in the show. I feel bad, because this show had a ton of potential. I literally skipped like 12 minutes of the final episode because I was so bored and I just wanted to see Lindir again.

    Do not watch this show, unless you want to see Lindir being a perfect and handsome dude. But even then, he does not get the screentime he deserves. This show does not deserve Lindir, but perhaps he can make his way to other Chinese dramas that will actually utilize him more.
  • joanne-780491 January 2020
    Was looking forward to this preview looked good but i found it annoying and uncomfortable to watch found the main characters not likable at all the romance was flat not worth a watch.
  • aceelaann9161 January 2020
    I was excited as soon as i seen their would be a sequel to the first Yanxi Palace and loved it but an very disappointed at how short it was. I wanted the story to keep going but it was a major cliff hanger and i feel like it was rushed to end.
  • Acting is subpar - esp of 4th uncle / siwan / fukanggan

    plot line is super ludicrous and too much logical flaws.

    would not recommend.
  • zel_jee7 January 2020
    It's not a bad as some's a sequel and yes first one is absolutely the best and it's 70+ can one compare to 6 EPs? Haha...anyway....I liked it.
  • kieranweemeng31 December 2019
    Very very stupid plot. Don't waste time to watch. Trying to hard to recreate a sequel.
  • emmagifvars6 March 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    This was terrible, a complete letdown compared to the original series. The plot is forced and completely ludicrous, and nothing makes any sort of sense. The romance doesn't feel real, the characters are weak and one-dimensional. I think I'm mostly disappointed about Yingluo not doing anything about her terrible daughter. She is clearly a sociopath, and her mother just ... lets her be? I find that very not like the Yingluo from the original series. 10/10 would not watch again.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's only six episodes and of course the stuff is rushed. But I watched it immediately after the original, so I took the rush for what it was. The daughter annoyed the hell outta me. Therefore I was not on her side. I just watched it to see what the spinoff was about. The only stupid part was her "multiple personality part." That Fuca Clan is destined to not be with the one they their own hands.
  • I binge-watched this series in a day, and I really think it's worth the watch!!

    Honestly, at first, I was sceptical about this spin-off because it looked like it was solely about the love-life of Yingluo's daughter. BUT, it's so much more! At first, the characters weren't as likeable, but of course, not everything is what it seems;)

    The series was only 6 episodes, so it compromised many things (i.e. character development, relationship-building etc). However, I'm super impressed that they used old cast members and expanded on some events from the previous season! EPISODE 5 is a must watch! Considering the time limit, there were enough twists and turns, so it was a good effort!
  • I started watching this series without any expectation because I haven't seen the original one and don't even know what the main story of that original series was about. It turned out be so much fun and engrossing story that I could almost binge watch it.

    The characters are very distinct and display very clearly their desire , personality, background, strength and weaknesses. The clashing of these characters develop a story that always has something that keep my interest in every scene. The cast perform well, although not that outstanding, but we can see how they are very different people that has agonizing past in their own lives. The complexity of the story, the conflicts of interest between characters, its gaslighting and stabbing one in the back, its moment of romance blossoming and withering, the twist at the ending, as well as the setting being the Forbidden Palace of the old time when traditions is highly respected and value, give us such a beautiful and colorful movie that there was no boring moment and you just keep wanting to know more about what will happen next. Smart script, great directing, story moving at just the right pace. In the end, everyone has something we can sympathize for. BUT....this movie is not a melodrama or romantic is a drama and that means they don't try to please the audience. Sometimes you have to admit that daughter can really take after her mother and some women can be strong when she decides to be. ( I hope I didn't give anything away).

    I also want to say that the film shows fantastic costume design, beautiful cinematography, and great production overall. If you haven't watched the original, don't hesitate to watch this small spinoff. It is a great entertainment in its own right. The story is easy to understand. I would have binged watch it if I had had the time.