User Reviews (9)

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  • christianalaro14 July 2020
    The most stupid and dumb storyline in Nigerian movies history. Please don't waste your time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    FOR ME, there was nothing good about this movie. And I also got the inspired idea to ask two of my friends who also didn't like the movie to tell me specifically what they didn't like about it so I could add it to my review so it's not like I am playing the Devil's advocate, and also because the bible says "in the mouth of 2/3 witnesses a matter shall be established". Now there are three of us saying the movie wasn't good. I'll first start with their reviews before writing mine and I'll call them "Anonymous 1" and "Anonymous 2"

    Anonymous 1's comments on the movie 1. I didn't like the movie 2. I didn't even think it was funny or anything 3. I kept hissing, rolling my eyes and looking at my friend in shock 4. Didnt give me any sugar rush as intended 5. I als0 wondered why they blatantly painted EFCC as corrupt 6. I didnt understand why they bought the house they bought 7. Take out the whole fighting scene at the end 8. All the dry jokes, they were trying too hard o 9. Then Adesua kept drifting in and out between being the sensible sister and being just like them

    Anonymous 2's comments on the Sugar Rush Movie 1. O k... The story line was wack 2. I'm guessing it was supposed to be a comedy but I didn't quite get the humour. I was wandering if something was wrong with me when eve was laughing. Comedy ba wo? 3. Wait is it the same thing I saw Or is something wro g with my sense of humour

    Here's my own review (includes spoilers) The Sugar rush movie was about two sisters that stumbled on $800,000 left behind by a man who was murdered. The sisters along with their third sister went on a spending spree that drew the attention of some man who claimed the money belonged to him, so he abducted their mother and asked them to return the money to him if they wanted to see their mum alive again. The sisters were also kidnapped by two EFCC guys who were supposed to have been watching them while they made away with the money and who couldn't prove 2 of the sisters were suspects because the video footage that showed them carting away the money was mysteriously deleted from the EFCC database. And the sisters were kidnapped by the daughter of the murdered man who asked the sisters to go steal money from Anikulapo, a man she was involved with since the money they stole from her late father was rightfully hers and they no longer had access to it. That's the gist of the movie in my own opinion. So what are my thoughts on it?

    1. Goof 1: The three sisters' mother brought out a bible and Adesua said she was always going on and on about how the bible was going to lead them to their fortune blah blah blah so that should make us assume the sisters and their mum were Christians right? However, when they were chasing Andy to recover the money he stole from them, they ran through some muslim men praying and an Alfa asked them why they hadn't been to the mosque in a while for prayers meaning they were muslims right? How could they be Christians and muslims at the same time? 2. Goof 2: Bisola asked Adesua to calculate 360 X 800,000 and the answer they arrived at is N280 million. The right answer is N288 million. (yes I know I am petty! ) 3. The cinematography/production and picture quality was just ok. There was nothing fantastic about it. Isoken, Living in Bondage: breaking free and even AY's 30 days in Atlanta had way better cinematography and production quality. 4. The story line was very very weak! It felt like it was rapidly put together and wasn't given much thought or adequately developed. 5. None of the characters were also fully developed in my opinion. There were too many characters with too many things going on. 6. None of the characters were likeable or relatable in my opinion. They all just fell flat and even their acting left much to be desired. Only Omoni Oboli, Mawuli Gavor and the guy that spoke Yoruba with a heavy igbo accent did a decent job acting. Even Toke Makinwa's acting positively surprised me to be very honest. 7. The youngest sister's character was SUPER-ANNOYING! I legit wanted to slap her with an Omorogun throughout the movie. 8. There were so many irrelevant scenes that added NOTHING to the movie and the most annoying part was when the youngest daughter farted. Ahmean, comeon! Was that supposed to be funny and where we actually supposed to laugh? 9. I love to laugh A LOT! It's one of my favorite things to do. However, I did not laugh ONE single laugh in this 2 hour movie that was supposed to be a comedy and is being paraded as "funniest movie in cinemas till date" and "funniest film in years" 10. The fighting scene at the end was so fake! Ahmean how can we be acting that kind of fake fighting scene in 2019 nitori olorun?

    So yeah. These are my thoughts on the movie that I would like to share. I will keep the rest to myself.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Sunday 5 July 2020: I like cute African actress, Adesua Etomi in all of her roles that I have seen her in. I would like to see her in North American films too. Adesua is very cute, sweet, sexy and talented. But over all it was not the best movie and the acting in some scenes with the supporting cast was over the top, but over all it was funny with actresses Bimbo and Bisola and Adesua's real life husband is also in this film.
  • Not what I expected, and the movie is filled with utter annoying and dry humour.
  • femtayo2 August 2020
    This was a light and absolutely hilarious movie. Good actors and well executed. Makes for a cost relaxed watch
  • Hardly was there a period of 5 minute in this movie with nothing to smile, chuckle or laugh about. I don't think there is a Nigerian movie that beats this in it's genre (Fictional Comedy). The movie effects were as well commendable.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If I'm being honest, I'm not really big on Nollywood movies but I appreciate a good laugh wherever it's found. Lord knows it wasn't here.

    Currently I've been on a spree, binging Nigerian comedy-esque movies for about 2 or 3 days now. New money and it's sequel Quam's money, The Merry Men franchise, Chief Daddy (yes Falz brings a lot to the table), Fate of Alakada, and finally a friend recommended I watched this trainwreck of a movie and I agreed to do so.

    On starting it, I noticed cinematography was good. Quite nice to look at actually. The premise? Sibling scammers with a femme fatale to boot. Alright let's see where this goes; dead bodies, efcc, tasers, parties and costumes like this was coming to America, ohhh is that... juju? Jazz? Magic? The Matrix? Metahumans? Mutants? Merlin???

    Just what in Gods name was that??? Let's for a second ignore the badly executed jokes and poor comic relief characters. Why was Banks W dropping bullets exactly like Clark Kent in Superman Returns and Keanu Reaves in The Matrix? Nollywood I thought we were past these sort of antics???? Who produced this? Did you hatch this plan sober?

    Extremely poor editing and execution on the final fight scene. A whole lot of plot holes. Unexplained plot details at every point. What did the Alfa mean by "I haven't seen you at prayers" I thought I saw the mom was with a bible earlier? Their mom survived days without her medication I thought she couldn't go 12 hours? The guy that took the 800k usd, wasn't he a good friend of theirs that they often fed? Oh ok let's go back to comedy. The last sister who was supposed to be comic relief was absolutely draining. Cringe at every turn. The jokes? All extremely cringe. Kept trying so hard it was all so unrelatable. Wasn't the plan going to the uk for treatment??? What happened to that? I mean wouldn't it make the most sense to at least leave the country so you wouldn't at least be found especially when you have a stronger reason to do so (mother's cancer)??

    Oh and yes. Naked man in the house. Some fan service for the female audience. Fair enough. The water bottle scene in the kitchen was as cliche as they come but I'll allow it.

    Honestly this was a whole bust. 2 years of not acknowledging this movie's existence were the best years of my life. Now I can never gain the 2 hours + extra time spent pondering on wtf I just saw back. All I see in my nightmare is Banky W stopping bullets in a gold Agbada. Just wtf.

    This is why we don't do drugs kids. Stay off crack. Or at least don't do it while writing movies ffs.
  • ezicat15 January 2021
    An absolute comedy gold with a great plot-line. From the sisters to the villains, this is a must watch! Not the mention the unexpected fantasy elements and great special effects! Highly recommended.
  • When you hear Jade Osiberu is coming out with a movie, you can rest assured it's going to be great! Sugar Rush was a delight πŸ˜„


    -Can we have a clapping ovation for the production designer? From the poster to the movie, the pink color was well maintained and accentuated to show the female-centric theme

    -A remarkable harmony among the Sugar sisters, honestly, you'd think they were biologically related in real life😍

    -Fantastic job executed by the costume, make-up, and set design teams. Quality work in every scene

    -The entire art, score, and location designs turned Sugar Rush into a well-crafted production, nothing to criticize

    -Very hilarious dialogues, way too many laughing moments that we actually needed to pause in between to avoid choking πŸ˜…

    -Hats off to the visual effects team


    -Cinematography could have been more dramatic, notably during the chasing and shooting scenes; camera movements had too many still shots

    -The Mawuli Gavor-William Uchemba duo was a bit over-acting

    -Minor scenes lacked realism and it was a little distracting seeing body mics on the actors' backs...