User Reviews (19)

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  • Tvwatcherallthetime11 September 2020
    Can we please do better by our black boys? This documentary was inspirational. Have a conversation with the black boys in your life and make sure they know they're valued no matter how they are treated.
  • Stephanzuril17 September 2020
    I could not but wow when I saw this documentary, I will have a watch, rewatch and recommend the documentary for the future. Highly recommended.
  • shaufrect11 September 2020
    Very poignant and moving film. The message to celebrate and empower Black boys is one that so important right now.
  • jftennant12 September 2020
    Provided thoughtful insight of the problems and struggles that black boys/men/community face. I highly recommend this documentary and feel that everyone would benefit from watching it.
  • Fantastic, inspirational documentary. I found this so moving - engaging from start to finish.
  • Count the ways I loved this film - it gave me language (Mirrors vs Windows) to see things for the first time through the lens of Black boys and men - loved how this wasn't just setting me up to re-see the harsh images I've seen over and over again on the news but really helped me understand the issue and feel hopeful that this cycle of oppressive behavior needn't continue. So much love - super important film to bridge communities - imho.
  • eaustin7197516 September 2020
    I highly recommend this important documentary. It dives into the root causes of the negative, and often dangerous, stereotypes that plague Black boys and men in American society. Director Sonia Lowman and the entire team created a beautiful, meaningful film that should be seen by all.
  • A subject that needs to be addressed in America. Sonia Lowman and all involved have done a masterful job of documentary filmmaking with BLACK BOYS. You must see this film!
  • Simply a great presentation of what's happening in the Black Community in USA. The film was diverse and showed statements from boys who are just growing up to teenagers to adults to educators to businessmen to writers to people of fame until senior people telling different stories but yet they all meet at the same point of pain! It is truly a story that needs to reach out to the whole world!
  • This documentary was not just inspirational it also have the power of speech and character to represent that black boys is really worth everything good irrespective of what people think.
  • Filmmaker Sonia Lowman dives into the subject of Black boys, urging viewers to take a deeper look at themselves. The film takes a much needed glance into the lives of Black children that we simply do not set up for success. It is educational, raw, real, uncomfortable at times, and ultimately leaves a long overdue impression on you that you can not shake off. Ten stars, much watch, must talk about.
  • mhouston-9651822 September 2020
    I highly recommend this awesome documentary! A must see, especially for educators!
  • This was a great film! It talks to systemic racism and shows how black boys are affected. As a Black man I personally relate to this film. Watch this film and start to have the tough conversation with the Black community. Also try to eliminate your own biases you've been taught growing up. The system hasn't been designed to help the black community get ahead. There are some awesome teaching points for both Black and White people.
  • Black Boys begins with a powerful contrast: we watch a loving Black father put his son to bed and then hear Black teachers and poets tell us "there's no love for Black boys." As the movie goes on we see the people who do love Black boys - their families, their community members and their friends. But we also see with painful clarity that White people and White culture do not love Black boys and the devastating impact this has on the bodies, minds, voices and hearts of Black boys, Black men and Black communities. For this White viewer, the film was a beautiful and harrowing portrayal of an experience from which I'm carefully shielded but in which I clearly participate. Highly recommend.
  • This film highlights the struggles that the black community deals with daily. A MUST watch
  • I found this to be a loving but honest view into what it means to be a black boy growing up in America. The interviews were honest and open, and it really helped me gain a better understanding of my role in easing the burden they carry, and to contribute to their future successes. It will fill you with hope and warm your heart, and also do a lot to combat the racism many of us have been brought up with that now sits deep within us. This may bring it out of the dark a bit so you can start dealing with it. Thank you to the crew that took the time and energy to make this film.
  • toshakerby-412754 December 2020
    I have always BELIEVED in anyone that looked like me and especially my Young King. They have so much powerful and potential. I loved how they were all shining when asked "who are you and where do you come from?" This film gives me chills and it had me super emotional, but it was all worth watching.
  • We hear so much about black women in America and we have now become somewhat socially acceptable. To an extent more than our black brothers. This documentary sheds light on the black male experience. It shows the black man's vulnerability and fears that they must face in an everyday life. It does that different of color need more funding and possibility a different academic structure than the government is willing to fund.
  • vothompsonwalker4 October 2021
    Must-see for everyone who cares about humanity. Beautiful account of various experiences of Black boys and men.