User Reviews (161)

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  • rotariu-7346028 July 2021
    I didn't like it. Even a teenager could play better then that actors.
  • BandSAboutMovies5 August 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    The Dalton Gang terrorized Kansas and the Oklahoma territories on their way to infamy, robbing two banks in the middle of the day - October 5th, 1892 - at the same time and in the same town of Coffeyville, Kansas.

    Nicholas Barton has directed several westerns in recent memory like Wichita and Deadman Standing. The genre doesn't get much attention these days, so it's always good to see an effort come out. Plus, he wrote this movie and appears in it as John Kloehr.

    This film was made at the Old Cowtown Museum, the same Wichita location as several movies, including One Day Only, Home on the Range, Bloody Dawn, Midnight Shanghai, The Only Good Indian and Stolen Women, Captured Hearts.

    The plan - made because Coffeyville was called No-Gun Town - is soon foiled by the townsfolk who don't follow that law. Will the Daltons escape? Will they outdo their cousins the James Gang by living up to Bob Dalton's claim that he could "beat anything Jesse James ever did - rob two banks at once, in broad daylight?" And will the townsfolk be around to celebrate ousting them? History - or this movie - will tell the tale.
  • The historical accuracy isn't half bad, but the writing, acting and directing are a little lame... I suspect some of the other reviewers have personal interest in the movie, which is pretty drawn out for only 97 minutes... It seems inconceivable that so many fruitful outlaws and lawmen would use 30-40 year old converted percussion pistols... although they'd likely be much cheaper for production cost than reproductions of the documented five pairs of brand new engraved, pearl handled Colts the gang purchased soon before the attempted robberies... The dialogue is sophomoric... But probably the weakest aspect is the cheesy rock music that periodically slips in, like a teen romp movie, which makes it feel longer, but not in a good way...
  • I absolutely enjoyed watching this movie. I loved the music too!
  • This was far worse than Tom Mix or the lone Ranger, wooden acting, gave no insight to the gang really. Everything looked really amatuer and staged, like Que everyone walk about the town in your sunday best and try to make it look like a real town. Just awful.
  • dbasani28 July 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    The beginning screams unbelievable though it has a lot of plot twists. It's a 2,5/10 there's always a room for improvement.
  • Arguably the WORST imitation of a "professionally" produced movie in history.

    Those responsible should be embarrassed, unless they are simply trying to scam money from would-be investors.
  • If a 2 year old were given a camera or phone and ran around in the back yard accidentally filming for an hour,.................. it would be more entertaining than this steaming pile of ____.

    Anyone who rates this 10 stars is IN the movie or WORKS for the movie directly. There's no other reason.

  • mattcording19 July 2021
    The entire production looks like a school play very badly done at that, how on earth did this have 7.8?? Awful!
  • This is a well below average 'local drama group' attempt at a Western. Only without the charm. You only have to look at the ratings on here to know they're trying to rig it away from the genuine reviews.

    You'll find that the 1/10 reviews have actually watched the film, and the 10/10 reviews are from the cast and their friends who feel obliged to help out. The fact that one guy is the writer, producer, editor and actor, kind of says it all really. It's just not worth your time.
  • pgathigiapg28 July 2021
    This movie isn't complicated or full of twists and turns, but the actors have done their jobs well.
  • khushrovnina10 August 2021
    The movie is fully action-packed and violent. It's low budget but if you can look passed that, impressively done.
  • Take the glowing 8/10, 9/10 and 10/10 reviews with a pinch of salt. I have a feeling I know where they came from.

    This movie is dross, pure and simple. Avoid at all costs.
  • There's some really intense action and fighting scenes in this.
  • Love a good western. Action packed, true story. Best part of the film was the cinematography.
  • This is one more of recently produced westerns that cast a bad shadow on the genre. And the cast doesn't do anything for the acting profession. It's so poorly done there's no part left to commend. Plus, it's a story that happened but this movie gets it all wrong. Like, there was no research by the story writer or screenwriter. Full viewing is nearly impossible.
  • I love how they created the visuals of the true story. I don't understand all of the low ratings. I highly recommend you to watch it .
  • One of the best Wild west movie I've seen. It's better than so much movies I have seen currently. Though it is a little boring at first, just wait till the plot twist, its like we've never seen before in theaters.
  • One of the best movies I have seen this year, the bank robbery was by far the best part of the movie.
  • leenashaw10 August 2021
    Despite not knowing any of them, actors portrayed their characters very well.
  • A true story shot in Kansas about Dalton Gang: it is like a roller coaster ride.
  • iwanelesh10 August 2021
    It started out a bit slow, but kept my attention throughout. I liked it!
  • I just finished watching. It was more like an action movie than a traditional Western. Every young actor really delivered in a realistic manner which made the film watchable. I highly recommend watching the movie.
  • milindafabo10 August 2021
    Love a good true story western. Wish more movies were made like this!
  • This movie was highly recommended by some folks. I saw it in cinema with my brother. Such a movie enjoyed by lots of people who love violence and action, with a twist of outlaws and an interesting plot.
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