User Reviews (4)

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  • Catwomank2 December 2008
    This is the most brilliant "black film" I have seen in years, seriously! it is well written script wise, the picture quality is out of this world, which takes the experience to greater heights, I would advise anybody to see it.

    The chemistry between the cast members, one would think that they've known each other for ages. Its funny, its witty, current but still dark at the same time, and that adds an X-factor to it.

    Well Worth it, Wouldn't mind going for seconds or thirds or........U get my drift. GO SEE IT AS SOON AS IT IS OUT.

    Bigups to the Producers. I would imagine that it not only takes a dream but hard work and determination to pull off a movie of such standards.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The good production value may be one of this film's strong points but the ultimate clincher is the casting. Where else do you get Michael Boatman and Natalie Reid in the same room at the beginning of the movie. And if bitchiness is nigh worthy of praise then Wendy certainly takes the cup as played by Vanessa Bell Calloway. Ensemble pieces by their nature are a tricky lot but somehow the chemistry this cast exudes on screen makes it work, turning Jason Conway's irreverence into a cocky perspective were it could easily have come off as crassness in the hands of less apt talent. Jason pulls no stops when it comes to the shenanigans that unfold when you put ten very ambitious women under one roof. Be warned, you'll have to sit through the end credits to get a full picture of what exactly transpired in this murder mystery.
  • malibu-794 December 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    killing of Wendy is a excellent movie, clearly a lot of thought was put into it, the script oh my gosh the cast , actually everything about this movie was well thought off. i cant wait for the final cut to hit the big screens.The cast included my personal favourite RACHEL TRUE,Vanessa Bell Calloway and Davib Webb But to name a few. this movie has Comedy, a bit of mystery, and a bit of romance so it will definitely caters for you.What i still don't get is how Wendy (Vanessa Bell Calloway ) managed to keep her skeletons in the closet while she was exposing everyone else. That's all folks .you now have to wait for the opening night at the box office hah!!!!
  • sibss094 December 2008
    i don't even know where to start,i mean everything about this movie is wow especially the ladies. I am talking about the likes of Rachel True, Melisa De Sousa and Vanessa Bell Calloway but to name a few.It is very cunning how Wendy(Vanessa Bell Calloway) used the dirt on each lady to get what she wanted, which was to get a lead role. Unfortunately made her very unpopular amongst the ladies.You all know how women get especially when they feel threatened.Wendy did not care much as to what the other ladies thought of her and continued with her ways. That only led to her early grave. She was found the next mornin dead and nobody knew what had this where the mystery starts. i better stop right here before i give it all away.This movie will be coming out soon.Watch this space