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  • irel9915 March 2009
    How could someone with so much experience in the film industry, make such an awful film. Damian Chapa directs and stars in this straight to video P.O.S. which is also a gem from chapa's production company. The thing that bothers me is it's chapa's movie, and it looks like he didn't put any effort into it at all. Acting, story, directing, all garbage. I can forgive the whole Ken Masters in the street fighter movie but not this. And no the movie doesn't suck because of production value. Shaky camera, terrible action scenes, the stunts are laughable, *there's one scene where chapa's character shoots a villain with a shotgun, the villain grunt's, looks down on the ground to make sure everything is clear for the fall, and finally dies*. It's classic. Oh yeah and the movie line finale is the best part of the film. Miklo hit the gym at least before you decide to make a film like this.