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  • surbisrsh26 October 2020
    This show is just a cringier and faker version of intm. Intm was actually a pretty good show and had some level of standards when lisa haydon hosted it, with malaika arora the show has literally just gone down the drain. There is way too much bad acting in it along with a ton of fake drama to increase their views. Just sad how much the quality of mtv india shows have gone down now.
  • Liked the 1st season even though some people didn't but HATED the 2nd! Each episode was just filled with ads be it the challenges, brands, models interacting, EVERYTHING WAS JUST ADS Not sure why they decided to remove the bootcamp, Ujwala and Masaba this time. Didn't help.

    The show was really REALLY boring this time even felt bad for the models.

    The JUDGES WERE SO BIASED Just REALLY BAD! Not sure why I even gave it a 2.
  • When I heard about this show, I was quite excited, but unfortunately it was not what I expected. The contestants were nice but the judges weren't good enough with their comments and scores. Masaba one of the judge in the panel was not professional at all. Her scoring was very biased and she gave some very high scores to some of the contestants where the other two judges differed. I watched a couple of episodes but then I lost interest . Even the supermodel Ujjwala was very biased with some of the models. During the battle between two bottom girls, She gave tips to her favorite girl and she just left the other girl on her own to fight. I could clearly see both were struggling but because of Ujjwala, one stood out. I won't write much but to conclude, all I can say it was a discouraging and a biased show with no sense of professional judgment!
  • This show tried but failed big time. Intm was much better and very fair. If you're going to judge a subjective competition, the number one thing to do is to not have biases or favourites. It was not only obvious but admitted by the judges themselves that they have favourites. Some contestants got extra pep talks when they were in the bottom while the other bottom contestants got nothing. Some of the contestants received extra directing and feedback during photo shoots while others didn't, and obviously some contestants were saved when they shouldn't have been. The judges were backtracking on their opinions. They would form a negative opinion about a certain photo or video from one girl, but if one of their favs did the same thing they would say good things about her. The whole scoring system where Malaika scores at the very end is literally the absolute definition of unfair. She is literally in charge of the the final ratings and controls the winning and losing girl. Just because it's your show, it shouldn't mean you should be able to rig everything.

    Secondly, the challenges were NOT AT ALL supermodel worthy challenges. Only the audition challenges and the elimination challenges were high-class "supermodel" challenges. I would have given a 1 star, but the second one was because of SOME of the interesting challenges. Some of the runways were up to par but most of them were dull and not criticized enough. Most of the clients were either Livon, the headphone brand, or MTV. They are preparing these girls to be the brand ambassadors Livon, or they are preparing them to be in a tv ad for some small company. At best this show should be called "Malaika and Livon's local model of the year".

    Thirdly, I know obviously that because judging models is so subjective, the outcomes and opinions might be different from what the audience thinks. But I have watched many hours of other modelling shows from different countries and I have never disagreed with the judges this much. I'm not saying all of their judgements were bad, but there were so many pictures that were amazing and some were on the international, which were not praised. And some that were absolutely not up to the par, but it was loved by the judges.

    I feel bad for the girls because with good judges, good direction, fair challenges, and good exposure, these girls could have been very well prepared and gotten many more deals. Even if I give them the benefit of the doubt in terms of the fact that they may not have been able to get many designers and brands to showcase the girls or be involved in the challenges, at least control what you can: don't rig the show.

    The good things about the show was: 1. Anushka and Ujwala 2. The fact that they picked 3 pictures from photo shoots instead of 1, because it helps judge the variation a model can give and eliminates bias about not picking the best shot. HOWEVER, they completely misused that aspect of the show and rigged it so that the girls they wanted to eliminate "showed no variation" even though clearly during the task the audience can see the constant showing variations. I understand that even though some girls show variations, the photo might not turn out well, but I feel like they should use at lease one of the variations instead of making it seem like the girl stood in one place and did nothing.

    3. The variations in task to expose the girls to different kinds of modelling. This way the girls who are best at runway can stick to runway and who are best at tv shoots can do more tv shoots, etc.
  • 10 models, 1 Supermodel, 1 show, 10 inspiring stories. Supermodel Of The Year has been a rollercoaster ride. It's not just a show high on fashion, it's a platform where the models learn new things and grow stronger, with life changing makeovers and nail-biting competition with the modelling bootcamps and survival rounds. Watching the models from different cities and backgrounds compete with each other, living and fighting for their dreams and getting inspired by them is something out of the ordinary. The excitement is unreal with Supermodel Of The Year. βœπŸ‘Έβœ