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  • I would give this movie a zero out of 10, but unfortunately, the vote thingy won't let me. This movie was simply unwatchable. Scene after interminable boring scene, we are treated to poorly lit shots of some guy doing not much of anything. The home movies of my grandma knitting are not only more interesting that this 'film,' but have more narrative substance as well. Dialogue? Nothing interesting or funny about any of it. It seemed like the actors occasionally took a shot at a joke, but because the sound was so poor, it was hard to make out what they were saying. The 'jokes' that did register were not funny, unless maybe you are in grade 3. For instance, the main guy (don't know his name, don't really care) who lost his brain is upset because he saw a rabbit (an actor in a very obvious rabbit costume) doing his dishes, and he wonders to his 'friend' (again, no name given, or if it was, I was beyond caring) that it might have s*** in his cocoa puffs. Ha ha, that's really funny. This film looked like it was made by a blind crew. No colour sense, no sense of composition, no aesthetic appeal, nothing. The 'special effects' consisted of red tempura paint for blood and cheap animal costumes. The film is encouraging, however, in that it makes one believe that anyone, no matter how utterly talentless, with absolutely nothing to say, can make a film and have it distributed in local video stores. This is where I rented this piece of garbage, and I am going to be sure to not only get my money back, but also ask them to suspend renting this movie, for the benefit of any future customers who might be tempted by the seemingly intriguing premise of the film on the cover. I have seen Manos: The Hands of Fate, and compared to this piece of untreated sewage, Manos is a masterpiece of cinema. Unfortunately, I can't get my hour and a half of life back, but you might be spared the same fate...AVOID THIS MOVIE... not even worth renting...
  • I purchased this film through Sub Rosa's B-Movie web store as the description seemed interesting. Being a Sub Rosa Film you pretty much know what you are getting into; micro to no budget films with nudity and blood, limited production values, bad acting and a non-existent or failed attempt at a story. You might ask why I continue to watch these films and those of us that enjoy them know why and you can't really explain it. So I bought Synchronicity under the ruse of a splatter film with comedic elements. After all it is a story about a man who's brain runs away. Well my expectations were crushed because it is not a balls to the wall splatter fest as I expected from the trailers and description, however, what I did find that I purchased was a witty but disturbing piece of cinema, well shot on DV cinema. The film over all looks good; a little grainy in parts but it works for the story. There are also a few lighting problems but nothing that really takes away too much. The film is definitely amateur...but it is a very professional amateur. Sound has some issue; mainly wind noise on some outside shots that should have been dubbed. Score wise the music drives a good number of scenes and is quite interesting in that it almost becomes part of the hallucination. Yes, for the gore hounds there is necrophilia, A bathtub of blood and a pretty funny Zombie scene. Some of the effects are the zombie with the hole in his head; while some of them fall short like the brain thing..I don't want to call it a puppet with its limited mobility...but in their falling short add to hilarity of the film. The first half of the movie is intentionally funny and the main actor has some very over the top reaction shots to what is occurring as he is being pursued by Rabbits and Bears. The second half of the film takes a very dark turn as the character begins to have more relevant hallucinations that seem to be representing his personal demons. I only say this in retrospect having seen the end of the movie as you really don't know what to make of everything that is going on. All in all I found myself intrigued and into the film over its entire run time. It wasn't just background noise as I expected. Again the film does have some production value issues; but they do not get in the way of the viewing please; some of them even add to the odd aesthetic of the film. Some scenes do stay a little too long and could be trimmed; but most of the film in uncomfortable to watch so it is hard to judge. Its not that it is bad, it is just that the subject matter is weird and pretty perverse. I would recommend this film to any fan on micro and no budget cinema; it is definitely worth adding to your collection and has a few scenes that I think people will be talking about as they push some boundaries of what is acceptable on film.