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  • Sleepin_Dragon5 November 2023
    Katie and Micah move into their new home, but instead of domestic bliss, the couple share several sleepless nights, prompting them to set up cameras during the night. The nights become more and more eventful.

    I didn't exactly fall in love with this film when it was first released, people were apparently collapsing with fear in the cinemas, I never bought that, I didn't find it scary, looking back, I find it original.

    It always felt as though the found footage genre took off after, and because of this film, not my favourite type of film, but I can appreciate what went on behind the scenes here.

    I actually think the followups did a better job with scares, they took it much further, but when it came to originality, this one is the winner.

    Later films seem more scripted, and are definitely more heavily produced, this one feels a lot more raw, more naive in a way, that's where this film's charm comes from, that and the snappy running time.

  • Have not commented on anything in a long time. But after reading all the overly positive "scariest movie of all time" and overly negative "two hours of my life I'll never get back (hour and a half actually)", I had to comment. I heard about this in Entertainment Weekly and was waiting patiently for it to come out in wide distribution. All in all, it's a good movie for what it is. A low budget horror movie using the faux documentary premise. Compared to The Blair Witch Project, where you couldn't see a damn thing to be scared of, and Cloverfield, which just made me nauseous from the jerking camera, this film at least has steady camera work most of the time. If you are a die hard horror movie fan, will this movie terrify you? Probably not, except on a psychological level possibly. The notion of a demon haunting a person as opposed to a haunted house, while nothing truly original in the sense it hasn't been done elsewhere, is still not seen to much in horror (except in possession films), least these days in the days of Saw and Hostel and other crap. There are a few startling moments in the film. They are comparable to a friend sneaking up on you from behind and shaking you. But honestly, that's what I want from a horror movie. To be in suspense and have something shock me and get my heart pumping for a few. I can't remember the last film I saw to do that so at least Paranormal Acivity got my blood flowing a couple times. But mostly its disturbing. Some of the night scenes would be slightly shocking, others would just be creepy to watch. But in each something different happens. In terms of acting, nothing spectacular but hardly as terrible as some are whining about. And while the film suffers from all other faux documentary films with the "'WHY ARE YOU STILL FILMING? TURN THE CAMERA OFF!' 'I WOULD BUT THEN THERE WOULDN'T BE A MOVIE TO SHOW.'" moments, there are actually times when the boyfriend gets yelled at to turn off the camera and does so. And his character is shown from the beginning to be stubborn, frat boyish, and egotistical. So, while his stupidity starts to wear on you, its a slightly more plausible reason for the continual filming than say Blair Witch Projects "THE CAMERA IS ALL I HAVE LEFT!!!" moments. To sum up, is this the scariest film of all time? No. But it is without a doubt the scariest film to be shown in the mainstream theater in the last few years. Its more terrifying then the endless remakes and sequels we have been plagued with. One thing I hope for with all the hype is that horror fans want more genuine shock moments than over the top gore.
  • Did the hype kill the movie? I watch a lot of horror movies and normally I would really have liked this one. In the endless stream of b-movies and even expensive crap, this movie really stands out. Paranormal Acivity is a scary and straightforward movie and it isn't boring. But of course there is the hype. After I heard this was the scariest movie ever, expectations evidently went up. Eventually resulting in a slight disappointment. This movie would have been much scarier, creepier if I hadn't had any expectations, if I hadn't read any reviews. I guess Public Enemy was right about the Hype.

    The movie is scary indeed. After watching Paranormal Activity I noticed that the nightly sounds of my 200 years old house were louder and creepier than ever. But I did not let my good night's sleep for it.

    The acting was good but sometimes slightly overdone, which made it difficult for me to connect with the characters. I understand that Micah, the bf, had to be annoying, the character was written that way. But their is something wrong if you start imagining in the middle of the movie gruesome ways he could die. The movie should have been scarier if I had had more empathy for the characters.

    Anayway I enjoyed watching this film, but the hype made me expect more.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Who says this is the scariest movie of all time? This film is so annoying, trite and clichéd that it is FAR from the scariest movie of all time, unless it's considered scary that these people would even THINK they had a great idea for a movie.

    For instance, the producers of this movie want us to think that these events really happened and were videotaped by the couple as they happened. Please. I can believe that Micah and Katie would set up the camera at night to film things while they slept, but why would they film throughout the day -- while getting ready in the bathroom, or when analyzing the film from the night before? Why, when Micah woke up to find Katie missing and was immediately concerned, would he take time to unfasten the camera and take it with him to find her? She could have been in extreme danger! The only reason is to keep the movie audience "in the loop" as to what is going on. It's scripted! Duh. Even when the camera is left on the tripod, the action is always in front of the camera. For the producers to even think that anyone would begin to believe that this really happened is idiotic.

    And how about at the end of the movie, when Michah's body hits the camera? A blow like that would have knocked the camera silly. But the camera stays right there on the flimsy three-leg tripod, ready for the entrance of the demon-possessed Katie, who gives a sinister look at the camera before trying to devour it. Huh? In the first place, why would the "demon" or whatever it was, bring Michah's body back up the stairs? Because the movie audience is there. Because of the restriction of the one camera, the movie audience would have been left out of the action if the demon had left Micah's body downstairs. Obviously scripted.

    So, any possibilities of having a GOOD scary movie are ruined since we are confined (by this silly premise of "reality") to one video camera, alternately held by either Micah, Katie, or the tripod. This gimmick is cloying and annoying from the start. And this movie moves SO SLOWLY! My gosh, this was boring.

    Anyone watching this movie with half a mind and some critical thinking has to wonder WHY. Why did this demon want Katie? Why didn't it just take Katie at the first (and spare the movie audience the misery of sitting through this rubbish)? Why did the demon want to kill Micah (besides the fact that he was annoying)? Why were things always going wrong with the electronics, like the lights and TV, but the camera always worked? Why did the demon wait for years before haunting Katie again (she remembered it visiting her as a young girl)? Why was there a picture in the attic? Why, when the psychic said that he couldn't stay in the house because he felt the demonic presence so strongly, didn't he take Katie and Micah with him when he left? (Obviously, it takes the demon awhile to catch up with Katie since she hadn't had any encounters with it since she was a little girl.) Why would the demon-possessed Katie lunge at the camera at the end of the movie? This demon had controlled electronics all through the movie without having to use a physical body. If the demon wanted to get rid of the camera, he would have (and SHOULD have) rendered it helpless at the first of the move.

    Silly. Stupid. Annoying. Awful.
  • daveray_jr17 October 2009
    Warning: Spoilers
    The good news is: as a horror movie, this movie is watchable.

    The bad news is: hype is what is driving this movie, and I can already see that by the sparse amount of movie-goers who were in the theater on a late Saturday afternoon, people are catching on that this is not "the scariest movie you will ever see" or that "this movie will give you nightmares." What a load of crap.

    It seems like Hollywood is already struggling to profitably fill movie theaters with the garbage they are putting out these days. This is the first movie we have been to in over two years, and it was mostly due to all the hype, that we went to see this one. $32 dollars later ($14 to get into the movie and $18 for a tub of popcorn and two cokes!) it was at best, a watchable but mediocre movie. To put it very plainly, I wish we had ordered it from Netflix instead of blowing the price of a meal at a decent restaurant on an over-hyped B-movie.

    There were some creepy but anti-climatic moments: when Katie stares at Micah for hours, and the scenes leading up to when he finds her out on the patio were rather suspenseful. But the very predictable ending was quite a letdown, and the acting was a tad atrocious.

    The bottom line is, don't rush to a theater to waste your money paying ridiculous prices to see this mediocre movie; order it from Netflix (is it even available?) or wait till it shows up in the Red Box DVD dispenser.

    "Steven Spielberg was apparently so scared that he stopped watching it halfway through." Who posted this crap on IMDb under the movie's trivia? Who would honestly believe this after seeing this movie?
  • Paranormal Activity (R, 1:29) — Fantasy: Supernatural, bargain basement, original

    "Significance" is one of several dimensions I use to categorize SF&F films. It refers to the amount of resources — writing, acting, sets, costumes, effects, promotion, etc. — thrown into any particular movie, and I drop things into 4 pigeonholes: biggie, 2nd string, 3rd string, and bargain basement.

    Earlier this week I put The Age of Stupid into the last of these (movies that could have been made in somebody's basement), but Paranormal Activity is even basementier. In fact, compared to its siblings, The Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield, it may be the basementiest feature film ever released. You could make 10 of these for what Transformers probably blew on latex alone.

    But that brings us to the "bargain" part. Dollar for dollar, you get about a zillion times more entertainment out of Paranormal Activity than you do out of even good blockbusters like Iron Man, let alone such overblown, overfrenetic, overloud crap as Transformers.

    The movie is set entirely in a single house and features only 2 actors, both nonentities, aside from fleeting appearances by a couple of equally unknown supporting actors. It's all filmed with a consumer video camera, and much of the film is devoted to what that camera, mounted on a tripod in the young couple's bedroom, captures on its ultra-low-light setting as they sleep each night away for 2 weeks in late 2006.

    As we learn in the opening sequence, it's a pretty expensive camera, and Katie Featherston (playing a character of the same name) is fretting over the cost, but her boyfriend, Micah Sloat (ditto), assures her that he makes that much money in a single morning. It develops that she's an English-lit student and he's a day trader.

    Of more interest is why they acquired this geeky gizmo. Katie's been haunted by strange apparitions at least since she was 8 years old, and at the beginning Micah is humoring her by indulging his penchant for guy toys with a view toward capturing some of her more recent paranormal visitations on audio and video. He's pretty skeptical, but soon enuf weird poltergeistic effects start showing up on tape, just tiny little things, but inexplicable, and gradually he dials down the scoffing and (honest, well earned) chuckles and starts thinking this is "cool" (and, we are left to infer, possibly profitable). Katie, meanwhile, gets increasingly jittery and frightened. Neither is sleeping well, and they start snapping at each other, followed by regrets and reassurances.

    The dialog and performances are absolutely, totally, 100% realistic. Katie and Micah behave and talk exactly as you would expect of any happy young couple. Nothing is forced or artificial. The film completely avoids all horror-movie clichés. No cats jump at you out of the dark. Every time they flip a switch, the lights reliably come on. There are none of those cheap tricks where you see a character all alone in a wide-angle shot, then cut to a close-up as a hand appears out of nowhere from behind. In fact, almost all the shots are long, fixed- camera, wide-angle perspectives, and you can see exactly what's going on at all times (including the time stamp in the lower right corner).

    All of which make this the kind of movie that I'm always hoping for — an original story, well told, effective, using believable characters and, at least in this case, not needing a huge budget to get the job done.

    Since I saw it the same day as Pandorum (3), with its seizure-inducing stroboscopic credits, I must also say a good word about the closing credits for Paranormal Activity: 3 minutes of total black screen. True to the producers' conceit, they maintain the illusion of documentarihood to the very end.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    OK. It's not at all scary and there is no gore except for a bloody t-shirt at the end. It would be a "G" rated movie if they didn't use the f-word for half the dialog.

    Here's a transcript of the whole movie. (pretty much verbatim, stretched out over 2 hours)

    Guy: Haha, you're being stalked by a ghost.

    Girl: F@#$ you.

    Guy: I bought a camera so we can see your ghost.

    Girl: F@#$ you.

    Psychic: I'm a psychic! ooooo.... I feel something....evil. So, I'm going home now. Goodbye. (30 seconds of screen time)

    Guy: Haha, you're talking to a psychic.

    Girl: F@#$ you.

    Guy: Wow. That door closed on it's own. We should get a Ouija board.

    Girl: F@#$ you.

    Guy: I got a Ouija board!

    Girl: F@#$ you.

    Guy: Look it caught on fire (special effect #1) and now there's a demonic symbol on it. Help me decipher it.

    Girl: F@#$ you.

    Guy: I put baby powder all over the hall, and now there's big frog footprints to your side of the bed. (special effect #2 - bad stop motion)

    Girl: F@#$ you.

    Psychic: I just dropped in to say I'm still a psychic. (15 seconds of screen time)

    Guy: Wow, something pulled you out of bed and we got it on film. (special effect #3)

    Girl: F@#$ you.

    Guy: Honey, where are you going with that knife?

    Girl: F@#$ you.

    Police : Police! Put down the knife! (bang!)

  • PARANORMAL ACTIVITY is THE most popular movie of the year and will ultimately be regarded as one of the best horror movies of all time. Therefore, PA has warranted a HUGE debate on whether it sucks or not.

    Under this pretense, I have divided this review into 3 sections: 1 for the things in the movie that work, 1 for the things that don't, and 1 for the summation.

    ******THE GOOD******************************

    1. Originality - not a cheap knockoff or a member of Hollywood's non-stop horror remake/reboot wave. That is a game winner right there! Comparable to the Blair Witch Project, PA has received a lot of flack as being a rip off of BWP. Taken into consideration, the film's only real similarity to BWP is the use of home camera/1st person footage, and non-professionals inducing reactions from the supernatural world. That said, you have to answer yourself a question: Would you rather see another Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, or a completely original off-BWP type film?

    2. Suspense and Tension - the film does not rely on cheap scares and loud noises deafening you to induce the desire reaction of fear. Nor does it have the smallest fraction of gore/sex/exploitation compared to most of today's horror movies. If you prefer horror movies that usually don't stick with you and follow you out of the theater, then skip it by all means. The film gives you a few inches, and leaves your imagination to finish the mile.

    A suggestion on viewing the film: If you want to get the most out of Paranormal Activity, then DO NOT see it in the local theater on a Friday night. We all know what happens when you are in a theater with middle and high school kids during a horror movie. To fully immerse yourself in the movie, see it with your significant other, by yourself, or with just a couple of friends at a time when the theater is the least crowded. Try to see it at night, or at home in the dark. This film invades the sanctity of one's bedroom, and the old tactic of pulling the covers over your head doesn't work.

    3. Special Effects - even on a small budget, the film provides some very impacting scenery. Some effects are blatantly obvious, and some of the best effects are actually the most subtle.

    4. Acting - the movie is well acted considering it is full of unknowns. The characters are not obnoxious like most horror movie protagonists. They appear genuine and very convincing in most of the film. But in some scenes, not so much. More below.

    5. Plot - there is a pleasant (oxymoron) surprise with the direction the film went regarding the source of the phenomena. It's not your typical ghost or haunted house story. I will not embellish on this as it will spoil the movie for those who haven't or are deciding to see the movie.

    ******THE NOT SO GOOD***********************

    1. Writing - this is actually a 50/50 split. The 'supernatural' scenes are very convincing considering the subject matter, whether scripted or improvised. However, the dialog and character motivation/action during the 'down time' is unrealistic at times. This is a large complaint by those who didn't like the movie. Although the film is a large departure from teen filled slasher movies, the characters at times seem to be just as brainless as the teens getting whacked by Jason. There is a lot of "WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST....?" scenes in the movie.

    2. Acting - like the writing, the acting seems to suffer in the 'down time'. Fortunately, during the important (scary) scenes, the acting is spot-on, and very convincing. However, you might be taken out of the movie when the protagonists are interacting with each other during the in-between scenes, and the authenticity of their relationship is questionable in some parts.

    3. Scenery - granted that the whole movie is filmed in or on the characters' house, the static viewpoint of the camera gets a little boring. With all the phenomena going on, it would have been refreshing to see things from a different angle, especially in the bedroom. Fortunately, this doesn't hinder the movie, just a minor complaint.

    ******AS A HORROR FAN***********************

    Follow the suggestions above regarding with who, where and how to watch the movie. Seen under the right circumstances, and with the right state of mind, the film can be very effective, and having you looking over your shoulder when you turn out all the lights in the house, and crawl into bed. For this reason, I fully endorse this movie as a new member of the horror family. Fresh and original, the movie deserves all of the attention it is getting.

    Let this be a glaring message to Hollywood that originality is still the craved for in the movie industry. Horror fans have grown tired of having their favorite classics butchered and pointlessly remade. Directors and producers do not deserve revenue for just upping the violence and sexual gratification of old horror movies.

    The film's success is also a great indication that as a population, movie goers respond better to thought provocative subjects than mindless in-your-face cannon fodder. It relieves me to some degree to see that tension-fear based horror movies still have the chance to take the cake. Especially on such a small budget.

    Well Done, producers, directors, and actors. 8/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Perhaps best described as The Blair Witch Project meets the Exorcist meets the Darwin Awards, Oren Peli's Paranormal Activity is one of those "love or hate it" movies - some praise it as the scariest thing ever committed to celluloid, others claim it's boring and uneventful. Personally, I found it a passable effort, although my patience with the series has grown thinner with each successive episode. "One-trick pony" pretty much describes it.

    Low budget can excuse many things - repetitive structure, no special effects, a single location, a tiny cast - but not lazy writing. If something starts haunting your house and dragging you from bed in the middle of the night, I'll guarantee you will at the very least LOCK YOUR BEDROOM DOOR.

    Economically, however, this was a work of veritable genius. This stuff cost less than a used car and made like 10000% of its original budget at the box office. Young movie-makers all around the world are probably salivating at the thought.

  • kasey-schram7 November 2009
    Warning: Spoilers
    All my friends told me how scary and terrifying this movie was. And how they were jumping every five seconds. This movie is full of lectures and boring talks between Micha and Katie. About twenty minutes into it (which seems like hours) is them just talking about the "ghost", with nothing frightful happening. At first i though it was just the introduction to the movie, and that it was going to get better....but it just got worse.

    During the night, nothing happens except doors opening. yeah, so scary! Footsteps walking up stairs might freak you out, but it's really nothing. it's not creep at all and very stupid. Katie gets dragged out of the bed, but it's so unrealistic.

    Don't waist your time watching this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Not since The Blair Witch Project has a low budget film been so hyped up as Paranormal Activity. The only difference? Paranormal Activity is actually scary! I hate to say this because I know all the hype is turning a lot of people off, but I really have to say that this was an extremely effective film for it's budget. It's the Halloween season, what's a classic thing to do? Tell ghost stories. The thing about ghost stories that makes them so scary is that your mind plays tricks on you and something pitted against you that no Jason or Freddy or Michael could ever make you pee your pants, your imagination. Paranormal Activity takes those bumps, screeches, scratches and shaky noises of the night and makes you wonder what happens when you're asleep. I have to be honest, I could not fall asleep after I saw this film because I live in an apartment that makes a bunch of creepy sounds.

    The reason I'm so scared to hype this film up is because I don't think it's going to have the same effect on everyone. The reason why is this is the type of story that just depends on what scares you. If a serial killer chasing the girl with big boobs scares you, this probably won't. If you believe there's more to that shadow you see before fall asleep and that there is something more to the after life, then this movie will definitely give you the creeps. The couple isn't haunted by ghosts, but something a little more scary, a demon that is feeding off their negative energy. Which I honestly think happens in real life and it's the supernatural that scares me. It's the things that require faith that scare me, something that you can't see, but you know exists. That is what terrifies me. From Night #1 in Paranormal Activity to the last night in the three weeks had me scared half to death and the ending that will stay with me for a long time.

    Micah and Katie who claims that since her youth, a ghostly entity has haunted her, are a young couple. When strange phenomena occurs such as lights flickering and faucets turning on and off on their own, Katie believes the ghost has followed her to their home. Micah buys a video camera in the hopes of capturing paranormal activity on film. Each night, he leaves the video camera on a tripod in their bedroom to record whatever might be occurring while he and Katie sleep. On the first night Katie's keys are heard being thrown to the floor, where they are found the next morning. After this, Katie calls in Dr. Fredrichs, a psychic who assesses that they are being plagued not by a ghost, but by a demon that is intent on haunting Katie no matter where she goes. The hauntings continue. Micah suggests buying a Ouija board to contact the demon, as he is excited about the possibility of a real haunting, but Katie implores him not to. That night, the couple are awoken by what sounds like footsteps. Suddenly, what sounds like an inhuman roar and a loud bang reverberate from somewhere deep in the house. Micah finally borrows a Ouija board from a friend, infuriating Katie. While the two are arguing outside, a wind blows through the living room and the Ouija board's planchette moves on its own before a small fire erupts and extinguishes on the board. Katie agrees to allow Micah to try one more experiment. Micah leaves baby powder on the floor in the upstairs hallway, hoping the demon will leave tracks. That night, the plan succeeds; they awaken to the sound of footsteps and find three-toed tracks.

    Like I said, I don't want to over hype this film, it's something you have to experience for yourself. But if you do see it, see it in the theater, because I think it's part of the experience. I know now that the film has a wider release, there are people who are not scared by this movie are just saying it's a bad film. Now while I understand that it may not have scared you, I think this was still very well made for what little money they had and was very effective. If you lived in my apartment for a night, believe me, you'd know a reason why it scared me. A lot of people have experienced some sort of paranormal activity, just depends on wither you believe it or not. Like I said, a classic ghost story is always about the strange noises you hear or how something moved that you know you put somewhere else. Believe me, a movie has not effected me this much since The Exorcist, Paranormal Activity crawls under your skin and doesn't let go.

  • I was told by a lot of people that this film was ultimately terrifying, and would be the first to scare me. So me being a horror fan was dying to see this film. I can see how the concept of the film could be quite scary, because most of the time you watch a horror film your not truly scared until the dreaded 'bed time' occurs. The lights go straight on and you're too scared to blink just in case something happens! And as this film is based around the bedroom i can see the scare factor... BUT it was boring!Nothing really happened in the film apart from the occasional thump in the night, which just repeated itself several times until the end.

    It started off really slow, and continued to stay slow. The only reason i stayed in the cinema was because i thought it was going to pick up into a terrifying nightmare that would actually make me at least jump a little bit! I was wrong.. BIG TIME

    If you want to go and see a half decent 'documentary style' film then watch the Blair witch project or rec. Don't bother wasting your time on this... if i could take back those 2 hours of my life i would! Don't waste money on this...

    It's a good concept completely wasted!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Let me begin by praising those who marketed this film. My favorite myth is the one about how Spielberg (one of the producers) was given a DVD but couldn't finish watching it in his own home because he was too scared.

    I GUARANTEE that I wouldn't be surprised if nearly every positive review on this site is part of the marketing campaign. I further GUARANTEE that I wouldn't be surprised if the advertisements you have seen of audiences cowering in fear contain at least some "shills" - - paid audience members. I further GUARANTEE that you yourself will almost certainly be bored out of your mind and wonder, during every single frame: WTF? Now to briefly describe the film: A boring couple sets up a camera in their boring house and when they look at the footage of what occurs in their sleep, they hear strange noises, see their bed cover lift as if someone had farted, see footprints made of talcum powder on their hardwood floor, see the woman sleep walk and stand next to the bed for two hours, and see a Ouija board catch fire.

    That's pretty much it. Not only that, my telling of it is more compelling than what you would have seen in the theater. Now you owe me 11 bucks.

    I saw it in a packed theater at 930 pm -- an ideal audience at an ideal time. No one jumped. No one shrieked. Hell, at one point I wondered whether anyone in the theater was even awake. I know I barely was. This movie will make an EXCELLENT case study for classes in marketing.

    All I ask and pray is this: LORD, if you hear me, if indeed you exist, please don't let this director ascend through the ranks of Hollywood. Because if he is given a big budget to make a "real" film, there will be one more no-talent director flooding our theaters with crap.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm not a horror snob. I like movies that have a long build up to a big payoff scare right at the end. I like movies that take their time and are willing to take a chance... here's the catch, they have to be worth the wait. If I'm going to sit through an hour of build up, the last half an hour better shock me to my very core.

    In terms of scares, this film had surprisingly few good ones, and absolutely none that were in any way truly shocking. Doors slamming and things moving randomly can be scary if done right, here it was just done randomly. There were some creepy moments like the woman standing beside the bed and I'll admit that the ending kind of made me jump... but not because of tension but because it came out of nowhere.

    A good horror movie will do one of two things, it'll either make likable characters that you want to survive if it's a small movie with only a few main characters, or they will make a large amount of unlikable characters for a high body count. This movie combines the two, no likable characters so we don't care if they survive, but there's only 1 confirmed kill in this movie, and you don't even see it that well.

    Now the alternative ending is genuinely unsettling. The shot of the woman just walking into the room and then slitting her own throat, that was genuinely unnerving. What we got, weird CGI, another jump scare that confused instead of unnerved and a text ending that tries to pass the whole thing off as real... yeah I could live without that, not scary at all.

    This is a horror movie for people who don't like horror movies who want to say that they've seen a horror movie. If you grew up watching actually good horror movies, chances are you won't be scared by this. The only t hing that it did right was word of mouth marketing... and that's not enough to be considered a good movie
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If you are into the paranormal field and have done any research on the paranormal, then this movie will only make you kind of angry and leave you with a bad taste in your mouth. SPOILER- First of all this movie is not about paranormal activity, it is about demonic possession. Ya demonic possession is paranormal, but will never be described by anyone as just 'paranormal activity'. The guy in the movie handles the situation like an idiot and things that go on just do not match up the way they should.

    Although I am a firm believer in ghostly and demonic events, I personally found this movie to be very uneventful and it lacked a lot of build up to the ending, which was just amateur compared to what I heard about this flick. I sat there for 2 hours getting this slow build up and I kept waiting for a little bit of real suspense and it never came. DO NOT mistake me for someone who needs a lot to keep them occupied, if a movie is scary and creepy, then I will give it credit. I thought that Blair Witch was slow, but the ending creeped me out and I actually was semi pleased. This movie just did not do it for me. SPOILER- When you find these big chicken like feet with talon marks on your floor and its like, night 18 of events, you do not just go back to sleep or keep living your life, you go get some help. Usually I let people in movies be idiots without criticizing the movie too much, but when it is a movie that is built on realism and things that people actually experience regarding hauntings, I tend to take off the gloves and I get a little peeved. I mean the dude finds a picture of his girlfriend in the attic all burnt up on the edges from her old burnt down house, and he quote is,"Something is not right here." Really? Really?! DUHHHHHHH. SPOILER- the scariest part was when she would get up in the middle of the night and just stand by the bed. So ya...I will not be recommending this movie to any of the people I know.
  • Let me say, I was expecting that "Parnormal Activity" was going to be an awesome horror movie that really made you scared and really reminded you what fear feels like. This wasn't the case. Before this movie hit the theaters in my area, I was dying to see it because of all the hype it was getting. When it came to my theaters, I went out to see it with a few friends. Let me say, it really wasn't that good. I don't understand what people saw in this movie. What was so scary about it? What was so interesting about it? The scenes dragged many times, and most of the time, nothing really "scary" happens. Can someone say "OVERRATED"? I think this could win the award for most overrated movie of 2009. I hope the sequel isn't a let-down.

    Don't waste your time seeing this.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    While the movie itself has great potential to be good if you want to be scared, it can disappoint. Here are the main points that I noticed:

    Good: * It's believable that it is a home-made movie, suits the found footage genre rather well. * You can see the actors not faking it and over-working themselves, the amount of realism in the movie is just right. * The emotions are expressed really well.

    Bad: * During night-time scenes, the tension is being built up, however, when it's time to release the tension, it's not done effectively enough. * Again, during the night-time scenes, when the shadow creeps across the door, it's hard to notice it. * The story with the "Diane" woman, isn't linked into the main storyline well enough, even though it's considered to be important. * The movie is only scary in a good atmosphere * Long boring start.

    The movie was actually good enough to be called a horror movie, however, there are better films out there. A good horror movie in my opinion should have either a good amount of the "boo" moments, OR a good amount of weird moments during which you go "OMG, that's creepy", and I believe that the director attempted to balance both in there, but as a result neutralised the horror. As well as that, the scariest moments are put into the trailer, and the rest is more or less irrelevant.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Paranormal CRAPTivity is a great idea. I was so psyched to see it, but it doesn't play out. The marketing got me and a lot of other butts in the seats and I say good for the filmmaker, he made this piece of crap, sat on it for years, was told by everyone it was crap and they couldn't sell it, then along came Spielberg and finds the marketing angle, Let's pull a Jackass but show the audience terrified instead of laughing. I just wish they had a better movie to begin with.

    Anyone who has had to canvas a house knows you turn on every light in every room you pass as you explore the room.

    When a noise is heard he has the presence of mind to grab the camera turn on it's light but not bother to flip on the stair lights on his way down?

    When you exit the couples bedroom there is a room on the left that was NEVER entered. The door is open, but they just walk past it.

    At another point he exits the bedroom and b-lines for the far left room without turning on any lights?

    When he looks in the attic his only light was the camera light, he then gives her the camera so he can explore the dark attic, HE HAS NO LIGHT???

    Why wouldn't he want to call the Demon dude? Why would she be against the camera? Their motives are questionable.

    If I have a camera on us and I find the misses outside in the cold (AND she doesn't remember it), I'm checking the footage the following day to see what time she got up. That's when I see her standing there. I'm thinking this chick is gonna kill me, and I'm calling her mother or her sister.

    Another thing, they don't have a 9-5 job, why not stay up all night?

    Top 10 things to do when things go bump in the night.

    10. Grab the camera turn its light on but don't bother to flick a light switch when you pass it.

    09. Give only light source back to girl and find photo in pitch black attic.

    08. Don't examine tape when girl sleep walks. If you do don't worry that she's standing over you for 3 hours.

    07. When you get phenomenal footage of your girl getting drug to another room, do nothing with the footage and spend another night in the room.

    06. When your girl has a mysterious bruise/bite don't bother taking her to the ER. You probably don't have insurance anyway, this isn't Canada after all.

    05. Don't bother to get a dog for protection. Despite the cat statue on the fireplace, you hate animals anyway.

    04. Take a big interest in girl's demon, but refuse to call demon guy, you're too rich to afford that.

    03. Find footsteps on floor and get great footage of it, but don't call media or police.

    02. Make sure the 'chosen one' sleeps next to the open door. NEVER offer to trade spots with her or lock the door.

    01. Don't Google anything until act three, research is a waste of time.

    00. Keep the hardwood floors clean, because the most interesting thing about the movie was when I turned to the wife and said, "Those are nice floors," and she said, "I was thinking the same thing."
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all I must say, living in Belgium, I have the benefit of not being caught up in the hype machine. I'm sure if I were living in the States, I too would be numb to the affects of this film.

    I would imagine being in a crowded cinema would take away from the intimacy of the scares. I watched this alone on my couch in the comforts of my own home cinema. I am a huge horror fan, not just a gore hound, though I do enjoy some good gore f/x from time to time, but most of all I love a good scare...which is rather hard to come by. Films that have scared me are, The Changeling, The Innocents, The Ring, Inside (A L'Interior), The Brood, Blair Witch... I'm not easily scared, but given the circumstances in which I watched PARANORMAL ACTIVITY I was quite tense.

    This film is a lot like Blair Witch, Cloverfield in the use of the home camera, but the way in which the characters in PARANORMAL approach their situation is rather realistic and believable. The characters are like normal people, not Hollywood types. The acting is fine and the characters are fun and likable. The only thing I had a problem with (as far as believability) was the exorcism footage they looked at on the net.

    Maybe I would have been disappointed if I had driven half an hour to the closest English language cinema to see this film when it comes out in December. I love going to the cinema for the great image and sound quality. I wouldn't want to watch AVATAR for the first time at home. But PARANORMAL ACTIVITY is the film to watch at home with as few people and distractions as possible. It's not groundbreaking or amazing, but it works and it's good. I applaud the filmmakers for sending some chills down my spine. Thanks.

    Lower those expectations and enjoy the ride.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I caved in and decided to watch this movie, alone with the lights off, on Halloween night. :) The commercials / trailers I've seen online and on TV all say that it's the scariest movie since blah-blah and that people at the theater watching the screener jumped out of their seats, blah blah blah.

    I liked the acting in this movie and it did make me feel like I was watching a home video. It felt like something from except there's never sex. The two main actors did a fine job portraying a young couple in the prime of their lives, living together.

    Atmosphere was great, but that goes along with what I said in the first paragraph about the acting. It really did feel like an amateur home movie, except they used a really expensive camera instead of your standard Canon Powershot or at best, Sony Handycam.

    Emotionally, I will admit, I was scared at a few points. I was scared and I really felt bad for Katie. She's hot and I hate to see hot women not happy. :) Her boyfriend, I don't remember his name but he was stupid at certain points. Why men try to be macho, I'll never know. There were a few points where I felt the blood rush through my body. An awesome feeling for when you're watching horror, not so awesome when you're running from the neighborhood thugs.

    Questions I had to ask myself: why does he always have the camera with him, even when checking for intruders? Why is the bedroom door still open when they go to bed, heard of a lock? Why are they still in this house, machoism? Why is she still sleeping on the side of the bed closest to the door, obviously not machoism? Why has this man gone to bed for two weeks without getting some from this hot chick? I'd recommend this movie to the Hitchcock fan. Slasher and gore fans probably are better off filming their friends dive off a bridge. If you believe in angels and demons, don't watch this...go to confession and beg for forgiveness for all your sins (I know you have at least a dozen). And if you like, definitely watch this and then go right to afterward. Let me know if this movie changes your mind about homemade porn.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What can I say about this film. After all the hype, i was expecting something good, a new Blair witch project, or a new exorcist. What I got instead was an awful episode of candid camera! The acting was shocking, My houseplants do a better scared! Her 'fear' was completely non existent. His acting of 'big hero out to save his girlfriend' was simply woeful, with little or no emotion shown by either of them. The plot made as much sense as a drunks ramblings. if a demon makes a shadow, then where is the demon, has to be there somewhere? 1 is too high of a rating. Of the 'scary bits', where were they? Doors opening ans closing by themselves, ooh thats so scary, if your 12. As an adult, i was expecting more of a horror show, not bad special effects, like the appalling baby powder incident. Just why? being hunted by a demon, great, show us something scary then. Something worth the entry price maybe? There are two scary bits, and they are only scary as a sudden shock, not a horror aspect. Truly, truly terrible Don't waste your time and money When i had to go to the loo. yes it was that boring, i saw a lad saying he'd rather see this film than new moon, i was happy to tell him no, this is a waste of your time. Oh, and if you do go and see it, pick your audience. Ours was shared with 20 pubescent girls, who screamed at the slightest thing, such as the spider.
  • A couple decide to document their nights while they sleep, after they hear strange noises that they believe to be a haunting.

    I respect this film, for the fact that it was shot for less than 20,000, had absolutely no marketing campaign and has become a huge success based on word of mouth and the audience demanding to see it. If only other studios would follow suit and listen to people demanding to see movies they want to see, maybe there wouldn't be so much crap out there.

    Paranormal Activity is shot like Cloverfield, Blair Witch Project, REC, Cannibal Holocaust, etc. If any of those films gave you motion sickness, you might want to skip this one. Half the film is shot while they sleep, so the film is on a tri-pod, the other half is them walking around with it. So if you've never been a fan of those films, skip this one. Second, the film is not as scary as people make it out to be. Instead, it is one creepy and suspenseful film, that seeing in a theatre, only heightened my enjoyment of it.

    The audience I went with, all had a collective "Oh My God". I could hear it every time something creepy happened. You could literally feel everyone in the theatre holding their breath every time they went to sleep. Again, if you are the type of person who wants to watch a film and not hear a peep out of anyone else, skip this film.

    Now the film itself, shot in one week, small (very small) budget and every penny of it went towards the special effects. The special effects are what sell the film, if you don't buy them, the film will not creep you out. They looked real and impressive enough to push the film into a successful goal, which is to scare people. If you are already afraid of the dark, this film will not help you. Every creek, thump, noise you hear in your house will now have you thinking twice.

    Less is more, The Blair Witch Project uses this, as does Paranormal Activity. The two leads, are haunted by a demon, one we never see, only hear. Whenever you go into a horror film, as a kid you would close your eyes in fear. Big mistake, because it's the ears you need to be covering. The sound is what makes you jump, hear nothing, fear nothing. The sound design behind this film is what is scary people, accompanied by the visuals (memorable scenes with the powder and bed sheets).

    As the film progresses, the haunting gets worse. I don't want to give anything away, and I urge you to not watch the trailer. I watched the trailer and was waiting for those things to happen, it took away from the general fear. Not knowing what to expect will make this film that much better, that much creepier and that much more entertaining. I didn't expect it to be as funny as it was either, the lead male had some comic relief dialogue, the ease the tension.

    The couple are believable, the hand held camera angle works here and the fear will set in. I applaud Paranormal Activity, for not only becoming an unheard of success, but for being one of the creepiest films I've ever seen.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Not one part of the movie scared me. Production values are obviously not there on purpose, and the movie feels cheap the entire way through. I went in expecting a lot from this movie based on user and critic reviews and I was very disappointed.

    The story is basic and makes little sense when trying to tie back to another storyline about a girl named "Diane." The entire movie is about a couple teasing a demon until they tick him off enough to kill and possess the people inhabiting the house.

    Cheaply made movie that looks and feels cheaply made with a corny, stereotypical storyline thats been done multiple times. The movie left me with nothing when it was done. Don't waste your cash.
  • ...or, to be more accurate, how a very cheap and silly film was repackaged and pumped-up to fool an audience and make an absolute fortune.

    "Paranormal Activity" is truly about as scary and believable as an episode of "Scooby Doo." Nothing more than a brutally cynical, major-league exercise in hype, marketing and ultimately a result of mass-audience gullibility for such things. Along with the plebian tendency to concur about the Emperor's New Clothes being everything they were led to believe.

    Whatever people see in this "film" of any emotional or creative worth, I'm afraid I don't, and I'm going to stand up, point and shout: "But the Emperor hasn't got any clothes on!" Let's face it - old hat, badly done. Liked the string pulling the door closed though. Was that included as an in-joke do you think? A little ironic jab in the ribs?

    To borrow a rhetorical slice of quippery from one John Lydon (a.k.a. Johnny Rotten): "Ever been had? You 'ave now!"
  • I watched this movie in the cinemas since i wanted the full effect and to be horrified like never before as the youtubevideos suggests. The movie was so hyped i hoped it to be that scary movie I've been waiting for since my experience with Rec.

    The setup is a house, two people in it and a camera. Starts off promising with fairly good acting. It almost seems they are a couple in real life, that would be my guess. Micah(Micah) does what you would expect from a boyfriend after his girlfriend tells him she hears noises and sees things after midnight - he sets up a camera in the house and starts taunting. As texts in the middle of the screen shows the process, day1..day12 etc. things escalates from day to day. People in the audience are getting nervous and i feel the tension rising and building up my expectations. However the movie is never really kicking off and nothing is ever happening, its like Scream without the guy with the knife. Its like your lover giving you a lapdance and leaving in the middle of the show. Its like i pay 15bucks to get scared but i get angry instead. The whole movie felt like the first 30 minutes of a good horror movie, then all the sudden texts start running down the screen and the cinema is lit up - the movie is actually ending after 30 min? oh well my clock tells me I've been sitting here for 1½ hours.

    Taking the budget into consideration i would say its a great horror movie. I guess i was just expecting something more frightening. Want to know how the audience was reacting? They reacted like me, laughing and complaining when walking out.

    I could almost promise you the hype is mostly made up and the videos you can watch online are promotion and bullshit. I cant imagine anyone leaving the cinema or getting freaked out. OK, maybe if they are bored and leave or angry and freaked out.
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