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  • A fun dark twisted fantastic romp in the DC Universe sandbox. I truly enjoyed this fan made film. Is it long, yes. Is it over the top, yes.

    But the simple fact that you can watch it for free on YouTube and other websites is well worth a viewing or two. I am a fan of fan made films and this ranks up there in the upper echelon of films.

    Is it going to win any Oscars, no - but it should be considered for several independent film festivals.

    High regards to the cast and crew and especially the director whom you can tell all put their blood, sweat and tears into this project. A film I believe directors such as Burton and Raimi would both appreciate. Faneal Godbold and Rob Kellum rock every scene they're in. But, watch for Crystal Cleveland's performance as Poison Ivy who could easily win several best supporting actress awards.

    I'm looking forward to future films film from director Rossmann. So, get yourself a drink and pop some popcorn and settle in for a good movie night.
  • thejrrp16 July 2022
    Everybody In This Movie Did Amazing Specifically Chuck Sloan As Detective Harvey Bullock 🤘😎🤘Keep On Rocking Hope There's A Sequel. Chuck Sloan Is Awesome He Sent My Buddy Justin Sowash A Special Item In Akron Ohio.
  • Great Job to the director, cast, and everyone involved!!! This was an amazing movie and not only was it enjoyable and made me laugh too but it also went for a great cause. Keep making movies!!!
  • Wonderful movie that sheds light on the mental aspect of Harley Quinn and what makes her who she becomes! This film helped a wonderful cause with its production and fundraising efforts and really made you think about the pshyce of people. I recommend it if you enjoy a new take on a seasoned characters storyline and reevaluating what you thought you knew! Wonderful cast and crew!
  • everettgladys16 July 2022
    I enjoyed the movie the story was well told and kept me interested. Most fan base movie are short and try to copy the Hollywood version. This movie explores Harley Quinn from beginning to darkest end. It tells the story.
  • khorton-1064713 December 2021
    This is a fan film for charity, and I appreciate that, but I'd rather just donate to the charity.

    If you edited out all the awkward long pauses between actors saying dialog, the movie would be half the length. There were an untold number of scenes that could have easily been edited, shortened, or simply left out that just felt painfully long.

    The color and lighting were rough. I feel like if they'd filmed it on a cell phone it would have looked better. Was there even an effort on sound? It looked and sounded like it was filmed with an old 90's camcorder.

    I couldn't hold my eyes open for several stretches from boredom, but when I woke up the plot hadn't even moved so I didn't miss anything.

    It was unnecessarily gory in a lot of the scenes that had action and it didn't match up with the dialog driven plot, so it felt jarring and out of place.

    I'll give the actors credit for trying, but it was just so out of sync.
  • An extremely well put film! Kinetic, bloody, dark toned, and super-violent, The Devil's Daughter is a glorious treat for fans of comic book and horror films. But it wouldn't work without the dazzling, intelligent, and unhinged performances of its main leads.

    Ultimately, the plot is as dangerously intriguing as its central character, walking around with a hammer and an axe in hand, but it's also a whole bunch of grisly, satisfying fun, especially the unkempt, merciless, chaotic energy of Harley Quinn.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ashley McHam is the best actor/assistant director. She played a great commissioner Gordon. I loved the fight scenes. The mass escape was the most exciting part of the movie. The camera angles and lighting were extremly good. The movie was a little long though. I wish they cut the rape scene and just hinted at it. The makeup was terrific. Harley Quinn, Joker, and Poison Ivy were well cast. There was a great build up to meet the Joker and it was well worth it. His laugh and manic presence made the movie memorable for me. I wish the other prisoners were a little more fleshed out but that would have made the movie way too long. I wanted to see more of the Scarecrow and the lady with the masquerade mask.