User Reviews (3)

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  • The show has some impressive visuals, production quality is good, variety of places and creatures is convincing - however since the sudden twist in the plot a couple of episodes back the overarching story became...less captivating? It's as if someone interfered with the script midway and it all of a sudden started to feel like a different story.

    Yes, it's still the same "fantasy" racism main plot idea, with a bit of politics and a romantic story, and some bits of horror in between, but the focus areas have shifted.

    Its actually a bit puzzling - the series definitely has all the right ingredients to create something memorable but it's as if the mixing proportions were forgotten along the way...
  • It is very hard for me to write this and claim that this was not a very good episode. It had everything you would want from a fantasy show like this. And by that I mean action, great acting, outstanding cinematography, and an immersive music and atmosphere. I usually wouldnt write a review for a show that I do not consider to be among my favorites, however this episode changed my mind. Amazon must certainly be spending a lot of money on this, because It is extremely impressive to see how visually beautiful they have made this show look. Now if you are in it for the story, you certainly would not be having a blast because I am not going to lie, this series lacks in that area. However if you are watching this because of things such as costumes, visual effects, the action, and the cast, then you would be absolutely satisfied with what it has to offer. While watching this episode, at times I was questioning myself: am I watching an action packed House of the Dragon episode or what? Because yes, it did deliver, and I can't wait to see how this is all going to play out by the time we reach the finale.
  • macgyrl23 April 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    This entire series has had many viewpoints of repetitive historical stances, issues and basis of war. But none so much as the funeral scene. The priest dying the eulogy says "The Martyr cast down the Fae. And lo, it was decreed that their lives should be lived in pain. They should never know the ease of the Martyr's hand. Nor be welcomed into his kingdom. But in his mercy, the Martyr commands us to forgive even the most wretched of his creatures, to forgive the Fae." These are the same words that have been handed down through the ages by religious zealots who seek power in order to control humans. Look at what Christian's did to Pagans, Muslims, Jews. These are powerful words that I hope people who are watching this series take seriously. Along with the racism, bigotry and hate. The speech and actions in the show should be learning tools on how not to be a good human.