User Reviews (8)

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  • The "Piglady" in this film, is based on convicted killer Susan Monica, who killed two of her farm hands on her farm in Oregon...and fed them to her pigs.

    In at least one of the cases...she claimed that her pigs had attacked one of the men...and, having disemboweled him...she shot him to ease his suffering.

    Though, she also stated that she did not value human life.

    And expressed that she liked animals more than she did people.

    This film boasts being based on this story.

    And is, apparently, shot on the actual farm where the murders took place.

    It is, however, of the homemade horror type quality.

    And takes the story on which it is based...and turns it into a slasher.

    With the Piglady's targets being a group of young Californian adults, who have gone to the cabin of one of their parents for Christmas.

    Which just so happens to be on the property next to the Piglady.

    Who holds a grudge against them, because the father of the one guy keeps trying to buy her land off her.

    Which she is not for sale.

    Unfortunately, their attempt to spin the slasher angle in with the "based on a true story" bit just doesn't work.

    They just don't meld well together...and, as such, it comes off incredibly forced.

    Not to mention...the pigs come off as having almost supernatural abilities.

    Which requires an absolute suspension of disbelief, to come off anything less than absurd.

    There's also way too much of a focus on character development.

    With the horror seeming to play second fiddle to it.

    There are actually some decent special effects the parts that are more horror oriented.

    But the writing is lackluster.

    And the acting is pretty mediocre.

    So it never really goes beyond being mid.

    And even's on the lower side of that spectrum.

    It's not overtly horrible, or unwatchable, though.

    Just relatively forgettable.

    Anyone familiar with Gravitas releases will have come to expect this going in, however.

    So it's not really surprising.

    But it's quite obvious all the other early reviewers of this film are paid shills.

    Because they are rating this way too high.

    In my honest ranks about a 2 out of 10.
  • scarlettsdad15 March 2024
    That was my response at the end of this movie.


    I watched this entire 1hr and 39 minutes of crap because there were only a few reviews. The majority were glowingly positive, and yet it had a rating of 2.9. This meant a lot more people needed to leave some actual reviews, as this was obviously not fairly rated "10" alongside the greatest films of all time. So I hope you appreciate that I managed to sit through the whole thing, when honestly my opinion within the first 10 minutes never changed.

    Had the filmmakers chosen to attempt a retelling of the true story this movie was "based" upon, it might've been better. However, they chose instead to spend horrendous amounts of time helping us get to know the people who are going to eventually meet the title character...instead of letting us in on the Piglady herself-the one person who is actually interesting. No, of the 1hr and 39 minutes, about 1hr and 25 minutes is spent listening to boring, interminable, dumb conversations between really unlikeable and annoying people.

    The acting is below awful, the script puerile and direction seems to be distracted by grandeurs of another movie. The photography is either too dark or too fuzzy and the only positive thing I can say about it to give it a 2 is that the special effects weren't bad for a movie this awful.

    And if you actually make it to the end, you'll understand my reaction. Because it's just suddenly...and??? If you love true crime stories, stay far away because there are NO explanations or endings.

    Believe the low rating over the "10" reviews. I'm certain there were an awful lot of people too exhausted by disgust to do more than give it a rating and move on with their lives.
  • I don't even know where to begin eith this. The movie is based on a man, who pretends to be a woman, named Susan Monica. He killed two farm hands and fed them to pigs. To say this movie is based on those events is a bald face lie.

    Nothing the characters do makes a lick of sense. Who has a fire pit at their camp what seems like a 1/2 a mile or more from the cabin (the people at the fire cant hear gun shots or people screaming being butchered with a machete). While they're being picked off one by one, none of them think to run towards their friend, at the fire, who's got a 1911 bolstered. They seemingly run into the dark forest, as the antagonist walks after them, instead of running down the path marked with glow sticks that would lead them to safety. This trained marine with the sidearm gets easily bested by a grossly obese man.

    The acting, dialog, and characters are insufferable. What is up with that sheriff's deputy?

    I don't mind shalsher flicks, but this was unreal bad.

    Also, I counted 10 rounds fired. That 1911 didn't have a 10 round mag.
  • Key points:

    Based on a true story. Filmed where the murders happened.

    Original take on the slasher genre. First movie I've seen with female villain and first with pigs being used on command.

    Some flaws in the script and acting. No major plot holes. Leaves a lot of questions.

    Overall, an entertaining and suspenseful film.

    Piglady is a 2023 horror film about a group of friends who go on a Christmas vacation to a remote cabin in Oregon. They soon discover that the area is haunted / stalked by a mysterious woman (ambiguous gender) who is said to have killed and mutilated several people. The film is "loosely" based on the true story of Susan Monica, a woman who was convicted of murdering four people in Oregon in the early 2010's.

    Piglady is an original take on the slasher genre. The film does not only rely on jump scares or gore to scare its audience. Instead, it creates a sense of suspense and dread by building tension and atmosphere. The film is also notable for its strong female characters. The lead characters are all women who are strong, independent, and resourceful.

    However, the film is not without its flaws. The script is a bit uneven, and some of the acting is subpar. The film also drags in a few places. Overall, Piglady is an entertaining and suspenseful film, but it is not without its flaws.


    Original take on the slasher genre.

    Strong female characters.

    Suspenseful and atmospheric.

    True story filmed on the location.

    Fantastic special effects / props


    Uneven script.

    Some subpar acting.

    Slow pacing in a few places.


    Piglady is a flawed film, but it is also an entertaining and suspenseful one. Fans of the slasher genre will likely enjoy the film, but it may not be for everyone. I would recommend the film to fans of the genre who are looking for something a bit different.

    I give it a 6/10 but rated it higher because it has a unique charm about it. It's quite funny in spots. And it's a directorial debut and all things considered it produced quite well considering it was a crowdfunded moving raising my rating to a 8/10

    It's a fun movie produced with a low budget and considering the coordination required to make a movie and doing so at night with real pigs, I have to give it props.
  • I'll try not to spoil. It's a classic slasher with some pretty creepy elements. The Halloween / Christmas theme is cool and I liked the setting and ending with it snowing. I thought that was clever a "white Christmas." I also like the paying homage to Halloween and the elements of the good ole slasher flicks, when I first saw it pop on on Vudu I have to admit I was a bit swayed by the negative votes but I'm glad I ignored them and rented it anyway. It has its charm and deserves some attention and better rating than it currently has. Definitely better than expected.

    I'm not disappointed.

    It's a solid movie. Some good gore. A good mix of characters. The acting is believable for the most part, Nothing took me totally out of the moment and at times I was yelling at the TV. Chicks were hot. Got to see some boobies. And I was satisfied seeing the pigs munching on people. There is a comedic aspect with the pigs though. Pigs are funny animals and seeing their heads flop around did give me a laugh all the while being terrifying at the same time. I think it deserves a solid 7. And the Piglady creeping in the window. That's a terrifyingly great shot. Classic horror right there and the pigs lurking in the dark behind her.
  • Good movie. Low budget bit of a slow start but once it starts it pops! I like the characters even tho you want to hate them lol. Tony is the favorite. The pigs are pretty scary tromping around in the dark. The cast is peripheral blind but it ads to the frustration you expect in a good horror. I especially like that it was filmed on the property connected to where the murders happened. It's not a true story but there is a hint of truth to it. It's a good movie and worth the watch. I also like the attention to detail and how everything ties back together. It is also beautifully shot in a creepy environment. I'm not disappointed at all! Bought the dvd too!
  • cfair-6883826 August 2023
    You gotta give credit to anyone out there expressing their form of art! I'm always stoked to see and support go getters! It takes courage and a lot of blood, sweat and tears to bring a production of any kind to life. Way to go! It was very entertaining! I liked the characters and thought it was a good balance of personalities sprinkled with funny one liners, yet startling and jumpy at times. The scenery is beautifully shot and the fact it's close to the actual property where the murders took place is really cool. And the pigs! I don't how they pulled that one off but I'm a big fan of pigs regardless if they eat humans or not! I've watched it twice so far!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Alright, Piglady isn't without its flaws but that's what makes it a gem. It's one of those movies that will always be remembered and for various reasons. The fact it was filmed on the location of actual murders, ya gotta give props on that. And it's "loosely" based on true story. A very disturbing true story at that. So here is my breakdown.

    1.) I love the throw backs to the classics and it was filmed in my home town.

    2.) I love the location and the setting. Beautiful locations yet creepy af at the same time

    3.) the acting is good! Especially the main dude / director. The girls are good too. It works. It's entertaining and it makes logical sense. The dialogue, lots of hilarious one liners

    4.) the pigs!!! I can't imagine how difficult it must have been getting pigs to lurk around the woods at night.

    5.) the true story does give it an extra creepy feeling.

    Okay the negatives. Spoiler alert.

    1.) I wanted to see more of the pigs tearing people apart. But it was a crowd funded movie. So understand that would have been expensive probably. Vfx heavy movies are too common. I love the real pigs!

    2.) it's a bit long to get to the action. Strong start of the movie then a bit much of making you hate the main character. Hunter seems very insecure of his manhood while Tony seems to be the true alpha of the two of them. If that was planned, it was clever.

    3.) would have like to see more nudity lol.

    I liked how it ended. Too many movies have a happy ending. Not this one. Which is what I like. Because the true story doesn't have a happy ending. It's never explained why she/he killed those guys. And wtf was that pig head? Cliff hanger ending.

    It's a good movie. It's worth the watch. And I think it'll be a cult classic. Def a first of its kind with the live action with real pigs! Give it a watch! It's better than the reviews!