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  • First, in the City, Curious George counts the minutes before he attends his first dog show, anticipating dogs' performing tricks on stage.

    But the Man with the Yellow Hat won't be able to escort Curious George to the auditorium because he must write out checks to pay the bills, and so Professor Wiseman accompanies Curious George to the dog show, where he is surprised to discover that this is not about dogs' performing tricks, but rather about caregivers' showing off their dogs to compete for ribbons.

    Now, Curious George expresses boredom over his disappointment, or at least until Professor Wiseman ushers Curious George backstage to meet the prize-winning dogs face to face, and to befriend them in the process.

    Well, upon his return to Apartment Building 7, Curious George cannot remember any more than three dogs to identify to the Man with the Yellow Hat: a small dog, a large dog, and a hairy dog.

    And so, the Man with the Yellow Hat serves Curious George a sandwich, which he carries with him on his errand to mail the bills because the Man with the Yellow Hat has an errand of his own to run.

    So, Curious George carries the sandwich back to the auditorium, after Dog Trainer Man asks the human winners to gather in another room, while Curious George lures nine prize-winning dogs back to Apartment Building 7, causing Hundley the Doorman's Dachshund to follow the elevator by climbing the steps to discover what sort of mischief Curious George is up to this time.

    And when the Man with the Yellow Hat returns to discover three large dogs in his room, three small dogs in Curious George's room, and three hairy dogs in the washroom (How many dogs does this make?), action must be taken even at the risk of having Hundley the Doorman's Dachshund to be carted off with the rest of them (Will he return safely?), as owners arrive to claim their prize pets from "Curious George, Dog Counter."

    Next, in the Country, the Man with the Yellow Hat delays breakfast one morning in order to prepare a speech to honor Professor Wiseman in a tribute ceremony at the Museum of Science.

    Well, as Curious George awaits breakfast, he steps outside to discover Jumpy Squirrel's burying nuts and acorns, an action which Curious George does not understand until Bill the Country Neighbor Boy explains that Jumpy Squirrel prepares provisions to endure the coming winter, by hoarding the foods which are now plentiful in order to survive beyond the harvest months.

    Now, the Man with the Yellow Hat suffers from writer's block, and so he sets aside the speech which he cannot finish at this time, in order to run to the grocery store for breakfast supplies.

    So, Curious George removes all of the other provisions from the kitchen to bury in separate holes around the yard, with the impression that this will make them more tasty than in their current condition.

    Well, when the Man with the Yellow Hat returns to find that the cupboards and refrigerator are bare, he has to explain to Curious George that burying food does not work well for everyone except, perhaps, the squirrels.

    But when the Man with the Yellow Hat explains that an acorn which has been planted by Bouncy Squirrel, the great-grandfather of Jumpy Squirrel, when the Man with the Yellow Hat was the Boy with the Yellow Hat, has blossomed into a tall oak tree, Curious George gets the idea to plant a rubber band to grow into an inter-tube, a feather to grow into a peacock, and the Man with the Yellow Hat's speech to grow into a finished product.

    So, when the Man with the Yellow Hat returns from the Country grocery store once again, he finds another mess on his hands, which requires Curious George, the Man with the Yellow Hat, Bill the Country Neighbor Boy, Ma Rabbit, Jumpy Squirrel and an elderly neighbor with a metal detector to try to undo some of the damage created by Curious George, that rascally "Squirrel for a Day."