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  • This movie has a good storyline, the opening scenes of this movie, grabs us and never let go, when i watched the time, the movie was almost over, what a good movie.

    The post credits scene is so emotional, love it.

    Overall, this film brings out what Star Wars should be like and is gripping with action the whole way through definitely watch this film.

    It is a fantastic experience all the way through!
  • This movie is proof that much can be done with the Star Wars franchise.

    An original story that gathers sith of the past and future in a battle against the rebels... Rui Constantino brought us another great movie.

    Congratilations to everyone involved in the making of this film... superb work.
  • Picking up after the events of episode 3, Vader is the pupil searching the galaxy to find and kill master Yoda and Obi-wan, now a new apprentice rises but i don´t think he really knows the true power of the force, he is old to start in the jedi ways but master yoda talks to him, warning him about the dark ways of the sith.

    The good news is that "Return of the Sith" is not only one of the best fan films, but the first and darkest installment since "The Empire Strikes Back." This film really captures the horror and consequences of carnage, chaos, mystery and doom after the once-prosperous Republic becomes the Galatic Empire after it falls to the darkness and evil power of the Sith.

    The Sith are in power and we see that in full, the special effects were done very well, pure sci-fi action and breath-taking lightsaber fights, especially the duel between Vader and Revan, but there are others.

    Our hats are off not only to Rui Constantino (the director) but to all that made this movie possible.

    All I can say is 9.
  • filipe_ferreira198326 December 2021
    I'm a Sith worshipper so I loved this movie Can wait for the others.

    Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.

    Through Passion, I gain Strength.

    Through Strength, I gain Power.

    Through Power, I gain Victory.

    Through Victory my chains are Broken.

    The Force shall free me.
  • The story is big, though paced wonderfully, the characters are all wonderful, the action is top notch, the CGI holds up very well, and the overall tone throughout the film is epic from start to finish.

    There is no slow moments in this movie, none.

    It´s clocking only at 94 minutes, but is nonstop action and we get to see a bunch of sith lords.

    Vader is every bit as effective as it is heartbreaking, which makes for one of the best character developments I've seen in any action film, he still has emotions within and in this movie we see it.

    Perfect casting of Darth Revan one of the most beloved characters of the fans and Vader.

    Their battle is amazing.

    I´m not going to spoil it, because everyone should go to Unknown world pictures tv channel on facebook and check this great spinoff NOW!

    It´s really GOOD.
  • Where do i begin, i don´t even know, this movie is so good, whenever i saw Darth Talon on screen i was high... I love her, she´s my favorite sith.

    Keep an eye for easter eggs, the movie is full of them.

    The movie has a coherent story, well told, well paced, it is full of fireworks, but they always support the progression of the story, nothing felt unnecessary like some stuff in the some episodes of the franchise.

    Slow paced, it simply doesn´t exist in this universe.

    Believe in me, after you see this, you will want to watch the prequels again.

    When i saw all the siths in this movie, i felt like a kid in a comic shop.
  • The cast performs mostly well, highlighted by convincing leads.

    Dialogue is good yet character development still has strong moments.

    Emotionally the film has bright moments, plus some intense, grand visuals that assists the feature's eye catching nature. A classic score helps the development as well., the final battle climax with the soundtrack is crazy, i forgot was seeing a fan film for moments.

    The ending ends on cliffhanger so we can expect more to come soon.
  • The ultimate evil "Darth Vader" under the guise of his new mentor "Darth Sidious" wants to track and kill Master Yoda, but someone as something to say about that.

    Everyone should be able to appreciate the immensely large battles and countless lightsaber duels. So seriously, there is plenty to enjoy.

    The movie is a extremely action packed one, perhaps the most action packed i´ve seen in a long time.

    When the movie ended, i wanted more, but the last scene after the credits, left me with a tears in my eyes, always wanted to see that.

    Still the movie has a few questions to be answered, i think that on the next episode we will see that come to a conclusion.

    My rating could only be 10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So much better than the last two movies. Quite dark, action sequences great.

    The Saber battles seem more realistic. They fight how you would expect, no spins and showing off but gritty and with power.

    Good scene of Jabba and Vader.

    The return of Windu, Darth Revan in the first battle of the movie, the final battle, Starkiller vs Darth Talon.
  • Let's face it, this is epic a tale of Sith Wars, why didn´t Lucasfilm and Disney never tought of this, with their budget it could become glorious or not...i´m afraid they could ruined it.

    But this one is a gem, it has various sith lords, a good story, a few reveling moments, some obscure paths, puzzle pieces that don´t have answers yet, but i´m assuming they will on the next ep.

    So my rating is 10 and will tell all of you why, Vader assumes the position of commander of the empire and leads all attacks to the rebels, the timeline for this (maybe i´m wrong) but it seems like after the events of the original ep III.

    Because some situations within the movie looks like it was really connected to that.

    The action in the movie is fast paced and there's lots of it, and that's probably the reason why this film feels much more like Star Wars than the previous two. The lightsaber battles are superb, and the final climatic one between Revan and Nihilus is somehow part of Star Wars history and will remain so, even if this is a fan film.

    It makes for great entertainment. The special effects throughout the movie are nothing short of amazing, and each landscape in the film is brilliantly rendered. The space battles are excellent, and even though you know it's only CGI, and therefore lazy effects, the CGI is good; and when it's good I personally don't mind seeing it.

    It has begun on a high note this darkside tale.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Finally it´s here, return of the sith is marvellous fan film, directed by Rui Constantino a portuguese filmmaker, is a dream come true, offering spectacle and excitement that is far more akin to the original trilogy than the flabby, pointless sequels, this spin-off brings the darkside to his peak, with Darth Sidious, coordinating all so that Vader can take his rage against all remaining jedis left.

    Darth Revan makes an extraordinary appearance on this one for the ages, and a duel with Vader that will sit in the history of the franchise forever, their lines are so cool, we can feel their power on each blow of the lightsabers.

    The film has many standout moments but the highlights have to be the Revan vs. Vader showdown for me, it was the peak of the movie.

    Mace Windu returns from the grave to challenge Anakin one more time.

    We got Jabba back, Boba fett, (big spoiler) Mando.

    Rating : Excellent . Well worth watching .
  • This movie is special on it´s own way i salute, the company behind this, the director, the crew and cast for creating a storied world, we wish to live in and be part of.

    The score is unmatched, the battles excellently choreographed and intensely meaningful, and the worlds on display grand in scale and detail.
  • erichasand26 December 2021
    Fanboys rejoice! This is the one we´ve been waiting for and i don´t even care if the movie is in portuguese, it has some parts in english, so i love, love it, love it, love it, love it, to infinite and beyond...sorry this is another movie.

    The Dark Side of The Force grows inside Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, he in this one is a mad bad man, he tortures, kills rebels.

    Darth Revan is gold, Darth Marr was exciting, Sith Acolyte seemed eager to please Darth Sidious.

    Darth Maul and Darth Talon were both great.

    Darth Nihilus well, i was afraid of his voice, the way he talked in portuguese was menacing, thank god for the subtitles.

    The power of the sith is restored in this great movie.

    VICTORY for us.... Peace is a lie, there is only Passion.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Almost perfect end to pave the road for the next chapters, Sith Wars begins with an attack on the rebels by Darth Revan, by orders from Darth Vader.

    Many rebels die in this one.

    This one delivers a compelling story, the pace swift and exciting, and the battle scenes simply breathtaking.

    ***** Excellent.
  • Action packed, engaging, wildly suspenseful, the Return of the Sith really shines is in its almost unceasing action and meaningful scenes. There is lots of fighting in the movie which is a lot of fun.

    I´m a die hard fan of Star Wars, and loved every moment of it.

    Superb acting from everyone involved, and awesome visual effects.
  • This has to be the purist connection to a Star Wars movie than any that has been made before, Sith Wars is here to stay and i hope for many years.

    The action, is thrilling and has a real sense of purpose.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Director Rui Constantino brought us, another gem beneath the Star Wars franchise, it surprised me a lot, because i was expecting a movie with the same old premise, and it i saw was much more, we now see the other side on this movie, we see it from the darkside of the force, the siths rule the galaxy on this one, has Darth Vader gathers all of them to seek for Master Yoda, he is his main target on this.

    So he enlists Darth Revan, and Darth Talon, along with Boba Fett and Darth Marr and Darth Maul, we have various Sith Lords in this, and that´s what surprised me more, most of them, i could only read about them, and now they are here, the movie has a bunch of easter eggs, and you need to pay extreme attention to find them.

    So, i´m giving this movie a 9, because it´s a really well done movie, special effects, storyline, cast, soundtrack all made in a wonderfull way.

    It really sticks with us, so i will return to their tv channel, to see the movie once again, because it was so good.
  • The entire first half is compelling and exciting.

    The second half of the movie is filled with duels and battles.

    And the conclusion brings us a satisfying end.

    Now we will have to wait to see what will happen next.
  • This is the darkest of the Star Movies, where we get to see how Darth Vader commands the empire by his own hand, he only listens to his master, but he is the leader here.

    Each important event is treated with the most explosive way you can think of.

    That's how you start a movie, right to the point and catchy so that you can follow the story with excitement.

    It lacks some character development, but i think we can all pass on that, because this movie is really quite entertaining.
  • The Dark Side never got much "love"... but who didn't love Darth Vader in "Rogue One"?

    "Sith Wars" brings loads of Dark Side characters... and with a punch!

    Action... check!

    Story... check!

    Visuals/CGI/Costumes... check!

    Acting... check!

    For a "fan-made" movie, who can ask for more???

    And still surprising the quality and quantity of content that is in this movie (and trilogy?)... is just mind-blowing!

    Very entertaining! Very dark side! Very cool!

    Congrats and can't wait for more!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film begins with Darth Revan in a battle against the rebels were we see Darth Vader interrogating a prisioner (killing him in the air with the darkside of the force) so good.

    Then we see guy named Davrol captured by another sith lord (i don´t know the name of this guy) interrogating him, he really looks menacing.

    What follows are battles, a lot of special effects and a darned good time. This is a far better movie than The Last Jedi.

    The real star of this movie is Darth Vader.
  • The darkside takes over and this movie is for all the fans who love the foundation of the sith because almost every sith warrior is here.

    For that alone i´m giving this movie a 9 and i will only give 10 to the next episode if it surpasses this one.
  • Movie with excellent actors and music. Amazing dark storyline. Great Sith lords. Acting is great and the movie by itself is unpredictable and fun to watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Upon seeing Sith Wars Return Of The Sith this afternoon, I let it sink in all day to form my opinion. After all that thought, I concluded that this was a damn good movie... One of the things I liked about this movie is the way it presents Darth Vader as the leader of operations.

    Still he is tormented by dreams and feelings from the past he is a victim of circumstances of his past.

    From Darth Revan´s becoming a traitor to the Sith, to the conversations of master Yoda talking to the kid in his home, to the escape of the smuggler, to lots of ambushes, fighting´s all here.

    Overall, as you can probably tell, I loved this installment.
  • This one is actually very well done and special effects don't look fake and give us some really epic scenes, especially in the movie's climax that will keep you at the edge of your seat.

    Action scenes are amazing and has lots of duels between Siths and Jedis.

    Not everyone likes the darkside but i do.

    REVAN is AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!

    VADER is AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!
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