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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Having been warned of the dangers he faces Charley decides to leave LA with his wife Michelle; unfortunately things don't go according to plan and Cromartie kidnaps Michelle when they stop at a remote gas station. With nobody else to turn to he calls the Connors and Sarah, along with Derek, comes to help. Before going she instructs Cameron to keep an eye on John but he doesn't think he needs her so gets away to see Riley. They manage to find Michelle but she appears to have been placed on a bomb. Sarah realises it is all a ploy to get her away from John but in her panic to warn him she unwittingly leads Cromartie straight to him! Meanwhile Catherine Weaver contacts agent Ellison to offer him a job; at first he has no interest but then she says something that makes it clear that she knows that the person who killed the FBI team wasn't human.

    This was a decent episode; it had some good tense moments; most notably when Michelle was sitting on what was thought to be a bomb. While it wasn't packed with action there was some; including an explosion and Cromartie's attempt on John's life. This latter even was mildly amusing too as it showed us that Terminators can't swim… not surprising when you think about it but still a nice touch. There was more emotion than usual; one character won't survive the episode and this is all the more tragic as it looked like everybody had survived the obvious danger when it happened. So far not much has occurred between Ellison and Weaver but the possibility of them working together suggests that future episodes might be interesting.
  • Xstal8 August 2022
    Cromartie's conjured a cunning wheeze, to bring John Connor to his knees, lures the others away, then heads for the bay, to find there's a problem when it comes to the seas.
  • Littleman9512 January 2021
    I have a thing that I can not get: Why not checking on her before start walking? And then big question: why keeping avoiding Cromartie, instead of destroying it with Cameron help? And this too, lost a bit, compared to the first season.
  • When I wrote the comment for the last episode, I forgot to mention that Sonya Walger-who is best known to "Lost" fans (like me) as Penny there-returned as Charlie's wife Michelle. She gets kidnapped here by Cromartie in order to get to John. This is a very intense episode that's nail-bitingly suspenseful throughout. Great performances by all involved especially by Ms. Walger and Dean Winters as Charlie. There was also another appearance by Busy Phillips as the pregnant house owner who brought some needed humor in the beginning. Oh, and I once again have to mention how mature Brian Austin Green has become in his acting compared to his juvenile "90210"-days. The Mousetrap is the best episode of "Termnator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" so far this season. Very highly recommend!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After all John has been through up to this point, it's really not believable that he would want to just walk around the city out in the open and unarmed with his new girlfriend and also ditch the protection of Cameron. He'd know better than to make himself a defenseless walking target for Cromartie who he knows is searching for him at the moment.

    For someone who becomes the leader of the Resistance, he's really not too bright. But I blame it on the writers for making him this way because he would be on guard 24/7 with his defenses up at all times after what he's been through.

    I hope it gets better. I'm liking Riley but suspect she's from the future and knew John from there. She doesn't seem to have any family which is raising the red flags with me.