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  • BandSAboutMovies24 February 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is a film that takes a look at Holland - its director Jonathan Blank also made 1994's Sex, Drugs & Democracy - to ask a very important question: Is having month-long double paid vacations, no fear of homelessness and universal healthcare the nightmare we've been warned about?

    The Netherlands may be best known for its windmills and tulips - and let's face it, the red light districts and legal marijuana - but the country also leads the world when it comes to free speech, animal rights, LGBTQI equality and, perhaps surprisingly, the economy and life indexes.

    As America struggles to understand universal health care, this film shows how this country has figured out how to cover everyone while even paying for transgender medical procedures and sex care for the disabled.

    It doesn't shy away from the problems that the Netherlands have endured, but this is a really eye opening look at how other countries have solved issues that we face every day. One way that they do so is by highly taxing those in the highest brackets, while not allowing the CEOs of companies to pay themselves more than their prime minister. Yet they lead the world in studies of the best places to own a business and overall gross domestic product.

    The Netherlands isn't perfect - they have a history of slavery and still have no real issue with blackface - but they do have some systems worth studying. This would be a good start for anyone looking to learn more. I certainly discovered so much in my watch, which moved quickly thanks to the director's flair for storytelling and mixing in animation along with live action interviews.
  • ferguson-625 February 2021
    Greetings again from the darkness. For anyone who still believes documentaries are dry and boring, the cure is this latest from Jonathan Blank, a filmmaker who returns to Holland 25 years after his first documentary, SEX, DRUGS & DEMOCRACY (1994). Entertaining and informative is a terrific blend as Mr. Blank uses interviews, statistics, and animation to contrast the Dutch way of life with that of the good ol' USA.

    Tall and happy ... the description of Holland's citizens. And why wouldn't they be happy? The Netherlands are known for picturesque windmills, fields of tulips, and of course, legalized drugs and prostitution! Director Blank digs in to find out more, and what he teaches us, in an often humorous manner, is that Holland and USA are quite different in many ways, yet similar in some others. While Americans are known for devoting excessive hours to work and forgoing vacation, the Dutch are paid for 13 months, while actually only working 11. Yet hate crimes and a blight on history are shared traits.

    The number of topics touched on here can seem overwhelming, though Blank's structure of the "Top 10" things to know about Holland definitely helps. We get insight from locals, including a Senator, sexologists, educators, pot farmers, and other citizens. The topics include a national healthcare system, climate change, free speech, social tolerance, and renewable energy vs fossil fuels. There is even an "Animal Rights" political party.

    Is Holland a Utopia? A regulated sex worker industry, pot smoking in coffee houses, and double-paid vacation might lead you to think so. However, Blank also talks about the high taxes, a history of slavery, modern day holiday parades that feature blackface, and hate crimes. The progressive social aspects of the culture include a healthcare system that covers gender-reassignment surgery and open acceptance of the LBGTQ community - except where it's not. It turns out that even in the world's happiest country, there are closed-minded and nasty people.

    In a country of 17 million people where the admitted national pastime is "complaining", it turns out there is much to admire, yet also an existence of many of the same problems faced elsewhere. Heck, the Dutch use the f-word as frequently as any Quentin Tarantino character, and their dependency on fossil fuels is a known hot topic. Director Blank has succeeded in presenting an entertaining and informative look at an admired culture ... warts and all. The film will air on PBS on February 26, 2021, and also on various streaming platforms.
  • Good story telling. Good editing (though sometimes a bit in your face) that helps and paces the movie. Good message. It is overall something I would recommend.
  • I may be a bit prejudiced because I like so many of Mr. Blanks's other films (Anarchy TV, Collecting America, and Sex, Lies & Democracy) but I truly enjoyed this film.

    His enlightening and entertaining look at the practical Dutch view of managing social issues and diversity contrasts so strongly with America's. We have much to learn from the Dutch.

    The production is elegant and well-crafted and should be seen.
  • Just feel myself is so unhappy for the society I'm living in. Not about the sex and drug part, even the bicycle not common in the city. We only live once and we need to learn to be happy. And all the contents in this documentary makes me feels doing wrong thing is a matter of abuse and absent minded, if education is in place, I won't live in such a life now.
  • I highly recommend watching this extremely cultural and socially provocative and at times hilarious film. Under Jonathan Blank's masterful direction, we get to see how the progressive Dutch culture can truly inspire a new way forward in contrast to current dum and dummer, right-leaning American. Spread the word, folks!
  • Saw this movie at the Albuquerque Film Festival, where it won the award for best documentary. It's funny, moves fast, and makes you think. Thumbs up.
  • A superficial look at the general lifestyle of the Netherlands. I am ready to leave the USA, and I guess the documentary left out a lot of specifics that I was expecting. Universal services are great, but what does that cost citizens in taxes? What is the cost of living?
  • cjcjk29 December 2020
    I caught this doc as part of the Soho International Film Festival (which was virtual this year). It's a funny doc about Dutch society - which is super liberal by US standards, although pretty normal for northern Europe - and how the world does not end if you give everyone healthcare. There are a lot of interesting people in it, some scenes that are kind of unbelievable from an American perspective, and some really great animations. Music, editing and photography are also really good. If you're in the mood to see something that will make you feel like there is hope for human civilization, then I'd recommend checking this out.
  • The phrases "political documentary" and "delightfully hilarious" are rarely used to describe the same film. But they can be for SEX, DRUGS, and BICYCLES, a film that contrasts the way of life in the U.S. (hyper-capitalist, dysfunctional) with that of the Netherlands (European social democracy, functional). The material is driven by clever, eye-opening, and very funny voice-over by filmmaker Jonathan Blank. It also has a lot of really cool Monty Python-ish motion graphics. Overall, and excellent film.
  • SD&B, at its core, is a fascinating film. I watch documentaries to be exposed to new worlds and fresh ideas, and this doc checks those boxes a thousandfold.

    You probably think you already know the general premise based on the title, but I promise you seeing the Dutch system through the eyes of this film will absolutely boggle your mind. The fact this film does it with such a smart, deadpan humor is just icing on an entirely enjoyable cake.
  • This documentary is not like any other! It is not only informative, but very entertaining! The film is fun and makes you laugh out loud, but also educates you on the Dutch culture. The film also has unique and creative motion graphics that are comical, clever and add another element to the overall film. Everything about this film works from the music, voice overs, interviews and graphics- it all comes together in a way that makes you wanting to watch more. Definitely a must watch!
  • dandobi30 December 2020
    Caught this AMAZING film at Breckenridge film fest 2019 ... Phenomenal film. Informative, funny, just a 10/10. Stop what you're doing and just go watch this thing NOW.

    Someone needs to give Jonathan Blank a gazillion dollars so he can continue making amazing projects like this. GO WATCH!
  • Caught this in Toronto. Lots of fun, great information, graphics and music. Made me want to move to Amsterdam and see more from this filmmaker. Highly recommend.