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  • Who would have thought that Neil Patrick Harris would deliver one of the best Saturday Night Live episodes ever? Well, I didn't. I was watching a taped version of the repeat and he's hysterical. The first skit opens up with a Rachel Maddow show spoof with Governor Blagovich and Ronald Burris. Next, Neil remembers when he was passed over for Fred Savage 20 years ago for hosting. There is the sketch of Broadway actors and actresses in costume worried about the economic state of show business. They should be since tickets can cost a fortune but are worth it for some shows. One of my favorite and most memorable is the Frost/Nixon spoof with Frost played by Harris and his interviews with other seventies icons like Fred "Rerun" Berry, Paul Lynde, Paul Crosby, David Bowie, etc. This sketch still makes me laugh even without seeing the movie. I loved his grilling of the "What's happening?" episode classic where Rerun and his friends attended the Doobie brothers concert and breaks down, "We couldn't get anybody else." That was hilarious. I didn't care for the talk show bit but oh who can forget Liza Minnelli in a rare cameo as well. I miss the weekend update segments with a co-host. Meyers is fine but he needs somebody on there regularly.
  • caincrue2 March 2009
    I think NPH is great on How I Met Your Mother, I was hoping that this would be a real funny episode of SNL, but it just wasn't. There were no bad skits, just nothing overly funny or memorable. I smiled a lot but never really laughed out loud. Some of the humor seemed a little forced almost like the writers were reaching. The Digital Short of Doogie Howser was cute. Weekend Update was just average. The Broadway, Air Traffic Contollers,Therpay and Two First Name skits were probably the best. But they are skits that you will remember long after the show. So not an unfunny or horrible episode, just one that you won't remember that much after seeing it.