User Reviews (6)

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  • Steve Jobs once said "Sometimes, life is going to hit you in the head with a brick, don't loose faith". This movie shows exactly the moments when you get hit and the strenght and the courage to move forward. The encouraging story is particularly relevant to me because, suddenly, in my life as a vegan nomad minimalist, I had to watch my beloved dogs died, gave myself severe multiple sclerosis and I am still mostly bed ridden today, two years later. I've been thinking about how to take my own life, upset with the Divine for putting me through this despite my efforts of wanting to live in a more peaceful, loving world. Only now, I understand that the Divine plan has got nothing to do with what we think but everything to do with what we love. This movie is a great example of that and an invaluable source of inspiration for people like me who are trying to put the pieces together.
  • haroot_azarian5 September 2021
    Terrible movie. If it was based on a true story it was ruined by the God awful acting! I mean Svetlana sounded like a 1970s porn star for crying out loud! Give this one a wide berth! Chloe's Mountain was a lot better than this diatribe!
  • GOD showing himself Miraculously doing the impossible through faithful saints is Always against mainstream media but for us that know JESUS CHRIST IS ALIVE this movie was answered prayer. Finally a movie showing real faith in real time!! Also I love the fact that it was a womans perpective story that still kicked butt but was true to her faith like real women are these days. !! Loved it . Totally recommend. As christian, mom, woman, HUMAN, GREAT STORY !

    Haters: IF your used to movies where satan always wins and life is pointless and you would like to stay in that mindset, it might not be for you. Encouragement and hope packs a Truthful Punch to those that cant handle it.
  • papelindholm4 September 2021
    The depicted god of the Wholly Babble condones a teenage girl to kick ass in it's name? This shows the true nature of ANY simulating christian (are there any other, actually?) as they never stand themselves for the turn-the-other-cheek-edict they expressly impose on others, evidently only to give them a reason to wallop you anew. All in the name of their favourite imaginary friend, whispering in their ear they can't be wrong. Ever.
  • Lisandro Boccacci is an excellent actor, would love to see him in more things!
  • jaybernieschoep28 November 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is based on a true story. Was hard for her real mom to give her up. And the being the big sister helping her younger sister. With her dad laid up and her mom working. And the struggles she went thru being on her own and putting God in the center of her life and her husband. This is great movie. The candles are not lit in the karate place.