User Reviews (3)

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  • timoteogarcia30 November 2022
    I believe that the most interesting choice in this series, was selecting real-life crimes to design the plot of the story. These chronicles are embraced in the script's structure in an attractive and captivating way, where the actors embrace the characters they were chosen to represent, in the most skillful and masterly way, and therefore, they get to get involved in the actual representation of all of their peculiar attributes and peculiarities.

    There is a visible exploration with the genre, which provides a very dynamic and magnetic treatment of the plot, where the actual elements from the real - life interviews provide a very intimate, and distinctive coverage of the main themes and situations developing in the story.
  • When both main characters - 2 journalists writing for an online newspaper in the Technology and Entertainment section - become involved in the writing of a segment regarding gruesome cases published as "Chronicles: Post Mortem", a new series of unexpected events will begin either for the main characters and for us as the main spectators of the series.

    "Post Mortem" deals with contemporary crime themes, such as gender violence, and power relationships in business, that are an important part of our society. Therefore, seeing them being represented in well know audiovisual projects is always something to be proud of, since it allows social debates to be explored through its viewers.

    It has an extremely interesting plot filled with astonishing turning points that keep the high adrenaline during each of the episodes, leaving their viewers open-mouthed with each ending.
  • "Post Mortem" is an authentic and genuine idea that has offered major film platforms the possibility to diversify their content.

    This series is an amazing work from their creators, who worked basing their work in real crime stories, that make this project, one designed with an intense and vigorous overall atmosphere, all through the distinct and stimulating scenes that make up the whole structure.

    The main plot is perfectly achieved through a detailed work in the character's relationships between each other, creating a network of dramatic possibilities to keep an active stimulation on the viewers' experience.