User Reviews (386)

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  • I've been watching over the top action movies all my life and this by no means is bad. This has a simple story, sticks to it, and is fun while doing so. That in no way makes for a bad movie, some people just need to understand that not everything needs to be a million dollar Marvel film for it to be fun. This has good action scenes and some great one liners. It's worth watching if you can enjoy a simple old fashioned action film and can ignore all the inane reviews that have been left here.
  • It's been done 1000 times before. The Princess is forcibly betrothed to the evil King-to-be. Only this time, she's seriously having none of it.

    This is action porn - plain and simple. Of course it's as predicable and obvious as All Star Wrestling, and the point is not to tell an intriguing and though-provoking story but to see how well the fights are choreographed.

    In that regard, this movie delivers. Joey King is a delight as the kung-fu parkour sword-slinging protagonist as she mows down literal hoards of opponents - all with awful dental hygiene.

    As such, this is a preview for what we can expect from Ms. King in the upcoming Bullet Train.

    100% certified non-woke. Enjoy!
  • DaegT1 July 2022
    Currently I m playing a stealth video game (with rats, lot of rats) the second time which is against a backdrop of Middle Age France. So when I watched this movie I could find a lot of similarities between them. A princess hunted by soldiers within a castle. But this time it a bit different. It's kinda too-down in a tower.

    Since I found this movie by surprise, I really had zero expectation for it. But then, I was totally caught by surprise. It's totally entertaining. Then another surprise: I found some familiar faces, namely Veronica Ngo and Olga Kurylenko. Mm, how I miss them both.

    I would say it's definitely a good choice for a night of chilling martial action. Wow, girls can be badass if they got hot blood.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is an action movie, not a fantasy film. It's all about the action and it is pretty good. The plot is one line, evil man wants to take the kingdom from the kindly king and marry the daughter to legitimize his throne forcing the princess to fight the entire army to save her kingdom (so, it's a long sentence). It's fun and that's what you need in a movie. Not everything has to be a bloodbuster.
  • I don't understand the negative reviews here. If it was Crank, or some wild out action movie, it would be alright and rad, but because it's a young girl ass whooping men, It's wack and has no plot? The funny thing is, this does have a plot, even if it's a simple one, heck, the whole movie was shot in one location, what more do you expect.

    A princess is under house arrest by a man who claims he is the rightful heir to the throne and wants to marry the princess. Princess refuses and is locked up! Unbeknownst to the man and his squad that the princess has undergone some military training and is a bad ass! Princess wakes up and has to 'jailbreak' and save her family from this evil guy. That's pretty much it. The rest of the movie takes us on a rollercoaster ride showing how the princess achieves this incredible feat.

    Joey King was amazing from start to finish. She was so convincing and energetic. I seriously can't wait for a sequel with she's ruling and kicking more asses. Sure there were some, infact, lots of 'gimmie a break' moments but hey, this is a fictional movie about a young girl beating up old men, what do you expect? The hero must come out victorious, but not without a few injuries and boy, did this Princess get hurt over and over.

    It's certainly a female empowering movie and one I would love my daughters to watch, if I ever have any. It's really that beautiful. Good work to every one on this project.
  • A teenage girl on steroids trained, as a ninja, with a bad attitude and a desire to humble testosterone hyped men with her feminine prowess, quick wit and no nonsense method... this is pretty much what you have here.

    It's not terrible but you only need to watch the first five minutes to realise this is pretty much the sequence of events throughout the whole film. It would be a pretty good film for kids but for some of the scenes which are not so much excessively graphic, but too violently depicted for the younger viewers.

    It was entertaining in parts and obviously isn't a film to be taken too seriously, so I don't really understand some of the exaggerated negative reviews. These seem to come primarily from people with an axe to grind on the female lead having pseudo super powers. Well these people need to get over themselves and not transpose their feelings of patriarchy on everything that has a dominant female lead. Its a fun film for the most part and for what it offers, it's been fairly well done.

    Don't expect any highly choregraphed fight exchanges, this isn't a Jet Li movie. It's a lot of clever camera work, strategic positioning, and bad guys dancing around menacingly as they wait to be disposed of in an orderly fashion, so if your sceptical about some of the battle scenes, don't make a fuss, just try not to grimace too much as the ladies around you whoop and cheer as the fight scenes unfold.

    Though It is generally watchable, the reviews giving it top marks are as equally ridiculous as those giving it the lowest scores possible. Its an entertaining movie if your looking for a heroin feminine enough to pull of the Cinderella look whilst capable enough in her battle skills to warrant a place on the 'Mortal Kombat' line up. The acting is reasonable, the script a fairly hackneyed, and the paper thin plot does little to disguise where it's going from the onset, but at least it never attempts to hoodwink you into something your not prepared for, or sell you on a screenplay you didn't know was coming five miles out from the title.

    I'm only surprised the film set is so elaborate, and some good work has been done with this aspect of the movie which lends some considerable credence to the screenplay. Ultimately it's a shallow well worn tale without a lot of new substance to flesh it out save the 'Nikata' princess angle which wears a little thin after the first ten minutes. Suspend your disbelief well before seating yourself comfortably to watch this one and I'm sure you'll be fine. It's good for entertainment value if you like this sort of thing, if not you'll probably hate it.

    I think 4/10 is a fair score from my perspective, but I think I'd go to a 6 maybe even a7/10 at a push if its your kinda thing.

    That said, lets be clear, this film is no masterpiece and anyone trying to convince you it is is trying to sell you magic beans.

    Hope this helps.
  • Though this same formula has been recycled in dozens of other movies in past years, it did certainly have good action. Fighting was very well choreographed and did certainly put this above other films of the same type.
  • It lacked a story and eventhough I like actionmovies , this was a bit too much. Also feel kinda cheated cause they described it as fantasy. Not seeing much fantasy apart from castles and knights So it is a no from me.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Princess (Joey King) is imprisoned in the tower to be wed to usurper Julius (Dominic Cooper). The Princess is independent-minded and has been training to fight in secret despite her father's disapproval. She escapes from her bondage and battles her kidnappers.

    This is more or less a fighting film reel for Joey King. She gets to do a lot of stage fighting. She's a good lead actress. Otherwise, there isn't much to this movie. I bet you the script is no more than twenty pages and most of it is The Princess fights. Even the production design is limited. I don't know anything about these writers or director. The fight choreographer will probably get some more work after this.
  • I can see this becoming a cult classic. It's female warrior princess trope. We kept thinking of swamp castle in Monty Python and Shawn of the dead... I'd watch it again if I needed a laugh and a female power pick me up .
  • The movie takes place in an unspecified, vaguely medieval kingdom. The premise is straightforward. The king has arranged to marry off his daughter for political/dynastic reasons, but the princess is unwilling.

    Then the fun begins.

    It's one long escape/fight/rescue scene, with occasional flashbacks.

    The Princess is no helpless damsel waiting for others to rescue her or her family. If you can't bear to see an action movie without a manly man saving the day and getting the girl in the end, move along. This isn't that.

    The film is violent. There's blood, a body count, on-screen fatal wounds, and occasional gruesome deaths.

    There's plenty of stuntwork and violations of the laws of physics, but if you're looking for a historical documentary or a physics simulation, this ain't it.

    There are flashes of humor here and there.
  • For me going into this movie I didn't have high expectations. Because I am a King fan I had to see this movie. She is just so beautiful to watch as an actress. That being said this was not the best movie she has been in. But for what it was (a Kill Bill style medieval times movie) it was not bad. It was just not great, a bit too serious, I think if they had thrown in a comedian it would have been a hit. So lots of blood but not too much that you could not enjoy this movie with the kids close by. The foul language also didn't match with the time frame there were aiming for. So when they said or did certain things a person would do or say today in this movie it was just not believable. A perfect example was in the beginning with the dislocation of her thumb, unbelievable. Now, if you were going into this movie expecting fantasy/adventure like I did, you will be let down. But IF you are a King fan then this movie was just ok. I personally will not see it again but I would recommend to another King fan IF they had nothing better to watch that is. Here's hoping her next movie will be a hit. Oh and I loved the villainess, she played her part well.
  • arod_852 July 2022
    Completely stupid. Absolutely no story. Just begins with a princess fighting two men and she just wanders around aimlessly getting in to fights. The fight sequences are not that impressive. I can't believe this is the same Joey King from The Act because her acting is terrible in this movie. I agree with another reviewer that making this movie an action comedy would have possibly saved it from the mess that it is. Instead, it takes its self way too seriously but ends up being unintentionally laughable.
  • Joey King and her Beautiful eyes was actually a lot better than I expected coming into this. Choreography and action was actually very good. Storyline was OK but the overall script and dialogue I found very good. Joey king and the cast did great with what they had to work with. Overall a decent movie and I would recommend.
  • I once heard Gene Shalit summarize a movie thusly: "If I order a cheeseburger, I don't expect to get filet mignon. All I want is a really good cheeseburger, and if I get a good cheeseburger, I'm happy. And sometimes I even get a pickle."

    This film is not heavy on plot. A princess refuses a marriage offer to a power-hungry nobleman, who locks her in a tower and tries to usurp the kingdom. What follows odds a delightful subversion of the Damsel in Distress trope, where our princess finds her own escape, albeit with a massive body count

    This is a cheeseburger, but it doesn't pretend it's not, and so long as you're not expecting otherwise, it satisfies.
  • bogdan2533 July 2022
    This has a very simple and linear story, like the princess fights her way down from the tower level after level like in a game.

    If you like watching a small woman kill stronger and bigger men for one and a half hour this is the film for you.
  • ... a really odd remake of 1990's HARD TO KILL starring the Irrepressible Steven Sagal. Both movies offer the same basic positives and negatives. Although King looks considerably better in a dress.
  • rdbass5 July 2022
    This was nothing but the same fight scene over and over with an attempt to make the deaths progressively more grotesque. Bad acting and unimaginative writing.
  • Initially it felt like an adult version of Disney Pixar's Brave but then it got a whole lot more violent.

    Not a huge amount of story but enjoyable nonetheless.
  • I was really hoping to enjoy this movie but it was just terribly written and the action sequences were laughable and not in a good way.

    So many flaws to list, just aweful.
  • kluseba7 February 2024
    Do you remember Indonesian action thriller The Raid that portrays how a squad of twenty men attempts to raid an apartment block to arrest a naughty crime lord? Well, The Princess has a very similar premise. Except that it's one young woman instead of twenty man and that she is trying to get from the top of a tower to the bottom in order to save her imprisoned family members and stop the dangerous sociopath who attempted to force her into marriage.

    I have read and heard what many critics have been writing and saying about this film. It asks for a complete suspension of disbelief. Check. The story is easily predictable. Check. Casting a rather small and slim actress as a strong martial artist might be questionable. Check.

    However, despite such obvious flaws, The Princess is one of the very best contemporary action movies. First and foremost, this film entertains from start to finish and doesn't include one single second of boredom. This is a wild ride of ninety-four minutes and once it's over, you just can't wait to experience it time and again.

    As for the story, this movie keeps things simple and focuses on topics that most viewers will easily empathize with. The Princess focuses on a lead character protecting her family and stopping those who have been doing them wrong in terrible ways. Certainly, this kind of movie won't qualify for nominations at the Academy Awards but viewers don't always need profound, serious and thought-provoking ideas to get involved. Rooting for the sympathetic lead character is all that is needed to carry this explosive feature.

    Up next, the costumes, make-up and settings are absolutely spectacular. The castle where the entire story takes place is filled with beautiful bedrooms, impressive churches and dark dungeons. The way the lead character is dressed, the looks of her allies and the manner how her brutal opponents appear have been planned and executed with care, intellect and precision.

    The fighting scenes are absolutely spectacular and can compete with contemporary action franchises such as John Wick. This movie features excellent use of martial arts techniques. It includes a clever use of dangerous weapons and improvised tools. Spectacular chases and risky jumps will keep viewers out of breath.

    The acting performances are excellent. One must particularly point out the outstanding job by lead actress Joey King. She has been a rising and shining star in the last few years, convincing in low-budget horror films like Slender Man, impressing among multiple international stars as villainess in Bullet Ride and now delivering the goods as brave, clever and resilient heroine who will fight the world in order to protect her family and save her kingdom. The lead character's ideas, motivations and struggles are believable thanks to a disciplined, empathic and powerful performance by Joey King. Let's not forget that she was only twenty-two years old when this movie was made and released. She is already one of the greatest young actresses in the business and here's hope that she will continue her excellent work throughout the next years.

    At the end of the day, The Princess is a wonderful action film with excellent pace, fitting story, imaginative settings, impressive fight choreographies and convincing acting performances. This film's strengths are so strong that minor flaws such as unrealistic plot elements, predictable story and surprising casting choices won't harm the final result in the slightest. The Princess offers a maximum of enjoyment and is a perfect candidate for a movie night with family and friends.
  • It is isn't a super rememberable movie but it is a fun watch. The fight scenes are entertaining, the acting is alright and the script is predictable. That being said it's an easy fun watch and why not give it a go.
  • This flick must be one of the worst films I have seen.. Ever. No proper scenario, laughable action scenes, not clear who the key audience is supposed to be, too violent for young kids, yet it has that childish and cheap kids movie vibe. Special effects look awful, not anywhere historically correct, bad wigs, tiny girl kicking around heavy hitters. Bad acting and the list continues. It's a good thing this didn't hit cinemas, because this was horrendous.
  • brianlespoir1 July 2022
    Nice teenage action movie. Some weak story telling here and there, but still worth a solid 6. Just watch it if you already saw everything in your watch list.
  • My my.. Color me impressed.

    While this looked like a fun "joke" of a movie (from the trailer), it went far and beyond any expectations I had. From the excellent setup (without unnecessary narration or scenes), to beautiful sets, colors, great cinematography, stunning choreography.. to believable stakes, well-paced structure, progressively interesting and entertaining and intriguing developments.

    You have to admire it's efficiency and how straight-to-the-point it carries itself. Without dumb characters, stupid jokes or unnecessary crap. It might contain expected trope, but they make sense in the context of this movie.. and more importantly, the way everything is delivered well makes up for it. Whoever was involved in this project knew how to deliver what they wanted to show, and to respect the audience that would watch it. With lots of little details and love poured into it! From the progressive attire change.. to transition from sewer water to someone pissing.

    The lead, Joey King, was splendid in her physical performance as well as every other aspect of her role.

    The rest of the cast forms a bunch of colorful character, where everyone is well written and no one disappoints. Also, is not always you get a competent person that fights with a whip! And it was a satisfying delight to watch.

    The only negatives I found, were a few nonsensical setup for scenes they wanted to make (won't go into spoilers, but a few things don't add up until you realize what they are for). But it is completely forgivable!

    Anyone giving this less than a 6 just doesn't have good taste, or is just not into the genre. Because this is as competent as you could ever want a movie to be. Easy recommendation.
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