User Reviews (8)

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  • Am I the only one who likes the flashbacks? Apart from really liking Leila George (she looks identical to her mother), I like seeing how Smurf developed that dependant relationship with her kids. Plus I'm curious to see her and her only daughter since we never saw grown up Julia. But mainly, curious to see how her behaviour makes the boys who they are, they are all so different.

    Now on the current story line. Was great seeing them all together in a non-heist moment without outsiders. It will be hard for this show to walk to fine line of giving them "relationship moments" together without turn into a soppy soap opera. But secretly I do wish Pope is the one to save them from disintegrating.
  • It's interesting seeing more of Leila George and crazy to believe she's Vincent D'Onofrio's daughter. His character on law & order CI is one of my favorite characters from any show! She's definitely a good actress with room to grow but I hate to see her married to that haggard Penn (IRL) And I'm old enough to remember his abuse incident with Madonna. I like J I know a lot don't but he's more like smurf than any of them! Daren is doing better this season and Craig is a mess! Good actor but I hate to see him messing up his relationship with Renn:-( Pope is just scary! Again great actor but scary scary character with more issues than Vogue!
  • bobcobb30125 February 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Pope going completely off the rails is a good payoff to his depression. It is both amusing and intriguing at the same time. One of the highlights of the season has been his odd streak.
  • I didn't think it could get worse but it did. Flashbacks are the absolute worst, so dumb.

    Pope's storyline is ridiculous.

    Everyone except J seems ready to self-destruct.

    The plot doesn't progress at all.
  • Larrypiraeus30 September 2021
    First matter:who's the dumbest?i really can't decide..

    Second matter:who's gonna laugh first after already 5 seasons and 8 episodes?

    Third matter:who's the worst badass in history??i put my money on deran..
  • jjsoltis30 August 2021
    Don't like the new Janine. She's married to Sean Penn. She is just as disgusting as him.
  • Zedyeti1 September 2021
    Some stuff happened so it wasn't a total loss, but this series is becoming too soap opera-ish. The conflict/tension between the boys is also getting a little stupid, and their characters intelligence makes the jobs they pull off seem even more unbelievable. But I'm too invested at this point to quit so we will see how this all plays out.
  • hpcmakeup20 September 2021
    Nothing has happened all season. These might just all be scenes that weren't used last season. It all makes no sense!