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  • hortonstrip6 February 2023
    This show doesn't really do fact or opinion so well (sorry, pal, 'Never Learn Not To Love' isn't a "forgettable" Beach Boys track, it's an absolute MONSTER!) but it DOES bring to light some obscure, mystifying, funny, and sometimes even sad aspects of music. The Carly Simon thing had me in bits, so funny, and Jimmy Nichols? Never heard of him until now. What a truly tragic story. Amazing show, and done in that truly excreble american mystery-docu-tainment style....chef's kiss!

    Again Pure Fried Gold.

    For some reason i'm having to add this extra sentence to my pithy review, which is a bit annoying.
  • The overarching concept seemed interesting...

    Sadly though this is the sort of budget rubbish thrown together in some sort of conspiracy theorist cash grab. Its all a whole lot of stories about mostly unheard of people, events and songs that try their very best to inject some degree of mystery. There is about as much mystery here, or indeed story interest as there might be in a soggy mop or a come back album by that wife of Kurt Cobain - who of course is mentioned here... but in no way that is new, interesting or indeed worthy of the twenty minute time investment.

    I am rarely quite so mean about the TV show, but this sort of rubbish is entirely the reason why humanity is doomed, well that an all the ghosts, drugs, conspiracies and UFOs of course....

    In conclusion, I can recommend this show purely to those who are no longer alive, or who no longer have any sort of intelligence, or indeed brain function. Utter rubbish upon which the money should have been used more productively to feed the hungry or shelter the homeless. The production company 'hideout pictures' sure will need a hideout after this rubbish, I'm sure no one is ever going to admit to being involved in this trash besides all the no name no bodies they interview throughout asking for their irrelevant tales of mystery.
  • I have dvr set up to record the series because I live music and mysteries but I don't want to watch the commercials. A lot of these stories are not mysteries they are just random stories that are mysterious and aren't that interesting. Some of these stories are literally this person didn't get in a plane because they were sick and the plane crashed. It is sad the plans crashed it is good the person didn't die but that's not a mystery and it is actually a very common occurrence for people to not get on a scheduled flight because they are sick. Some of these stories are absolutely overblown. I am a fan of Avril Lavigne and spend a lot of time on the internet and never heard the rumor that she died and was replaced with a body double that they call a "very common rumor on the internet." They reference a "world famous" graffiti artist that I've never heard of, and I like graffiti art.

    The really sad thing is they take the same stories and shuffle them between episodes. There are three stories per episode and I dvr them. It really confused me when I saw the second story but the first or third. Then I realized they take the stories and mix and match and shuffle them to make new episodes, without new stories. The show would be better if they picked artists or groups that were interesting and good musicians like The Who and Black Sabbath but no the go for Cher and The Beach Boys, so I skip that part of the episode. If the story would have been about the fact that Cher was a minor when she started dating Sunny who I believe was about 20 years older that's a story that might connect in with other reports of child abuse in Hollywood and the music industry that would be interesting but something about Cher and the navy I skipped over.
  • Any show that says Rick Astley was a one hit wonder proves how uniformed and uneducated they are. There were 4 hit songs from his debut album alone. Again pure garbage.