User Reviews (4)

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  • Waste of time, so many actors but there is no charisma in movie. Movie direction so stupid, clearly actors failed to hold the attention of audience. It is a simple story, it could have been short comedy film.
  • This particular movies lack a compelling story and fail to capture audience interest. Furthermore, their portrayal of Indian culture and rituals may be fictionalized, including elements of lust, which can be seen as disrespectful and defaming.

    Regarding the decline of Marathi cinema, it is essential to analyze various factors that contribute to its current state. While it is true that certain movies may propagate a particular ideology, it is important to recognize that diverse perspectives exist within any film industry. It would be inaccurate to generalize and categorize all Marathi movies as spreading left-leaning or liberal propaganda.

    In light of your dissatisfaction, I would recommend utilizing your time judiciously by exploring other genres or films that align with your preferences. Constructive feedback and critical evaluation can help drive the improvement and growth of the Marathi film industry.
  • No story, no any attraction to watch this movie, only clumsiness in this movies.

    Story doesn't relate to indian cluture, only fictionalized story with addition of lust, defaming/distorting indian culture and rituals.

    I am not surprised that why Marathi movies has lost its ground, they are mostly spreading propaganda of left/librals.

    Will advise not to watch these types of third grade movies use your time wisely.
  • A pool of the most talented actors of Marathi Entertainment are just wasted on this ridiculous plot with irritating dubbing.

    This is not at all expected when we have plethora of entertainment mediums now. Viewers cannot be taken for ride.

    The characters does not register at all from the first frame. Sound is pathetic and plastic to the ears. Make up is too loud!!!!

    I wonder what motivated the makers to attempt such half convinced idea. They should have worked more on the screenplay atleast this would be watchable.

    Please do not waste such wonderful pool of talents๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™