User Reviews (52)

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  • My Review- Red Election SBS on demand

    My Rating 6/10

    My Review on this 10 episode nearly 8 hour trip to nowhere will be brief as when we got to our destination which was confusing and unsatisfactory we realised the journey had been a waste of time.

    I love a good John le Carré type espionage thriller and The Red Election started off with a sensational beginning that got us in straight away and then added a fictitious British Prime Minister much more appealing than Boris called Adam Cornwall ( Brian D'Arcy) . The P. M. Is trying his upmost against great odds to campaign for a NO vote in a referendum for Scottish Independence It's soon made perfectly obvious that a mysterious espionage cell code named Redback has been detected by British Intelligence and is working through agents behind the scenes to plan terrorist attacks and manipulate a YES vote to break up the United Kingdom and gain powerful influence Politically and Economically in Britain .

    Red Election has a great cast all acting their socks off I particularly liked Lydia Leonard as Beatrice Ogilvy the daughter of the head of British Intelligence William Ogilvy whose also impressively played by Stephen Dillane .

    Beatrice soon realises that work and family don't mix when Beatrice the most intelligent and suitable applicant for a huge promotion is vetoed by her father in favour of a much lesser qualified applicant Levi . Resentment of course causes friction and jealousy between the two but Beatrice sallies forth to investigate the mysterious events and disappearances in Copenhagen .

    We're now introduced to Katrine the most mysterious and baffling character of all impressively played by Victoria Carmen Sonne that's enough no spoilers just in case anyone wants to invest 8 hours of unsatisfactory series binging.

    Have you ever attempted a complicated jig saw and just as you thought the pieces were all starting to fit together the cat jumps on the table and scatters the pieces all over the place .

    Well the Red Election is like that jig saw in my opinion it's far too long with far to many characters and sub plots that steer away from the bones of a great script.

    I counted 9 different writers contributed to the ten episodes of Red Election a perfect example of too many cooks in the kitchen .

    There was talk about a second series that's looking doubtful as I read recently because viewers haven't picked up the first series and that's a shame because if there ever was a cliff hanger ending Red Election had it .

    It left us both asking is that really the last episode? Looks like it was..........
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Okay, so, time for a review that isn't from someone who's just pissed that the series has female protagonists (or... duotagonists?).

    Pretty much the first spy thriller I've encountered since 2016 that truly grapples with the current political environment instead of retreating to the halcyon days of the Cold War or (at least) the Nineties: Red Election is about political manipulation in our day and age, and is very cleverly put together.

    The plot keeps you guessing, and it's hard to know who to root for from one episode to the next. That's not actually easy to do in a spy thriller, notwithstanding the opinions of certain people about "cliches," it's well-acted, and there's plenty of meat on the bone here in terms of both character heft and ever-shifting intrigue.

    The female leads are excellent. The supporting cast is, too. Everyone's motives are believable, even if the twists and turns of political fate the narrative depends on don't always quite come up to snuff. The budget is betrayed by the fact that fewer people appear to work in MI-5's top office than you'd find in a McDonald's, and I docked it a couple of stars for that.

    With that said, it's very solid as televised spy drama goes, involving, and addictive (as the fact that I binged the first ten episodes since finding them last night demonstrates). Some characters will drive you a bit nuts: I'm not really sure how Beatrice Ogilvy still has a security clearance by Ep. 10 given how consistently awful her judgment is. Docked it another star for that. But it's still pretty engrossing cloak-and-dagger and I'm looking forward to more, if there proves to be more.
  • wendajones6 October 2021
    I have to agree with those of you who wrote that this is not by any means a brilliant show. However, I found the story line interesting enough to make me want to follow it through and I did actually enjoy it for that reason though I did have to allow for the far from adequate acting and dialog!
  • Not sure why some other reviewers simply dismiss this show, one that does make sense, but I'll admit it's not for everyone (I agree with one reviewer, maybe the sceptics ARE Americans, because this was 10 times better than any American spy thriller IMO); Is everything realistic? Are all the actors Oscar worthy? Was its writing team stellar? These questions are legitimate ones, but it's all too far to dismiss them as amateurs or that the show was dumb. Shows in Europe and the UK have a high standard when it comes to green-lighting shows, and so your better come with actual ammunition to prove this show wasn't worth a watch. I'm not sure about the sceptics, but that's not why I watch things.

    The fact is the story was there, and it absolutely kept me on my toes Wondering what might the truth be. The opening line referring to powerful men putting themselves against truth actually tied the show up in a neat bow, and in my opinion justified the sometimes messy, but complex plot. The truth was certainly being messed with, to the protagonists AND the audience. Both were left fighting to figure out the truth, and wondering who might be messing with it.

    Ignore the 1 stars, it's all too easy to dismiss something when you're only after a rush from amateur roasting.

    Would highly recommend.
  • karenhynes-7387820 November 2021
    I really enjoyed this show, for once the secret service isn't depicted as full of sexy genius super heroes, they are all flawed human beings that make mistakes and then get on with it. I like the female lead, Beatrice, but the Danish one was so annoying I wanted to punch her. Some viewers were put off by the fact the main character was female but frankly, it added to the relationship between her and her Scottish contact who was clearly infatuated with her. Beatrice was strong but she screwed up, so did all the others. I loved Spooks, and I loved Stephen Dillane in GoT so I was interested in seeing him in another role after Stannis. I hope there's a Season 2, I'll be watching!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Although my partner and I did enjoy this series, it is so far-fetched as to often strain credulity. The basic story is actually based on a really intriguing premise. A new UK Prime Minister decides to allow a second referendum on the issue of Scottish independence, against a background of a suspected plot by the Russians of an unknown nature. MI5 are therefore tasked with investigating, with the cooperation of a Danish agent who seems to be untrustworthy.

    There are unfortunately so many problems with the script.

    Firstly, the main character is actually the daughter of a senior head of MI5, and she receives her instructions from him. This is of course ridiculous.

    Secondly, the MI5 office we are shown seems to employ only four, maybe five people. I mean, yes, there might have been government cutbacks but this is risible! I do appreciate there'd be budgetary restrictions, however, but 24 this ain't.

    Thirdly, people seem to be able to mysteriously drive everywhere in the UK from London and arrive at their destinations super-quickly. In fact, it'd take hours to get from London to the Scottish borders, for example, where something major happens at one point.

    Fourthly, the main agent at one point has two people at gunpoint but takes no real steps to secure them e.g. Making them get down on the ground etc. She then waves her gun about, allowing one of them to take her by surprise.

    She then has to allow a Russian agent to escape, as he threatens to drop a bottle of a nerve agent, which is fair enough - but you'd think she'd at least run after him to see where he's going.

    Fifthly, and this a major SPOILER, after the Scots win the referendum, the Scottish leader then seems to become the Prime Minister immediately without any transition of power arrangements, new legislation etc, and she then allows Russian soldiers to come to Scotland to help with a threatened nuclear plant meltdown.

    I could go and on but all I'll say is there were so many times when I was almost yelling at the screen, saying "that's preposterous".

    Watch it anyway as the story, as I've said, is a good one. I just wish the execution was a lot better.
  • At the end of the tenth episode I had to check several times that it was, in fact, the final episode. So much was left unresolved. Felt a little like i'd wasted the best part of 10 hours of my life I will never get back! Disappointing.
  • My feeling is you watched the first episode with a predetermined mindset/agenda you came out of it thinking that the it was a 'girlpower special' because the two main characters are women and they do dominate the screen time. But if you actually view the series you will find that *all* of the *main* characters in the drama are flawed. They are not two dimensional, there is depth there. That to me is the mark of good TV/film.
  • Series was riveting from start to end. Each episode left you wanting to watch the next. However, it was massively let down by its conclusion or lack of.

    The series ended much like the previous 9 episodes. It ended on a cliff hanger that left you wanting more. Unfortunately the cliff hanger was much the same. There was no conclusion to the story. It did not leave feeling there was a new series to be watched. Rather that the series had finished an episode early. With no conclusion to the main or any of the sub plots.

    Would not recommend any new veiwers watch this series until if/when a second series is confirmed. The seires leaves the veiwer half way through a book.

    I seen a previous review speaking about a jigsaw puzzle broken by a cat. I would describe it more as a jigsaw puzzle with the final 2 pieces missing.
  • God help Britain if its security was in the hands of the inept clowns who make up the secret service in this show. The "tension" and storyline relies on the bad guys continually and unbelievably evading the Keystone Cop-esque security forces. Appalling stuff.
  • Don't believe the dismissive reviews already posted. Red Election is great fun - a Spooks-like spy drama based around European geopolitics, Russian expansionism, Scottish separatism and good old- fashioned Cold War espionage. The cast are great. It's tightly paced and completely binge-worthy! Bring on season 2!
  • Great writing completely spoiled by Lydia Leonard. All other characters are good. Certainly hope another season is proposed ad the ending was very inconclusive.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I wouldn't say it was terrible acting but the actors seemed to have far too much to try and portray and it became tiresome keeping up. All the lead actors have pedigree but the material was so wide reaching I didn't know what they were trying to convey and I suspect neither did they.

    This is a series trying to be all things to everyone, deep fake videos, illegitimate child who appears on the scene, gas lighting, old spy network, Russians, Chemical attack, Nuclear station melt down, Scottish independence, assassination attempts, bad cops, good cops, Danish spy, double agents, MI5, Political thriller and more. It just didn't work.

    As much as people praised the Stephen Dillane character, he was just cheesy and miscast as an old time spy chief. It didn't mix well with modern policing (well what there was) and having him be the father of the woman who should have got the top job but he manages to stymie. Now I'm getting confused, and so does this.

    The characters were badly written and the story too convoluted to hold my attention and I did watch all 10 episodes, the last two seemed to slow down a little to be more enjoyable the the first eight. Too little too late.

    A 4 for, hmmmm no idea, just like this series.
  • There is a lot in this series that goes unexplained especially the ending. Mostly because they hoped or planned for a second season. Bad call. On the one hand, good performances by the cast. On the other too many betrayals and plot twists that the story thread got lost. I slugged my way through all 10 episodes with anticipation, in fact many of the twists and turns were surprising. However as a viewer one is left still not knowing what or who (or why?) is Redback? Plus the whole role of the danish agent and her motives are completely ridiculous. Two key elements in the series left barely explored. As was the the double cross of the PM by his key advisor., and the nepotism angle by the lead character Beatrice. Each compelling plot fillers but never resolved. Such a waste of some good story ideas! On a positive note the series dealt with deep fakes and issues around what is truth in this age of social media. Something real as is the threat to democracy. The show simply muddled it by trying to take on too much. It's unfortunate since the geopolitics of a multipolar world are quite compelling. Certainly no TV series can accurately capture these complexities so I applaud the Red Election for trying. It just could of been told a bit more coherently.
  • viktoriavegh11 October 2021
    I feel like many of the negative reviews come from the fact that the two leads are women. I personally really enjoyed this show, great plot twists, well written character and great acting as well! I hope they make another season because that ending could not have been better. It will keep you on the edge of your seat for the whole time.
  • July 2023 -- two years after release and still waiting on a follow-up or concluding series .... I disagree with the negative reviews about bad acting, bad dialog, bad plot that wasn't credible, etc., but I won't bore a reader with further explanation after all that's been written by others . The ending was disappointing, but if the producers ever get around to Season 2, Red Election could still turn out to be a good espionage thriller. If they don't, as appears more likely with each passing month, then I cannot recommend Session 1; in spite of its promise, it cannot stand on its own. It was left dangling with so many loose ends that it's still not possible to be sure who the good guys and bad guys really are.
  • Here's a clue for all you wannabe spy writers: watching innocent people suffer horribly, because somebody on government payroll made yet another stupid mistake at trying to manipulate terrorism in the national interest, is not entertaining. It isn't even interesting, especially when the story is so stupid and the characters so utterly inept and dimensionless. Just the lead lady alone is excruciating both as an actress and a character, a daddy's girl who has been nepotized up the ranks until she gets to give the orders now and then, and just keeps that same idiotic smirking sneer of incongruent non-plused cynicism on her face each time her lame-brained plans lead straight to catastrophe.

    This is not about anything other than brainless violence, it has nothing to say of any value, it relies entirely on worn-out cliches and pop-culture bigotries in place of a story, and unless you just enjoy watching bureaucrats who think they are spies screw up everything they lay their hands to episode after grueling episode, don't even bother. Maybe you can spare yourself the severed limbs and gruesome child murders and a whole lot of horrified screaming; I can't even imagine what sort of person would even find this tolerable to watch, even less so the kind of people it must have required to produce this pointless assault on the viewership.
  • nnl-7323215 October 2021
    Really liked this show but wish the threads were tied up unless there's another season.

    Although I found the main character Beatrice a bit annoying at times.
  • wardogz-uk3 October 2021
    I was really looking forward to watching this when I read the plot, but OMG the acting is terrible, the situation and the way people react is totally unbelievable. I wanted the lead actress to be killed off after 10 mins. Don't waste your time on this rubbish...You have been warned.
  • Wicked good and suspenseful! Thoroughly enjoyed the acting, writing and loved the twists and turns. Don't listen to the naysayers, this is worth the watch

    Great series!
  • Wish I'd read these reviews before I watched this series. Was ok until the last episode, which was a mega disappointment. Life is too short to spend on something which has no conclusion!
  • I am appalled and saddened to see reviews that make me question if we were all watching the same show. Firstly, this is my first (and most likely only) review for any show or movie, and that's saying a lot because I never go out of my way for anything entertainment or media related ever, but seeing so many unjustified bad reviews for this show made me feel more strongly, I guess.

    To start, I actually watched the show for Lydia Leonard who I got obsessed with from another show, Gentleman Jack (definitely a must watch). However, after watching just the first episode, I couldn't stop myself. I became intrigued, addicted...compared to the many spy shows (mostly American) I've watched, this show topped them all. I don't want to bother listing the shows' names (that isn't the point), but my point is these other shows weren't even a quarter as good, but got several seasons so why shouldn't this excellent show get another?

    Despite what other reviews say, the acting from the cast was brilliant (except for the actor who plays Katrine who I was irritated by and who shouldn't have been picked to play lead alongside an exceptional actor like Lydia Leonard). The flawed nature of the characters made me stay because it was realistic. They never once portrayed Beatrice like some super smart know-it-all who magically has all the answers and is always a hundred steps ahead of everyone. No, she was smart, but she was human and trying to figure stuff out just like anyone in her position would. She took calculated risks just like anyone in her position may have to take, and yes, some of those risks didn't work out as planned (as you would expect in the real world) which ensured that I was continuously on the edge of my seat because unlike the many other spy shows, I knew our protagonist might get it wrong so I was far from relaxed and rather in there with her, waiting for the consequences to unfold and being shocked by the unexpected twists and turns along the way. Actually, the twists and turns should get their own applause because this is certainly a show that keeps you wondering just as the main characters are also wondering. Though do not fear; it's not a mind-boggling, cryptic kind of wondering that I know some don't like; things get revealed but the relevation is unexpected. Personally though, now that I have watched the full season (which I absolutely binged on and dreamt about since last night), I will likely rewatch the season just to appreciate this masterpiece now knowing who is on what side and so on, and appreciating how clever they were at hiding it, etc.

    And I know there are a few who wanted the main issue dumbed down to one definite chain of events, but I found that one of the highlights actually because it was a realistic kind of investigation with events that the characters weren't sure were related and thus, wondering, "is this it?" and pursuing that issue in the hope that it leads somewhere or addresses the main issue. I'm being vague to avoid spoilers, but the point is that it showed the uncertainty, messiness and unpleasantness of an investigation as it would be in the real world rather than the idealised popular (Hollywood) portrayal of someone looking at a bunch of pictures hung up on the wall and immediately predicting the whole play and connection and having it go their way every single time such that we're never afraid for their safety or that something might go wrong because they are always guaranteed to win every freaking time (sorry for the rant; I'm just tired of these other uninspiring shows that somehow got greater publicity and bigger platforms than this one).

    I loved the crazy passive-aggressive dynamic between the Olgivies. That was some twisted/complicated relationship I never knew I needed to make the plot even more compelling. I've already spoken highly of Lydia so I'll just add that the actor who plays William is formidable in that role and both him and Lydia play off very well against each other. I also appreciated the Levi character playing off them via some of his decisions and the writers allowing us to understand the reasons for his decisions which viewers not from the same demographic as Levi and not faced with the same issues and considerations might not have understood otherwise.

    And least I forget, I loved the Etta character who was one of the most, if not the most compelling wife of a man of power that I've ever seen portrayed on TV. It was always a pleasure to watch whenever she had some screen time, and I wish she had more.

    All in all, this show tops any and all spy shows (and most shows) that I would recommend to friends, family and anyone who cares to listen. I won't be forgetting it anytime soon. I do wish it had more publicity though because I couldn't even find episode reviews or recaps for it online, on YouTube, or anywhere and I so badly wanted a community or some blog to talk about it so I fear that the only thing that might stop the show from continuing is a lack of publicity (considering the largely unknown service it streamed on) which is such a terrible and devastating reason to not continue such an excellent show. It desperately needs a season 2 and that's why I have decided to come out of my comfort zone and support it publicly so that many more people hopefully stumble on this review, watch it and also support it. Give this show a season 2 already.
  • I waded through this up to the end of episode 4, then just had to give up. The lead is so INCREDIBLY incompetent it is simply unbelievable that she could ever be a real security services officer.

    A fairly slight woman who INSISTS on confronting a Russian assassin ALONE, only to then, when she catches up with him, find - whoops! - she doesn't have enough hands to take him into custody. Not that he is anything other that a bio-terrorist - so no great need for caution, then!

    Simply impossible to watch this childishly written, woodenly acted, cliché-ridden nonsense without experiencing such exasperation at the sheer, cretinous INCOMPETENCE of what is laughably portrayed as British security services (half a dozen people operating out of an HQ that looks like an abandoned secondary school!) that I had to stop watching for the sake of my mental wellbeing.

    Seldom has an interesting idea been so heroically badly written, acted and directed. What an astonishingly cack-handed show - a real missed opportunity.

  • danielowen1724 November 2022
    Loved it. Don't understand the negative reviews. Liked all the characters, especially Stephen dellane's.

    Plot was good and intriguing. Sure it's no le Carrie but it's definitely one of the better spy dramas for a long while.

    I think they could have done more with the head of section character though, and I wasn't convinced by the pm's character but overall my wife and I really enjoyed it

    A good bit of politics mixed with spying.

    In fact the only thing I don't like is not knowing if they'll go ahead with series 2. Be annoyed if they don't. Keen to see how the story plays out. Its got loads of legs.
  • jonaslundell25 October 2021
    No, this ain't good enough. What could have been a decent classic political thriller just felt like hasty "direct to TV" work with a story that gets worse and worse the longer into the series you get.

    Acting is questionnable. Lydia Leonard (and most of the ensemble actually) has the same facial expression throughout all 10 episodes and the amount of frustrated "fuuu*k" is impressive. Must be the most commonly used word in the whole series...

    Nothing to waste time on unfortunately.
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