User Reviews (2)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was a nice series. It started off with the main character trying to get a baby with any legal and illegal means, and sometimes the situations she got herself in were embarrassing. However, as the series went on, it changed from her personal ego tripping to more ethical considerations. Also great acting.
  • ... was a long way to come to be sooo left up in the air at the ending after eight episodes... there's a lot packed into this very good series, with little any-of-it done-poorly... all the cast is exceptional, a well matched perfect ensemble working best way possible together... script & production values all matching the best Scandinavian TV produces-offers

    ... IMDb shows it as being cancelled/ended... could it have gone on for a second series is an interesting question... maybe it should have been just another episode or two longer, but most all watching & liking this series wanted a bit more closure than what they've been left with.