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  • It is refreshing to see an indie movie coming out of Singapore, a country that has produced some gems like Shirkers and Wanton Mee, which unfortunately have not received the attention they deserve. Before life, After death is a movie that deserves recognition and care. It encapsulates the duality of Singapore and its people, and addresses social issues that affect different segments of society in a delicate yet beautiful manner.

    The team clearly put a lot of thought into covering sensitive issues that are not new to our society. In fact, such issues are part of our communal fabric and should remind us to look beyond our little bubble and gain perspective on how difficult life can be. The movie brings this thought to life by telling two stories of social issues that occur at opposite ends of the social classes and cross paths in a meaningful way.

    Before diving into the ultimate plot, the movie takes the time to establish the characters, and this is where the movie shines. Although some may call it a slow burn or linear screenplay, it pays off because the viewer becomes connected to the characters by the end. For instance, Radhika, a doctor played by Lamita Lal, is haunted by the memories of her daughter committing suicide, but shows compassion towards a woman struggling with an unplanned pregnancy and family problems arising from poverty. The shots of Radhika entering Rumi's room and going through her daughter's belongings are heart-wrenching, especially when she stands at the same spot where her daughter jumped from. The colorist did a wonderful job in bringing out the deep blues in these shots, which set the scene perfectly.

    Every character in the movie is created with a purpose, to bring forward the diversity that is innate to Singapore and only we Singaporeans can understand. Although someone who has not visited this country may get lost trying to understand the different accents, as a Singaporean, I find this element beautiful. It captures the essence of where I am from.

    For me, Before life, After death ticks all the boxes of what makes an indie film great, and the biggest one is purpose.
  • I lost someone in my life early and i still remember how badly i miss him.

    I was crying to see the dr ambika feeling because in real life we not get these chance to express your emotions.

    Male always have a moral responsibility to takecare of these type of situations.

    I was in shock that i can't able to cry for loss which happens in my family.

    The worst birth Vs most tragic death.

    Hand off both writer and director.

    Thank for creating these meaningful movies which show real human emotions.

    This story make me cry to remembering my personal experience and give me strength also to handle it emotionally and mentally.
  • The acting was not giving what it was suppose to give. The mother looked sleepy for all her lines. The Father was speaking hindi to a tamil boy, the writer could have zoomed in to why he did that. The girls character seemed too fake, her emotions were not in the right places.

    And the storyline is basically fiction, how can a foreign child stay in a Singapore home without the police getting involved? Especially with the pregnancy. The writer could have gone into a different angle like how she is struggling in a foreign country escaping from immigrant parents.

    OR the writer should have looked into the actual facts before creating this film.

    I am not judging how and why this was filmed however i do feel like it paints the minorities in Singapore in a very bad light.