User Reviews (5)

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  • If you have ever worked in the restaurant industry and tried to create a movement. This is a must watch for you.

    Best of luck my friend! You'll be back on top soon.
  • This was a really well done documentary that captures part of a culturally and historically significant period in American history on film. During the pandemic, we all heard stories about how hard the shutdowns impacted small businesses, particularly restaurants. This doc follows one such restaurant, Belle Vie, throughout the pandemic and offers a real look at the type of struggles faced by so many small businesses.

    I think what really elevated this film though was the approach taken towards the subject matter. It would have been incredibly easy to fill hours of screentime about how terrible the pandemic was for so many people on so many fronts. But rather than focusing solely on the crushing negative aspects of pandemic life or getting unwittingly dragged into politics, the filmmakers ultimately used Belle Vie to tell a story about perseverance and all the things that can make life so beautiful.

    Def worth a watch!
  • radioactf31 August 2022
    This was a great documentary!

    It was an eye opener to be sure. Highly recommended to anyone who has ever wondered what it's like to keep a restaurant afloat, which is a difficult enough task even when there isn't a global pandemic. And to try to pay the bills in a city that is forcing its restaurants to stay closed? Wow, I can't even imagine.

    I feel like I really got to know owner Vincent, and his wife and staff. They seem like a cool bunch of people.

    Director Marcus Mizzelle did a great job on this documentary. And even though it was filmed during a very serious time, he still managed to capture a few nice comedic and lighthearted moments.

    Belle Vie looks like it was a great place, and I wish Vincent the best in the future.

    Bottom line: thumbs up! Highly recommended!
  • April 10th, 2022

    I recently had an opportunity to watch a newly released documentary called "Belle Vie."

    This film was delightful, humorous, thought provoking and surreal. It truly encapsulates the trauma of how the Pandemic had an impact on so many businesses. "Belle Vie" was a successful Parisian style restaurant in downtown Los Angeles. It was owned by the exuberant and optimistic Vincent Samarco. Director/Producer Marcus Mizelle takes us on a journey of "Belle Vie" at the height of its success to its heartbreaking closing. We are on a roller coaster of emotions from excitement to worry to despair. What I loved about Mr. Mizelle's vision for this story was how he left the audience with a sense of hope and joy. He ends the film as we watch Mr. Samarco gathering with family and friends...sitting in a beautiful outdoor setting...eating a Parisian feast!

    I highly recommend this film with 10 stars.

    Cathy Meriam, Producer Pazcat Promotions.
  • Pretty good doc. The owner seems like a really good dude and it sucks that him and other small businesses went under due to Gavin newsom and other politicians alike. This business would still be alive if it wasn't for the ridiculous rules set in LA that only hurt small business.