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  • laduqesa16 April 2023
    I'm not generally into two handers. I normally find the dialogue doesn't ring true or that it's boring. This short bucked the trend.

    Maksus and Tadas hook up for a date, presumably through Grindr. There's a tension right from the beginning that isn't entirely sexual. Maksus seems evasive and non-communicative in the face of Tadas's "getting to know you" questions. The guys drive out to a lonely spot in the countryside and drink.

    After what proves to be a sterile encounter, Tadas drives Maksus home. Does he recognise him from somewhere apart from this evening? What he says causes Max to open up and give his real name and a confession.

    This was well acted and scripted. It's hard to act from the front seat of a car in a static position. Both guys did it well. Both of them were hunks too which added a frisson to the proceedings. All in all a good short.