User Reviews (15)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    My quick rating - 3,1/10. OK, time for someone to bring IMDB back to reality. I do find it commendable that this film found this many characters I would hope would NOT share the app so they would die a horrible death. Oh, that just summed up this flick, share the app, or die. Aptly named movie. Well, since this movie has no idea how to explain this particular app to death scenario, it doesn't bother trying. So maybe someone doesn't share it and has an urge to kill themselves. Bingo, problem solved. Maybe someone doesn't share it, so a completely unrelated person decides to kill them. Sure, why not. No one involved in this movie has a brain anyway. So writers, think of an actual plot and stick with it. Maybe supernatural, maybe tech related (you did decide to stream bits of what looks like a linux build, and then a windows command prompt, for no apparent reason btw) so you wanted there to be a reason. Ya just couldn't decide. So the writing is horrendous, the acting isn't acting. The gore, I will give it some props for campy decency here. Too bad it was so infrequent. Btw, the movie could've ended nearly the moment it started. The post didn't get shared so how does it keep going? Naw, don't use your brains. Just watch people try to reason out what to do, and sometimes make you laugh at how they will or won't do it. Or better yet, don't waste your time on this at all.
  • There are large parts of the film dependant on reading text messages on screen. That can work if done for a small amount, or with a shorter story, but for this it just slowed things down. There were plenty of shots which didn't seem to add to the story, or could have been made shorter to keep things moving. That wouldn't have transformed the film, but it would have improved it. The characters react weirdly and make some odd decisions.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The writers of Unfriended (Godfather of this genre) & Truth & Dare rang and they want their movie back or at least the royalties for its uncanny resemblance?!

    However, this is so bland they would struggle to break even let alone earn them a profit!

    The characters therein are so clichéd & boring that you cannot care about how they all die. The concept is so basic and genetic that watching paint dry may be preferable choice/option. The death scenes save it from being a 1 star film as it is quite decent & some of the practical effects are not too bad. Take note of the film Host that achieved the improbable and took this genre and made a decent horror film out of it!
  • I don't remember the last time I saw such bad acting in a movie (in a movie that wasn't a Polish production)... Maybe the story could have been "interesting" but those so-called "actors" killed the mood. I wasn't able to finish it :(
  • Watch it only if you wanna waste your time, it's horrible movie!
  • habob0013 June 2021
    Sorry , what such movies are made? , total waste of time and resources.
  • mrabdoko9 July 2021
    I was excited about the idea, all i got was the worst acting, story, plot, ending, i've ever-seen.
  • dodo-9726827 October 2021
    Euh...i thought ive seen bad movies but this ?? Waste of money and time!

    Worst actors deaf dog would act better and probably make a much better movie...just awful!
  • I have 3 cousins 10 years old. They were made a short movie before a few years ago with iphone 4. And it was more exciting than this movie. How can i describe this movies trash level idk but its worse than my english. In first scene i just wanna cry for the blonde woman's acting. I'm always watching this kinda films but first time i wanna write something in here. Believe me i watched every sharknado movie. Or a few heads shark movies. But this is really another level in trash movies. But this movie gave me hope. One day my hamster can be movie actor. Or director. Or writer... Anyways, if you watched this movie im sorry for yours braincell loses. And i cant believe that there is 90 people can gave this movie 10. It's impossible. Stay safe kidos.
  • It's not at all scary. You just watch a bunch of very boring people doing random daily events then they don't share it and die. If they know it's killing people, why has no one bothered to try the first option? This has to be the worst movie I have watched in a long time. I actually had to slap myself to keep watching, just in case they explained it at the end or something interesting happened... it didn't... just made me really regret the time wasted and I really want to warn people, so they don't have the same experience. It is bad, awful, terrible, idiotic and a showing that some movie ideas should never attempt to be made... ever!
  • I picked up quite early that the movie doesn't take itself too seriously, and that they just having fun. Some ball-aching death scenes, with great practical effects.
  • I have literally submitted this review while watching this...project. First things first, this film is super low budget, the cinematography is very "home video" like, which is bad in terms of quality. I think the only redeeming "quality" about this film is that it has some potential, just enough to be somewhat watchable, assuming the faux-actors and poor dialogue doesn't kill any of your brain cells.

    Honestly, this film feels more like a college film project that isn't executed thoroughly, and what worse is the rap music playing in cheesy ridiculous scenes throughout the film-why?

    It's definitely a 4/10 rating.
  • amymay-6991631 October 2023
    Becca was the worst character. Sarah's boyfriend had the right idea, but the wrong execution. He could have literally just taken her phone and hidden it,turned it on silent, anything. And her parents seemed like an abusive relationship. I didn't connect with any of the characters and wanted them all to get the link and die. And the link breaking was ridiculous. Becca's "big reveal" is actually a "no damn duh". The majority of social media is a lie,so she wasn't breaking out the deep secrets with that one. And the camping couple was so random. Why was that storyline even included in the movie? It didn't add or connect to anything in the movie,other than the app. If all that footage disappeared we'd still be left with the same movie. It's too late for me,i can't unsee this. But you've been warned. Save yourself!
  • The film had a great idea that I think could have benefitted from being longer with more detail of what's going on in this little community. The lead guy is super hot. Needs practice though.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have a hobby of seeking out low budget indy films in search of potential and I have to say that in between all the amaturish waste - there is hope here. For the director and for a few of the actors.

    The pacing is slow which seems to be a common theme among MAzzaferro films. (darn those looming wideshots and awkward cuts!)

    And the dialogue seems chopped up in some places. The characters could use more backstory. I didn't feel connected to any of the characters but that's not because of the performances per se, but because of how little information we are given on WHO the characters actually are. We are just tossed into a friendship circle and are left spinning our heads just to try to pay attention to who's talking next. We could have used another 45 minutes of backstory showing us why these characters care about each other and make us care about them too. The hot girls on the beach is rather cliche and I was surprised there wasn't a sex scene in this film after seeing that. There were definitely a couple actors that could have pulled it off. Maybe that could have added a few stars??

    Thankfully the leads (albeit obviously inexperienced) managed to carry the movie decently. Logan VanDyke can go far as an actor if he works at it. It felt like he struggled to find Tyler's personality in some scenes but nailed it in others. And I'm not sure I understood all of his lines and why they were there. Lauren Crandall shows promise too. She is a vibrant and animated actress and I noticed her performance elevated when playing off of Logan versus the other actors.

    Austin Janowsky seemed like he was uncomfortable portraying the misogynistic bad boy. He also just doesn't look like he would be that type of character. (He's a cute lovey dad type!!) His arc was rather empty as well as we don't see any growth. He's just evil one minute and bam, superhero the next. Okay, cool.

    We didn't see too much of Noah Diggs are kind of left wondering why he would even be friends with Tyler in the first place? I wish we saw them coming up with a kidnapping plan or more of a backstory on their friendship?? So much empty space throughout the film.

    The camping scenes could have been so much more if the two men didn't seem so robotic. I love the inclusion and I just wish they were better about it.

    The scene behind the house was awfully lit but that comes with the territory of low budget indies. The ending was predictable and the way it was shot made it less suspenseful if thats even possible?

    Like I said through the amaturish waste, there is hope here.