User Reviews (9)

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  • So glad to see Outlander back on our screens and continuing exactly where it left off.

    I'm not sure what the negative reviews are expecting from this show. It is exactly what it says on the box. If you want to know what's going to happen in it you can read the books or go to the book wiki and read the bullet points. This series is going to follow the books, it won't ship the whole crew back to Scotland unless the books do it.

    It's a solid story told at its own pace and with depth and colour. They're doing the US Civil war arc at the moment, cos that's what happens in the book.

    We did not find out who "killed the lass and baby", her dad takes the hit for it to save Clair, pay attention, or read the book wiki bullet points.

    I'm enjoying it because I've watched 6 series already and apart from the second part of series one where they got a little bit carried away of the unnecessary gore, this is exactly what I'm expecting and wanting.

    Of particular note were some of the indoor sets particularly the jail, a wide and open setting beautifully constructed as were many of the town shots. Maybe I'm imagining it but the sets and costumes seemed to take a step up even though they were very high before. Everything seemed impeccably solid.

    Good to see Wendigo Donner's story pop back if only for a glancing blow. I'm keen to see more from him and his angle.

    As always Jamie Fraser delivers the best parts of the story and insight into his character. The final scene was a slightly darker look at him, showing he's not to be messed with.

    I'll be looking forward to this every week.
  • Like every premiere of the previous season. It's no surprise that this episode ticks off a 8.9 on IMDb, because it's well deserved. The pace is so packed and dense. It's a direct sequel to the last installment in 608, which is really satisfying. I'm glad they didn't skip a lot of the plot just because they're switching to season 7. This is a well-written episode with great dialogue AND monologues! Knowing this story by heart, I read all the books and watched the series three times. That said, whether you love 701 "A Life Well Lost" or hate it, I can assure everyone that people will be screaming for what's next! What people say is missing at this point in the series is exactly what will happen in later episodes. People miss what was Outlander in the early seasons. But I can assure you once again that everything we loved at the beginning will be back in this season and more and lots of new adorable characters! It's like a dream come true that the crew and cast are so far into this epic story and there's still so much to tell, I can't wait.

    Also, I feel like the cinematography jumped three steps higher, it's so beautiful and colorful. The costumes, the music, the sets (it's so big!) the universe, that's it! They still have everything, but bigger than ever.

    On the other hand, I know, and I think we all know that Outlander isn't the best TV ever. It's not the kind of show like Succession, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad. I understand. But it's still an accomplishment for a TV show to still be great until season 7. I get that Outlander is a "good" TV show. But the story itself (whether it's the book or the screenplay), is EXTRAORDINARILY well developed, dense, historically rich, with amazing characters and complex relationships.

    And also, that's the story Diana Gabaldon told in her books and I couldn't be happier than I am right now for how the cast, the crew, and the showrunners have adapted these bricks of pages (we're talking about a 700-1000 pages every book, and there's 9 of 'em). I've read the books and I know what was going to happen in previous seasons and I know what's going to happen this season and I'm deeply grateful that the showrunner didn't just give what the fans were asking for, like putting time travel everywhere, or magically teleport the characters to Scotland, or canceling any character because they didn't like the acting or whatever they said. It's fine, I get it and I took the time to read opposite review before saying what I had to say. But still, it's a fact, if you're not enjoying the plot right now or since season six, or five, or four like the majority of critics have been saying since Claire and Jamie arrived in America, you just don't like what Gabaldon wrote in her books, which is fine, but no one can blame the showrunner because that's what it is and that's what she wrote. Personally I liked it a lot, since I read everything. So I think we should all shout very loudly to the showrunners, because they followed theses complete and complexe books and stuck to the original storyline, plot twists, and character development (which is amazing by the way).

    These six seasons and one episode are a beautiful and captivating adaptation of Diana life's work. Thanks to the cast and crew, and thanks to Diana for allowing us to have another epic and amazing season of our favorite love story.

    It marks a great start to what is sure to be Outlander's biggest and greatest season.
  • Caitríona Balfe has been carrying this show since forever and she's the only one worth watching this show for. Her scene with Mark Lewis Jones was a masterclass in acting by both of them. Anything else - same old, same old. The main problem is with the source material , the books started repeating themselves with book 4. Maybe the production could take some license and insist more on the time travelling aspect that was the reason this books and series was successful in the first place? Or explore Claire's family and how they came to time travel? Otherwise we're stuck in a circle of same things happening over and over again.
  • Season 7 Watched loved every episode. This Season went by so fast .Will be rewatched as sure we missed some amazing scenes ended so quickly I an 8 last will be tears from me Outlander been part of my life for many years Loved every season next year will feel lost Was a great season I cannot fault any of the acting cast are amazing when look back to first season right through to we shall rewatch from beginning Season 1 Excluding Ransom for a mans soul .Cannot put myself to go through these episodes .Poor Jamie brings back great sadness and hate of BJR. Acting has matured with seasons. Next year.
  • So the episode ties up everything that happened last season. We found out who killed the lass and her baby.

    Not much else happened to be honest. Have no idea what is going to happen in this season but I assume more American history.

    I am only watching in the hopes they go back to Scotland. I was so happy to have a wonderful tv show about Scottish culture and time travel, it's not the show it once was and I am not a fan of it anymore.

    The costumes are meh, time travel isn't happening anymore, it's hardly even mentioned. Please go back to Scotland. I know they following the books but do a spin off or something. Lots of people say "nothing was happening in Scotland then", which is just daft. How disrespectful to anyone living during that time in Scotland to say their lives were of no significance. I am sure there were robberies, murders, flu outbreaks, innovations or even more magic, maybe even a back story of the stones and their origins, which would make the show interesting but it's just easier to write about American history during that period, like it was the only thing happening in the world.

    Some of us loved the show for the love story, the culture and a little mystery, with the promise of a little magic. The battles and wars were background stories. Little tidbits of history to make the story seem like it could really be happening. Let poor Jamie and Claire have a break from all this conflict and misery. The show needs more happiness and humour.
  • kuzco-4576317 June 2023
    After the huge buildup before the premiere we were expecting something amazing, action packed & heartfelt. This was anything but those. We start we Claire in a noose & you instantly know this isn't going to happen. Even when Jamie wakes up it's more of the same ole "I must save Claire" melodrama that this poor man has endured enough of. Claire acts indignant in jail as she always does & I think Caitríona Balfe has no range so that's why she is either upset at Jamie, horny or entitled. Ian wasn't needed & added nothing to the story. We strayed from the books yet again. The actress that plays Bree. Sophie Skelton Also had the range of a rock & all she can do is brood. She is the poor man's Kristen Stewart. This show should have ended a few seasons back, how many times can the same things happen to Claire & Jamie? I swear they are caught in Greys Anatomy syndrome.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The last three seasons I kept saying I wasn't going to pay for Starz to watch this show because it has become painful to watch. Of course I just paid for the six month subscription thinking maybe it'll be better this season. Nope. I finding myself zoning out during almost every scene. I'm only here for Jamie! Sam Heughhan is still wonderful as always. Caitriona Balfe is also a stellar actor but Claire has become barely tolerable as a character, just like in the books. I can't even express how much I hate the actress who plays Brianna. She is such a terrible actor that I have to fast forward all her scenes. And why are her eyebrows black!?! It's so distracting. Anyway, I'll keep watching for Jamie. The last scene of the episode was good, because...Jamie!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Outlander has been on the air for a long time and is one of the longest-tenured shows on a premium TV station right now, and yet it still feels fresh. The show has a good pace right now and the move to America continues to pay off well for them.

    They also wisely moved on quickly from the drama of last season and the murder investigation, although I would have preferred to have a little bit more from Claire's cellmate as she seemed like a good character.

    Excited for where this new season goes, despite some seemingly negative reviews about these events from my fellow IMDB users. What can you do?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was a dull episode and a let down after waiting for Outlander to return. I took several breaks putting the show on pause, which is not a good sign. I feel like the show gave me whiplash about Tom Christie. Didn't he used to loathe Claire? This episode just doesn't fit well in the series overall.

    The scenery and atmosphere were attractive in terms of the positives. The vocals during the opening score were lovely. Can't get into Roger as a minister and his time travel quote in this episode seemed far fetched. Overall there was not much that occurred of interest. This episode seemed mainly filler until finding a new manner for Claire to get rescued.