User Reviews (7)

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  • rana-ergun24 February 2022
    Just one word to summerize this thing, and its CRINGE. As a turk I feelt so emberrased for my fellow country men and women. On one hand they are able to produce interesting series like Fatma. On other hand, this type of weird cringy movies. Everything from the way the girs and the boys talked to the cheezy scenarious and uncool motorbike scenes.
  • devilcutter1 March 2022
    It gives an incredible feeling of vomiting while watching it. It can be watched in 20 minutes by fast forwarding. There is nothing in the movie. Disgusting. One word: disgusting. Do not waste your time.
  • After you watch 20 min of the film, you are able to understand what will be happen...I am not able to understand why Netflix spending money on this type of movies... One more things, I watched main character interviews and looked like they are not happy about the film as well. I think they agreed because of money)
  • shehuana7 March 2022
    Is this a bad remake of "Trei metri sopra il cielo" or what? That's not an original idea in the first place. In general, I enjoy watching turkish movies, but this one looks like it's taken from the italian movie, in every detail.
  • Well firstly I don't think this film is as bad as other reviewers are making out. The storyline is cliched yes, but I knew that going in. If you're familiar at all on how some Turkish films can end, brace yourself for that. Ultimately I didn't find the main relationship between the leads to be that captivating to sustain my interest. The motorbike racing aspect of this story was just something that was "there" for me, not an feature I really cared about. There is some 2nd hand embarrassement with the bike racing (does anyone actually ride like this?) There's just no momentum with this film, it drags.

    If you're a fan of either of the leads then its worth a watch to see them in different roles. Failing that, the film is rather forgettable.
  • nejatto26 August 2023
    Its a surprisingly natural movie. I saw it accidentally and wanted to give it a shot but it grab me and didnt let go till the end. Very natural and realistic acting. A story of Adana City which can found by others awkward if you have no idea about Adana. Side characters are detailed and as good as main characters. Most probably some parts are cut during editing so screenplay had some flaws especially about the final. This is a new Adana style of Saturday Night Fever. And we have local John Travolta and Olivia Newton John in town. This movie made my day. Its not a fantastic movie but too real to be a fantastic movie. I love it.
  • 18Buddha11 July 2022
    Why is this Called UFO if theirs no UFO or aliens!? Smh.

    I watched like 30 mins of this and decided i had seen enough, weak acting, terrible story and overall just a bad production job.